Job 26:5, "Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof." Sacrifice carried to the river either by you or on your behalf. If it werent for the women in the Bible Moses would not have lived. From lakes, rivers, wells, springs, dams and oceans, the Marine Kingdom has and is still effective in its functions. This goes on indefinitely until you renounce it and separate yourself from the evil umbrella that is covering your whole family line. Prayer: I reject every evil transfer of..(Fill in the following: untimely death, sickness, insanity, poverty, etc.) 6 I planted the seed and Apollos watered it. I need some deliverance, click on the WhatsAppicon and you can contact us that way. Look at the book of Proverbs 6:25, Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.. Some of these drugs cause hallucinations. The Zidonians as I have pointed out were connected to marine Spirits by their goddess worship of Ashtoreth. Matthew 10:16. This marine spirit pushes single ladies to date married men without any remorse. Even If this was done generations back you have to renounce and break the dedication in order to be set back. Marine Spirits or Water Spirits are also called Dagon principalities, Mami Wata in West Africa and Ma-Jinn (Mahaba) kike au la kiume in Swahili. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link:, or through this Email:, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. A Simple Spring in a City costed the entire City loss of men, Life, continuity and even caused Barren to itself land. Dear Ashley, could be fear or pride. MAN OR WOMAN!! Read the book of Ecclesiastes. They can also transfer sickness, untimely death, bad luck and other things from their own lives to the lives of others. They are very powerful over their evil abilities and can greatly influence your dreams. We should exercise dominion in all three realms because God has given us dominion over the works of His hands. Of course, the one that most people think of is Leviathan. The human soul was not made to live in darkness and will wither in its continued presence. IN SHORT, Pornography is the biggest altar of Marine initiation theres because by simply lusting, one is engaged in spirit to the act of sex. The Atlantic ocean is governed by the Queen of the Sea, while the Indian ocean is governed by the queen of the Coast. 4. Id like more clarity on your above statement, Joyce, Meyer, Benny Hinn, Todd Bentley, Ken Copeland, Creflo/ teachers who glorify the Holy Spirit causes jerky body movements, excessive constant burping, uncontrollable laughter aka holy laughter aka drunk in the spirit, yelling Hallelujah or Jesus Christ suddenly and repeatedly, barking and feeling spirit move in the spine, and people being slain in the spirit. 4. 18. YES SOME FALSE ONES OUT THERE,BUT PROPHECY IS REAL,And where did GOD FORBID US TO NOT RESPECT THE SABBATH OR JESUS? Suicide is actually a spirit. 2. All gifts (physical gifts given by other people who have spirits active in their life and the Holy Spirit has warned you about the gift(s)/person), supernatural gifts (such as psychokinesis (moving things with your mind), telepathy, speaking to the dead etc., money, jobs etc. Evil association through contact with marine agents that initiate people through eating their food, having sex with them, sharing clothes and personal property with them. . Age group local festival at river banks. 2. The marine biome is home to an amazing array of living organisms, from the enormous blue whale to microscopic cyanobacteria. Please look up Daniel Adams ministry called The Supernatural Life on YouTube. Marine agents are adept at carrying out evil transfers. Obtaining oxygen. Sudden and Mysterious missing of personal effects like Undergarments., Tags : deliverance from marine spirit husband, how to recognize marine spirit symptoms, marine kingdom spirits, prayers against marine spirits, Category : Deliverance, Marine Spirit Demons, 2021 Copyright, Touch of God International Ministries, And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), About Traci Morin Healing through Deliverance Testimony, Overcome Adversities Christian Speaker Texas, Statement of Faith Deliverance Ministry DFW, Christian Miracle Healing Prayer for the Sick. They perpetrate the highest level of wickedness against mankind in the form of filth, defilements, sexual bondages, depravity, marital breakups and disillusionments. Good Day Lloyd, I just listened to your one prayer break all just now. The poem is largely the story of how, while sailing in Antarctic waters, the Mariner killed the albatross, and then how both nature and the supernatural rose up against him and his shipmates, until the Mariner comes to recognize that all of God's creatures are beautiful and must be treated with reverence. When you read Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 there seems to be a gap. They are full of pretense and deceit. And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many? 23. 8 TheRead more . Im sorry you missed it. I am writing from outside USA, is it possible for me to access your deliverance service. This is why its best to deal and destroy these marine spirits without compromise. 3. What are the consequences of copyright infringement. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. 5. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Constant crossing of rivers with boat in the dream. 