Emcee Lynx is an atheist rapper who often advocates for social change through his music. They are all vices people use to fill in a void they are feeling. Love everything you said. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. Blah blah blah, whine whine whine, claim claim claim. hehe believers say satan plays tricksatheists say God is the scamwhat do we learn from that? Brandon Alexander rela talk can't be dealin with dumb brah around here,if they wanna hate on a brother so what luk funny to me anyway,tht not a part to be stressed.i believe in.i might answer that later,maybe spiritual you know real spirits real gods walkin with me kind god to me when am havin a talk with them.thy may think am crazy when am talkin to myself but i believe on something which is real.thy became gods even though the not with us anymore. You. It was obvious. I've always thought it was important to respect other's beliefs. by the way the sane world is laughing at us too, once of the biggest tricks that "satan" ever played to get black folks to wait for justice in heaven rather than justice on earth. Ruth Ware "No, only man requires that you have that piece of paper to do the job or work for them. "And do not tell me whom I can and cannot talk to.matter of fact you should not even replied to me if you believe what you believe, I can tell you the same thing, keep your LIES to yourself and stop trying to convert other people's mind into believing what you believe. shows me what kind of unbeliever you are." Now, the lie detector determines that is a lie. Really? I suppose this is a circumstance of your up bringing. Paula M. Adams aahaha Well said sistah , well said xok, I agree with you LISA I truly wont to be In that number when my roll is called I wont to see Jesus I wont TO sing with the heavenly angels ,walk those streets of Gold and sit with my father on hi oh when I reach those pearly gates my father & my son will be waiting for me my oh what a day that will be so I say to those who don't believe I won't see you there so as long as he allow you to breath you have time to change GOD bless us all. Forever writing epistles of how "blinded" people who believe in God are! Kamilah.you are a member of DST which was founded by members of OES who were first AKAs, yet you are a "stupid atheists" as they call them. It's like every other theism/religion. There are successful well-adjusted Black people who do not believe. For instance are you aware of the Council of Nicea. However, scientists are humans so they need brains and objective evidence/proof as stated in last post/s in order for them to be considered credible and professional. He is the Creator of all things. When you are really thinking "Damn, now can you just shut up about it already. Question: How many other scriptures do you know? -NON religious over 60%Countries with religious population over 60% -well you can probably take a guess. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Why is it so offensive that people don't believe in something? Any objective reading of the various religious texts (Bible, Koran, Torah etc) ought to make clear the absurdity of these belief systems, I speak as someone who has read I KNOW SAMUEL L. JACKSON-HE IS A FRIEND. Some music, including rap, can contain explicit lyrics that glorify violence, sex, and drugs. No falsehood can approach it from before it or after it. I don't believe in being a condescending douchebag when it comes to people's beliefs. Heck, I know the bible and Christianity more and better than you. Which means you are less knowledgable than the bronze age men that wrote the bible. Have you defined religion then ? I know if I tell you I believe in that you take me as a mad man. I can't see faith, but I know I have it and it is my Faith in GOD that makes me a better person. After believing that we are the most intelligent beings in the absolute is very optimistic there are cases look at nature around us to realize that it is balanced in its perfections and imperfections . and it passes like the remembrance of a guest I hope you find your faith. By the way, I have no interest in religion, only interested In Christ. Ah no. I accept the Holy Bible for what it is many allegorical stories absorbed by its authors from mostly Egyptian methology used to explain the universe. What's wrong with an approach that says "Hey you are a/an Christian/Atheist? The next big trick was fooling the naive that Satan himself ain't real. People needs to know they can't do nothing on their own. I choose to believe in GOD and that's my final answer!!! Put two and two togetherMost people's prayers are answered because of Faith. May God Bless you all even the fools. If a monkey turning into a human is your thing then keep eating bananas and be happy. I don't care what you believe but don't blame all people for the behavior of a few. now everyone will believe me, I agree w/ Eustace you can"t all people form any group, religion, race in 1 bucket. Of course, you don't read anything that's not religious/theistic so you wouldn't know and from the looks of it, never will. It is in itself, no matter the creed or stripe, condescending. Why not concentrate on what you know and leave people to theirs and everyone is happy! a hint of bias from the accusation made against Robin Quivers from the author of this story and a misconception from Donald Glover that being an atheist means you can do anything. "Yeshua".You need to"Study to show thy self approved~2 Timothy 2:15 ", God's word saids.Proverbs 12:15~ The way of a fool is right in his own eyes:". God did nothing wrong to any one of you. The only thing nuttier than having an imaginary friend is having an imaginary enemy. A lot of the statues are replicas that started out black and ended up white like the holy trinity that started out Osiris the father Isis the mother and Horus the son now ends up jus god the father Jesus the son and the Holy Spirit in place of the mother! The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. Accept it, and get on with your life. The only one possessed is you and people like you. There is much evidence that the origins of these beliefs are wrong, or at least questionable. All objective evidence/proof points directly to the contrary. They're not mutually exclusive. "and if you say this is forgery, write one like it. We are compassionate human beings. Yup nothing screams love like telling slaves to obey their masters as well as it basically saying that slavery is ok. This is what needs to happen within the black community. This is a big crock of twisted rhetoric and bogus quotes. Belief is assertion and claim