Praise Jesus'. I ask these questions in curiosity as Im truly baffled by the material I find here and all in the name of the same Christ that I follow. There is no direct evidence that Lydia had once been a slave, but the fact that her name is her place of origin rather than a personal name suggests this as at least a possibility. Realisation of editorial materials (brochures, booklets, leaflets) and multimedia (clips, films) In charge of the Internet website's editorial. Zip it!! perverted and sinful, being self-condemned (Titus 3:11) bringing swift destruction upon themselves their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep (2 Pet. I will NOT throw out that message.. I pray against the pride that is here. In Galatians 2, Paul says that he opposed Peter for not being straightforward about the truth of the gospel (Gal. 3:5-9). Listen as they unp. I only speak on my personal experiences, what I have read, what I have heard, what I have been taught, and what interactions I participated in. 9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. When you're weak, hurting, uncertain, and afraid, one of the. No doubt! You keep posting all these articles (written by men) about what people SHOULD do to confront false teachers, and talking about what you WILL do, but you are not answering my questions about what YOU ALREADY DO AND HAVE DONE and how WHAT YOU ALREADY DO AND HAVE DONE aligns with scripture. Surely not the Christ of scripture, for we come to the Father only through Him, without the Son theres no salvation, you cant earn it, work for it, it is an undeserved gift, we cant ever repay. God will be our judge! The only teachers whom the church supports are those whose teaching is in accordance with the standard of divine truth (3 John 8). is one of many scriptures that come to mind, I love that you are always willing to name names, as we are required to do in Romans 16:17. So I am guessing you would rather the rocks preach instead of a woman of GOD? I have not met Ms Caine in person to have a conversation with her, so I will not breach scripture and start publicly questioning her faith or berating her ministry without giving her a chance to answer any questions and concerns I may have. This silly arguement is what pro-female pastors (Christine Caine, Joyce Meyer, etc.) -- Christine Caine . Isaiah 53 says he died for our shame.. I think we have to be careful here. This woman of God, like every other women of God has a powerful testimony, this woman of God, like every other women of God is a powerful witness of Christ Jesus that makes the name of Jesus great. It hurts to look at. It also applies to those Christians that we would be willing to extend the hand of fellowship to outside of our church. Last week, we released a new episode of our podcast, Pardon the Mess, with Christine Caine as the featured guest. The baskets kept filling up no matter how much food they distributed. How is a comment like Michaels supposed to attract a lost soul? If you cannot or will not refute those who contradict then you should not be a pastor. Manny, I dont want to jump too far into your conversation with someone else, but Id like to lovingly bring something to your attention. Apollos was a man mighty in the scriptures who taught accurately about Jesus but who nevertheless was only familiar with Johns baptism. 23 Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants. Jakes conferences, Joel Osteen conferences, Bethel conferences, preaching at Perry Nobles church, Robert Morris church and conferences, Rick Warrens church, and Steven Furticks church and conferences. Christine Caine twists scripture. This slideshow is only available for subscribers.Please log in or subscribe to view the slideshow. As Priscilla is always paired with her husband, Aquila, it is difficult to separate her and place her on a pedestal of her own. Deuteronomy 32:30 says: One will put 1,000 to flight, two will put 10,000 to flight. For me, love would not have been enough to get married. I love you too!! Karen, you need to go back and read the meaning of scriptural judgement, we judge those that call themselves Christians, we dont judge the outside world, read his the Bereans were described for being judges, they compared every teaching with scripture. That is the CLEAR difference. When she first heard the diagnosis, Caine says her mind began to race "down the worst track like a runaway train, and I had to pull it back before it hit a wall and caused irreparable destruction." I have no idea who it is that wrote this but you are a mess. It was this last experience, she says, which prompted the writing of her latest bookHow Did I Get Here? Futurism/Transhumanism The Holy Spirit draws people to Jesus, whether we understand it or know it, its just a mystery. I grew up a Catholic and they spend so much time worshiping idols, I barely knew anything about Christ. I dont care if its a man or a woman who pulls me out of the oceans of apathy and despair, saving my life and soul. Written by Christian Movies. Wow. And the pain of recovery will be greater than the pain of the injury, but if you do it, your leg will be stronger than your other leg for the rest of. Trying to save? Christine Caineusurps male authority and rebels against the clear word of the Bible I am not at that point where I would feel confident before Him doing the same, so I only ask that you understand. Its a Hollywood script! Is there any significance attached to the fact that Aquila is not named first every time, but equally shares mention with his wife? The people who write the articles on this site may share some truth, but they definitely twist scripture more than the false prophets they write about, as well as make loads of accusations with no documentation. Hagins principal disciple was Kenneth Copeland who, with his wife, Gloria, is the unofficial leader of the Word of Faith movement. Thats the sign of a person whos self-promoting through public pugnacity. We have examples in scripture where bona fide believers are the source of error in the church. Blessings. I understand you want her husband overseeing what she saysbut traveling without your husband for work is not, in it self, a sin. In person, Caine is funny, loud and unapologetic. To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Now, arent you judging by referring to others here as Pharisees? How did they respond? The authors name is listed at the top if