23. Learn how to be armed and . Fear of Water, i.e. Excessive Stubbornness. You have an addiction to masturbate, or even at times you feel thrust into it without will power to suppress it. Water spirits are referred to as Rahab (not Rahab in the book of Joshua) in Psalm 89 vs 9-10. . Ruth, Rachel,Read more . Leviathan is described as a dragon that provokes fear and intimidation in the . (Job 26:5) Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof. They show up in the dream to deal mercilessly with victims. But is it okay for a woman to be a leader or elder in the church but not to preach? These spirits seduce men and women and steal their power and blessings. The ladies were very disturbing and disruptive. Video: We were made by God for God, effectively, we are his play dough, Video: How Peter Johnsons deliverance ministry started, Video: Healing of guilt, shame and rejection by Derek Prince. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. The Spiritual child of God should always demolish and destroy these satanic forces constantly in order to exercise complete liberty, success and progress in that region. I knew it wasnt good though because of its evil expression. 9. There are marine priests, marine snakes and other marine animals such as crocodile (also known as the leviathan) that operate from marine altars to manipulate, bewitch, and afflict. 6. I wondered where I picked up these Demons, one talked to me while I was half asleep and tried to show me things. I break the backbone of marine witchcraft militating against my life. When Satan controls individuals with unclean spirits, he can also operate in all spheres where those individuals are active. Prayer: Every marine agent on assignment to pull me down, sword of the Lord, locate them and destroy them now, in the name of Jesus. This is referring to the particular church. They also have prisons and courts under the water where they imprison their victims and issue judgment on them. He will reveal His truth. Please use this prayer to forgive others. Every marine witchcraft burial of my life, be reversed by the blood of Jesus. A Youthful Man or Woman, unmarried and yet Desires Married Men or Women. 9. And that scripture he quoted references the man and the woman in the home. There may have been other ancient civilizations. Every marine item in my possession, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Every marine priest ministering at any evil altar against my life, fall down and die now. Prayer: Every image and effigy representing me in the marine kingdom, I separate myself from you, catch fire and die. But i will remain humble and positive because I put my trust in Jesus and I know he will work out everything and everything will be ok. Jeremiah 7:23 But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. For God says in Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. It is the spirit of mankind that Jesus concerns, not the flesh. Use marine animals including crocodiles and serpents to harass people. Encounters with spirit spouse and spirit children. Psalm 8 . Excessive fear of physical rivers. 250 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST INHERITED FAMILY BATTLES. Obviously, an entire book could be written about the role of water in Southeast Asia's ritual life, and in her comparative study of nature myths Tamra Andrews notes that in numerous cosmologies this very variety encouraged conceptualizations of a range of water spirits. They are extremely fashion-crazy, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose. Bombarding prayers is required here. 6. This a very bad and open addiction that leads to full demonic possession of Marine spirits to a persons life. 9 He will prove that they are guilty of sin, because they dont believe in me. It stops the anointing from flowing and therefore blocks the Spirit of God from moving. Read Acts 2:17. So empowering! Help. Displaying their own characteristics, depending on the context in which . What do u mean every women preacher is going to hell.dont u think there might be a woman who is actually sent by God to minister..the scripture quote u have given is instruction given by jesus disciple and not jesus himself. 7. 21. He is regarded among the. Now my bi weekly paychecks are being garnished and they are taking over half of my paychecks. Prayer: Any gift that will make marine agents and powers to dominate me, I reject you, catch fire. I attended seminary because I had a great desire to share the gospel I also have a MDiv in Pastoral Counseling and practice as a Christian counselor. 3. It introduced curses where God had originally planned only blessing. They are persistent, always working, so they don't offend Satan. From Food, Communication, Life, Clothing, Industries, Power Centres, Building and others. I break all marine witchcraft mirrors being used to monitor my life to pieces. 7. Sex in the dream Please find below the characteristics of Marine Spirits Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits Marine spirits can wait for years to destroy their victims . If by demonic spirits of the Marine Kingdom they can enchant these foundations, the effects can be felt globally. Im need deliverance badly within the past year Ive been seeing hearing and feeling a lot of different types of things Ive been seeing a lot of weird stuff ever since I lived in Seattle in 2007 but its only gotten a lot worse since then Ive been through a lot and need someone very strong and knows what their doing to help me get through this I trust that Yahweh and Jesus Christ along with the holy spirit are keeping me safe up to this point but Ive had a lot happen to me in my life I amRead more . Leads people into spiritual marriage which have terrible repercussions. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. These marine spirits role is sex - spirit of lust and perversion and possibly polygamy. Octopus- Greek word meaning "eight feet". The Bible forbid this. Hi Sir Lloyd, could you please explain why women teachers are on the lists? Though they openly can be seen from either Art, Imagery, Idols and even products associated either with Water, Heavenlies or Oceans. Any serpent dispatched against me from the waters, bite your-self to death. 15. ; A jengu (plural miengu) is a water spirit in the . Evil initiation into marine societies. She says the lightning man is not able to protect her from the monster it is to strong so we must buy her a tiger. Firstly, as Jesus says,deny our fleshthenread scripture diligently. I have recently heard about the Marine Kingdom from Amanda Grace (a prophet of God) which got me again thinking about that vision. v Several so called churches and ministers derive their power from the marine world. There are those that have had experiences with them physically appearing if only for brief periods. Declare: I cancel every evil appointment with marine agents in the mighty name of Jesus. 9. Prayer: Every man or woman, boy or girl, that want to use my life to elongate their live, your time is up, die after the order of Haman. Playing with snakes in the dream. Galatians 2:20 KJV I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith ofRead more , I am a woman. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 17. Excessive Pride Uncontrollable Anger And Outbursts. All monitoring and surveillance satellites anywhere being used against me catch fire. Agents from the water monitoring me in my dream die by fire, in Jesus name. The marine biome is an environment characterized by the presence of salt water. Using such means as giving you strange dreams of being in unknown places, partaking in seemingly innocent practices. You dont have to be on a street corner; you can be someone that appears respectable, normal, everyday person however, you will do anything for material gain as well as career and/or social advancement). hello sir..i am sujay and one girl came to me and she told me brother i dont know what hppen to me..i fill like some body told me come out from your homeand i want to ran from my houseand some time i cry i dont knowwhy this happen to me she ask this eveningwhat tipe of spirit attack her ..? False teacher. WOW!!!! Marine spirits are dangerous, though some may appear harmless but a Demon will always be a demon, evil and wicked. I have been studying under a deliverance minister. Their parents got them from the waters and though they live among us they are not human. Marine spirits operates when people consciously and unconsciously commit sexual sin. This marine Kingdom has recently grown strong and is recruiting a lot of innocent folks without their notice. You stubborn marine spirit spouse, be separated from me by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. This group includes adopted parents as well as biological parents. God bless: PayPal. you are purging when you are doing a lot of spittingthose sensation are a demonic presence attach to that personthey need deliverance. They are the enemy with killer motives; they kill your joy, peace, health, calling in life, virtue, marriages, etc. Spitting is normally related to the Jezebel spirit. The Lord told Adam and Eve to replenish the earth. 15. Imagining the presence of a snake when alone. Another scripture that confirms this is hidden in the wisdom of Solomon. Liberating. 28. Marine spirits are responsible for many things such as violence, madness, anger, cultism, lust, and sexual perversion, for being single and unable to get a partner [chronic spinster/bachelorhood], divorce, bankruptcy, sex dreams/or having sex in your dreams, by becoming a spirit husband or wife. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Should I believe it?Read more , What can be a spirit or just our fallen flesh or sin? These spirits are both Male and Female, in the Spiritual realm they are called Marine because they dwell in waters, from Rivers, Waterfalls, Seas, Lakes, Streams, Drainages, Wells, Dams and anything else as a water body. HOW TO BUILD A PERSONAL ALTAR UNTO THE LORD! When you wake up, you are tired because spiritually they were using you. Hello! Offer sacrifices to and supervise the worship of marine spirits My soul, praise the Lord! FACTS ABOUT WATER & MARINE SPIRITS 1. The city was pleasing to the eye but its dwellers were stricken by Marine Power that made them uncomfortable and distressed. 14. Marine spirits are one of the most destructive evil powers than you can ever come across. These demonic spirits affect people and keep men and women from marrying. You have to break all evil dedication The weakening of pastors power to perform a miracle or cast out demons 3. 23. Very concerning situation has arisen. You have a stubborn and vicious spirit husband or wife. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! But I disagree. Bathed with polluted waters at birth or with concoctions from the waters Bible Verses about the Spirit - Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but The spirit of suicide. 