you want to be able to properly address your concerns. Faith? Spoke at Bethel Church, delivered there a false testimony and strongly unbiblical teachings. "Some of my most precious ministry moments happened in those waiting rooms and hospitals," says Caine. It's the will to persevere even in the face of fear. Believers are to have nothing to do with anyone who claims authority as a teacher but who is not sound concerning the doctrine of Christ. She was so desperate to overcome the pain that Christine read every book she could on the subject, and even began . Every single one of them teaches false doctrine, from Sarah Young's blasphemous "channeling" of Jesus, to T.D. That is the only thing God really asks of us. For all others, we must be clear about our rejection of their dangerous teaching. My friend you speak from emotion not wisdom, before you say one more thing, take out your bible, and compare what these women say to what scripture says, youll find their message is not anywhere in there. They are the ones who voted for Obama and Hillary. Versus voting for Trump, who is on his THIRD wife and trying to read quotes from Two Corinthians? Christine Caine shares how she found out that she was adopted.Get Today's Offer From Joyce: - - - - - - - Follow Joyce . I dont believe it. If a quarrelsome person is left to himself he will soon have nobody with which to quarrel. It is this which gives them away. There are soooo many books that have women leaders in them. Its not about who is qualified, whether they are male or female, whether they have gone to college for decades or even if they arent human. You can disagree with me, but I encourage you to remain teachable to whoever God puts in your pathit can be amazing what He can teach you through the most unlikely of sources. When I really got established in the Word at Hillsong Church, it was awesome, but it has cost me everything. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. God is relational but He is also Almighty God, Yahweh and there are no other gods before Him. I Love Christine Caines sermons Not you or anyone else will stop me from listening to her .. HAVE a nice blessed day , Maybe this doesnt have anything to do with the subject I know is that Christine came convinced my girlfriend that her parents were going to die if she didnt give her money and she ended up giving her entire savings on top of that Christine Caine told my girlfriend that her parents also had to give money but her parents did not want to give money so she tried to steal it from them and then got caught after that she bore owed money to give to christines king and Im talking thousands of dollars this is what Christine Caine did to me And my girlfriend I didnt know anything about it until it was all done Meanwhile Im watching my girlfriend go through hell because she wants all this money to give to Christine Caine anyway she possibly can get it she has turned into a nut case and there doesnt seem to be anything I can do about it so here I am Making my comment. Do you want the standard canned answer I get? Read more quotes from Christine Caine. God does not want shepherds to be pugnacious and walking around all the time with a theological chip on their shoulder. Ive found shame to be a dark, dark thing that impacts everyone from the highest social strata in life, to the most vulnerable and disenfranchised. I follow many of these people and you know what, I leave what doesnt line up with God to God to deal with. I dont think I ever felt I could write it before now, because its the biggest thing that Ive had to struggle with throughout my whole life and my Christian life. Who were you directing this to? So heres the question we have to ask and answer anytime we are refuting error. Eventually people who are following God will see that. God looks out for us all, dont you agree? Here she is twisting a scripture that warns against false teachers, that is actually rebuking those who warn against false teachers something the false teachers often do. My maids and I will fast likewise. A lot of us have drifted from that call of discipleship. That's probably why I'm so intense, passionate, and serious about my faithbecause it wasn't a light decision. Peters bad behavior in this situation had a teaching function, and so Paul says that he had to oppose him to his face and in the presence of all (Gal. Over the years I've had to fight to renew my mind to a place where I understand at the core of my being that Jesus is trustworthy. The first three points more or less presuppose the context of a local congregation. Say sorry really quickly. The shame and guilt of childhood sexual abuse hasnt stopped Christine Caine from sharing the love of Jesus with people across the world. I dont know why I go searching for these articles. At the time, she was set to take part in speaking engagements, go on a worship tour with Kari Job and release her new book, Unstoppable. They are the ones who voted for Obama and Hillary. What scriptures did you use? don't embrace the pain of emotional or spiritual recovery because there is pain. All rights reserved. She is a product of, has held leadership positions at, and is closely affiliated with Hillsong, which is, undeniably, a Word of Faith church. Christine is a regular contributor to the Hillsong blog page, the Hillsong web site maintains a bio page on her, and she is a regularly featured speaker at Hillsongs Colour Conference for women and other Hillsong events. WAKE UP PEOPLE, THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, Mary, the disciples, the saints are examples for us to live by, HOWEVER, WE ARE NOT TO WORSHIP FALSE IDOLS OR PLACE ANYONE ABOVE HIM. He takes the trials and tests and turns them into a testimony.', and 'Nothing about my birth - or yours - was random or accidental. Go take it to them personally. Your absolutism leaves people out or puts them in little pigeonholes that fit with your rigid logic of scripture. But it meant a lot to me that he noticed so much more than that. Maybe its time to watch this short clip. If you hate the sheep you will not warn them against the ravenous wolves we have been told would come. But I will stand by comments regarding Caine, Meyer and all those that are still playing on peoples emotions while passing off a diluted version of scripture, once again if Ive offended anyone it was not intentional. Youre making this a personal issue, when its not. I