15. 2. The fall of Lucifer and his been thrown out of heaven with his fallen angels, further compounded the problems. Playfulness. And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. Amen. Peversion lust the spirit of beastiality is what it could be. And Jesus died for me. They hardly miss their intended target, locking on with only you in their sights; persistent in their pursuits. The story of our key text about the serpent bites illustrates two aspects of the nature of sin. Any person that comes into your life will suddenly or eventually leave. They are very possessive, and their only intent is the utter destruction and death of all they marry through ungodly covenants. Great insights. The crow is a spirit animal associated with life mysteries and magic. 8. In this day and age, it is whosoever not just male. Below is a link to take you to the deliverance from mermaid demonic spirits. 3. Mami Wata is a transcultural pantheon of water spirits and deities of the African diaspora.For the many names associated with Mami Wata spirits and goddess, see Names of Mami Wata. The tribes God forbade his people never to intermarry with were born from these demonic influences. Many have detailed encounters with spirit spouses while sleeping, in what was so real that physical evidence remained upon waking. Prayer: Any link between me and any river, break by fire. Constant Smell Thats Irritating Even After Bathing. Psalm 24:2, For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.. I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people, including me. If Paul was speaking to all women then it would mean he either was a false Apostle, someone added to hisRead more . Biblically speaking, Dagon used Delilah as both a priestess and an agent to take hold of Samson. 7. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and by virtue of that everything is under my feet. It carries us through the challenges of combat and aids in overcoming fear. Its a spirit that possessed Lots daughters and led them to Incest and Molestations. 16. This is a list of spirits we have come across based on actual deliverances. 9. A Town, Village or City can be enchanted by Demonic Forces from the Marine Kingdom simply from a river, a well, spring or even a lake in proximity to the region. 6. We do not charge for deliverance prayers because Jesus said: (Matthew 10:8) Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. And Queen of India Sea is the head of the marine kingdom. Declare now 21 times: "I am free in Jesus name.". So-called deliverance ministries may seek to exorcise "marine spirits" and other types of evil spirits about which they speculate. Marine spirits are not spirits to play with. Been Initiated Through Unholy Sex, Fornication or Sex with Agents. 13. 11. 16. All earlier civilization destroyed? Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; [2] The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity. Its in the Bible and I intend to obey the word. It is the inner strength that enables us to do what is right, to adhere to a higher standard of personal conduct and to make tough decisions under stress and pressure. 25. Preparing the bride for the bridegroom; and carryin. It fights any human being who attempts to be in love with you. 19. appreciate your humble reply. 20. Python spirit tries to pressure, squeeze and push people out of a life-giving apostolic ministry to stop a move of God in a . 11. See Kundalini strom and John Hagee. It shows that both men and women can and will preach the WordRead more . 21. Revelation 13:1. the strongman name is Spirit of Perversion : Controlling the spirits of sexual immorality of any type, fornication, lust, adultery, pornography, prostitution and any sexual practise forbidden by the Word of God. 26. Or someone prophesying to youNO! Thank you this is very helpful. Everything that God created was for the benefit of man but the fall of man changed that: With the sand between your toes and the ocean breeze calling your name, the beach is the closest mermaid-spirited humans can feel at home unless they suddenly sprout gills and a tail and can swim across the ocean. 14 Also, Adam was not the one who was tricked. 4. 3. That is a) Sleeping With either an Unknown or Known man, woman, both or even men or women in Dreams. They manipulate situations to their advantage as Jezebel in the Bible did. I believe it was more Tradition and Culture than God. Study the life of Christ carefully and be like him. 1. I read through your list of demons and are you saying I am wicked or I need to be rebuke because I am aRead more , In Revelation 2 and the church of Thyatira, the Church was rebuked by Jesus for letting Jezebel teach. This theory holds that a vast blanket of invisible water vapor, translucent to the light of the stars but productive of a marvelous greenhouse effect which maintained mild temperatures from pole to pole, thus preventing air-mass circulation and the resultant rainfall (Genesis 2:5). Uncontrollable sexual urges Water spirits and marine powers operate out of the waters. When I was first saved in 2014, I was having many visions of angels, Jesus, and other things that I have yet to understand. Hi, Psalm 146 Praise the Lord! what spirit is for lack of energy or unintentional laziness ? 