lived most of my life with that thought. NEW EPISODES POSTED WEEKLY. They want to judge the world because it makes them feel better about their sad little lives. How do you know that? I thank God for all of the women who followed the call of God and took up their crosses, facing so much opposition in the process. The FIRST thing you should do when you have an issue with someone is to confront THEM. The smile on Christine Caine's face is as striking as the shock she felt when she uncovered the secret her parents kept from her. Christine Caine: When you start being abused, you think what is happening to you is . (?) Christine Caine engages in New Age practices condemned in the Bible, such as this impartation described in the link. Gods job is to do the miracles, our job is to believe. Traveling without your husband and encouraging women to submit to their husbands and follow their husbands leadership in the home! You have yet to back up with scripture how what you are doing is the appropriate way of handling false teachers. Just like peter you dont know what spirit you are speaking from. Whether you point that out or not. I have felt my fervor for studying and deepening my walk with the Lord be VERY attacked by your making a similar comment. Mormonism Christine Caine is a member-leader in a doctrinally heretical word-faith church, twisting a scripture that warns against false teachers, I dont share my faith enough (which is what Christine called outand evangelism IS BIBLICAL so Im thankful for it), and I have areas where I can demonstrate delayed or even a lack of obedience. Im truly confused and wondering. There is an honesty about Christine Caine that is rare in high-profile leaders. The prolific writer and speaker has written openly about her experience of childhood sexual abuse and a raft of other challenging life events in her latest book, Unashamed. Besides usurping the pastor role, her teachings are not biblical. Christine Caine is an ordained pastor of her church in Australia, and also regularly speaks and travels without her husband. You dont think theyve been approached?? She loves to read, swim in the sea, play netball and lift weights with her dad. She adds, "I was blindsided by a surprise attack, but God was not. Choosing to Break My Victim Mentality - Christine Caine, Christine Caine and Victoria Osteen join Laurie Crouch on TBN's Praise to discuss how it is possible for everyone to be redeemed from a broken past through Jesus Christ. The speaker began to define abuse as "something that endangers a child physically or psychologically through neglect or emotional, physical or sexual mistreatment.". Yes, Lydia was the LEADER of her house church and played a key role in getting her family baptized. You have yet to back up with scripture how what you are doing is the appropriate way of handling false teachers, by Denny Burk on April 8, 2014 in Christianity, Theology/Bible. Worse, she enjoys teaching young women to step into leadership roles that scripture forbids and is unashamed to say so. She was approached by a woman citing Timothy, and that she was in the wrong and my daughter said, Well I have a hard time believing that Jesus would disallow my entrance into heaven for dedicating my life to HIS word and for bring people to HIM. Seriously wake up you people who instead of spewing hatred for people, love and let JESUS make the judgements. 107 quotes from Christine Caine: 'Sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried, but you've actually been planted.', 'God is able to take the mess of our past and turn it into a message. Thats not in scripture. Because you dont like Christine? Husbands arent overseeing their wives writings and teachings, and any attention that they pay to their wives work is not through the lens of Scripture. So here I am! I respect your passion for exposing othersI have a similar passion around making sure people know the Bible for themselves so they can be appropriately discerning and have a solid foundation rooted in THEIR OWN knowledge (and not what someone else says or teaches), as I believe faith grows by hearing the word YOURSELF. ~ Christine Caine. That fact indicates that false teaching is just as much a disciplinable offense as sexual immorality. There was this dark secret going on. 29 And his fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. But what we see with most of these women that are rising in popularity is what appears to be a female dominant role in their personal marriages. . Return to homepage. So thats why it comes across as if you just want to brag Im SO right, and they are SO wrong! Show me how anonymously talking about people behind their backs is the Biblical way of correcting or confronting. I dont think I ever felt I could write it before now, because its the biggest thing that Ive had to struggle with throughout my whole life and my Christian life, she said. God is good and God does good, but bad things do happen to good people. Xoxox. Why, because God has called them to that profession. If Im going to follow him, Ive got to deny myself, take up my cross. I used to come on sites like this and tear down women like Joyce Meyer and Christine Caine, much like you do. A21, the anti-trafficking organisation that she and her husband founded, has seen more women rescued and more traffickers prosecuted during Covid-19 than at any point in its history. First of all to those defending Christine Caine, the bible Gods Word, makes it very clear -women are not to preach,so quit defending her,and attacking us warning others not to follow her for their own good, instead take it up with God and argue with Him if you dont want to listen to his commands and have issues with them, tell God he is wrong ,not us.Why dont you read His word instead of lazily listening to people who you obviously are unable to discern if they are leading you off of the path , its about Him not these false prophets. You think what is happening to you is is also Almighty God Yahweh... Lived most of my most precious ministry moments happened in those waiting rooms and hospitals ''... Because there is an ordained pastor of her church in Australia, and they spend so more... Is funny, loud and unapologetic judge the world even began two Corinthians the authors name is listed at top. The Word at Hillsong church, delivered there a false testimony and strongly unbiblical.! 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