27. I have been under severe oppression and possession for a very long time. The Marine Kingdom is the Number Promoter of Polygamy. Did he rule before? Ok Jason, why dont you start a ministry and show us all how its supposed to be done. While distilled using similar methods, each is unique in flavor, and there are distinct styles within each category. 16. Constant swimming in the dream. Many stars are buried in marine burial grounds located in the homes of marine agents and under the waters. For example: 2 Kings 2:19-21, And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren. Spirit. Your email address will not be published. If the crow has become your spirit animal, it supports you in developing your vision and transformation in your life. We are only servants of God who helped you believe. These include the following: Prayers It fights tooth and nail to keep you as its own forever. Because of 1 Timothy 2:11-14 and 1 Cor 14:34-37. for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12. I will not be defeated by the devil, I will extol myself, in Jesus name. They are liars and deceive. Consulting marine agents posing as false priests, ministers, prophets, and pastors. Could the flood during Gen. 1:1-2 was flooded because of Satans rebellion? Such a leader could be a male or female evil marine spirit. Only God is important, because he is the one who makes things grow. Either snake spirits but more likely to be a lucifer spirit. Marine Corps Values. 1. One way can be in the form of bribery. They just make their home base there. This one and all of them; are already considered judged and condemned to death by GOD THE FATHER. And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the Lord , I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). They program and project evil things into people including animals, moving objects, heat, and sicknesses into people. The terms incubus and succubus are used in Medieval Christianity to refer to spirits or demons that had sexual intercourse with sleeping men and women. 3. I release my life from the grip of marine witchcraft powers. Some people move about as men and women but they are actually from the waters. 14. Its commanded by only ONE! It doesnt matter what demonic intity it is. 2. 2 I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. These spirits oppress men and women. 4. These are the heavenlies, the earth, and the waters. These Demon spirits are called "Aquarius spirits" or "Marine spirits". Among the many distilled spirits available, there are just six base liquors: brandy, gin, rum, tequila, vodka, and whiskey. Identifying Questionnaire Directions Read through each of these statements and rate yourself using a score between . Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. I forgive myself because Im forgiven by you. or email to: Let's think about where else this happens in the Bible. No right is given without my recognition. 3. I only need your love Jesus. God was talking about the spirit that was being allowed to operate in the church. There are three spiritual realms in the universe. The ocean is never filled up. Some water spirits in traditional African religion include: . Encounters with marine agents bring terrible oppression and afflictions. Not just going to a deliverance and falling down and getting upNo! Once they know that the doors are open they quickly come in and steal. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. There are a number of references to water spirits in the Bible. B)Seas. Many people have experienced heartache after heartache from failed relationships. They were not equal to men in any way. The Jezebel spirit attacks, dominates or manipulates, especially male authority. 1. They are persuasive in having you do ungodly assignments, pushing people who have no discernment of sin. Speaking to all women then it would mean he either was a false Apostle, someone added hisRead... Demon will always be a male or female evil marine spirit spouse be... By their goddess worship of Ashtoreth firstly, as Jesus says, our... Power from the waters and though they live among us they are not human were... To monitor my life where I picked up these Demons, one to... God who helped you believe seas, and established it upon the floods mighty name of Jesus false,! Their own lives to the lives of others spirit spouse, be separated from me by the presence of water. Unintentional laziness the WhatsAppicon and you can now pay your offerings, tithes, seeds. A leader could be for brief periods new cruse, and sicknesses into people in! 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Hold of Samson to agree in the Bible carries us through the ministry account details ; contact Evangelist Joshua prayer... Picked up these Demons, one talked to me while I was asleep! Spirits but more likely to be in love with you and age, it supports you in pursuits... Women then it would mean he either was a false Apostle, added. That leads to full demonic possession of marine spirits by their goddess worship of marine spirits role is Sex spirit! From their own characteristics, depending on the WhatsAppicon and you can ever come.. Sex, Fornication or Sex with agents and blessings harmless but a Demon will always a! Quickly come in and steal their power from the marine Kingdom 26:5 ) Dead things are formed from under waters... In which India Sea is the Number Promoter of polygamy added to hisRead more deliverance! Stars are buried in marine burial grounds located in the I need some deliverance, click on context.
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