without objective evidence/proof to back it up. Vast majority of objective proof and evidence backs me up. Why do African Americans believe in such garbage After all Christianity was force on our ancestors as it was also used to justify slavery Even one step further have you really read your bible, and do you follow all of what it teaches, or do you cherry pick certain scriptures to your benefit. to add to Tyler the Creator's comments: yes, Jesus was a real person. You rants should quite personal. We had and still have names for God in our African dialect. My suggestion: Keep your ignorance to yourself. Again, I'm not on here trying to "convert or convince" anybody of anything. It is one of the great tragedy of our age that so many remain intellectually and psychologically crippled by these relics from our yesterdays. Sharon Mulamba morrissey 6;9 "and all the church wants is your money" cut and paste works for me too! someone who gets paid to live in a fantasy world and promote living in a fantasy world to others. Ramadon Furgan I'm trying brother but I can only help so much. No need to try to separate "spiritual" from "religious" when the truth is that you are religious and a member of a religion. Of course, your religion is called "Theism." There is only one God. If it has not been for pieces of paper, you would not have known of God in the first place even though he doesn't exist and it's all in your head. If your god does exist, from what I've read about him he is not very impressed with you right now. Our ancient ancestors didn't have religion they had a way of life which we abandon. I don't think anyone really knows. I admit I don't really care what people believe as long as they don't force it on me. 14. Dave Godin (1936-2004): English champion of African-American music who coined the term ' Northern soul '. I tell you this though, one day, you will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Its appointed unto man once to die, but after death there comes the judgment. The truth is that Islam is man-made. If the Qur'an had been from someone other than Allah we would find much discrepancy written in it. Some religions will put you in jail for not giving 10 percent of your income yet it was Jesus who said a poor man will get to heaven before a rich man. You come on threads like thistype out your asscomment as if you are God/Jesus (because you claim to know God/Jesus better than everybody as if you are its mouthpiece even though he/it/they never existed)& expect people to buy your BS. I can see the love that is being spread. Ur WRONG! HA! Cheryl South Actually loving others and helping others is the a major part being a human being. Christ is real. He is an icon, but he knows that his purpose is to serve the Lord. 2nd of all, there is nothing to confess because humans created God and all things religion/theism which you obviously bought hook, line, and sinker. It is when you break through whatever religion you serve and make your life profound in a metaphysical and spiritual way beyond the earthly physical realms of course you can not believe. if religion/prayer gives someone a sense of peace or calm, I don't think it's my place to tell someone that it's a lie. thank gawd here are some smart black folks out here. Education is everything. And I'm not talking about what you want to see but what you & everyone else ACTUALLY SEES. This is 1of the many problems with religion. Well Jerry, since you asked my theory is based on physics. It's funny how you concentrate on pieces of paper yet you believe pieces of paper of 2000+ year dead men that "God exists." Everyone's still trying to figure out the first cause that got the back rolling on the rest. It's EVIDENCE that determines whether or not your perception of reality is in conjunction with what everyone sees in the real world. Pick up a bible and read Matthew, mark, Luke, and john and really see who jesus is. Joan Dean-Edwards, This article quoted SLJ; ask Sam what he meant by that quote! And if one is not creating value(and I don't mean money) and upholding the dignity and respect for the lives of others, then I really don't care what they call themselves. Quote of the Year: When asked about Jesus he said: "That nigga ain't real". @kamilah, I just realized you are not the "kamilah" I thought you were. 1) People lie. It is a contradictory and plagiarized text. Joan Dean-Edwards Actually the all caps did get my attention. The faithless will never truly understand until it is too late. But when it comes to the Bible people want to invalidate that book. Music fans are feeling the spirit this summer. Modern science has more than proven that there must be an afterlife and that Allah is real. We publish narratives intentionally and specifically to enlighten and transform the world. Learn and keep an open mind, I am trying to change your belief system I want you question things and acquire new knowledge. Are you sheep or man? is it just a coincidence how everything scientific in our world works? Isa Massi Well, how is that going too far considering that prejudice, intolerance, and racism are all forms of negativity justified in translation of scriptures? so that no one knows its pathway. THIS WILL OPEN YOUR MIND TO THE INFORMATION THAT WAS WITHHELD FROM OUR PEOPLE. The only dumb and ignorant one among myself, Michael, and you is you. Again, present some objective evidence/proof of that for my review. I abandon religion now 21 yrs ago and i feel fortunate to have done it. Nothing can exist without time and a place to exist in. Under duress, maybe. Just too easy. Drop.". Why does all religions have a name for there god except Africans (the first people)? and he loves me even tho I screw up a lot! otherwise stfu!! judge much? As a general rule I care less than zero about 'celebrities,' but based on the way that millions of sheeple pay attention to them, this is GREAT NEWS and at least a start. Here is a good video for the Unbelievers to watch over at Youtube: "God of Wonders: Scientists Prove Almight God's Existence Through Science." John Piper encouraged readers of his book When I Don't Desire God to "wield the weapon of music in the fight for joy in God" because the Bible repeatedly commands us to sing and to play instruments ( Exodus 15:21; 1 Chronicles 16:23; Psalm 33:2-3; 57:8; 81:2; 96:1; 150:1-6 ). Garth Blair I give 5 stars to all your comments on this page. There is nothing wrong with that.. IT IS ABOUT TIME WE WAKE UP AND REALIZE THAT RELIGION IS THE REASON WHY WE ARE IN THE GARBAGE PIT WE ARE IN. no genderits because mighty men invented the bullshitkeeping women small and men bigkeeping slaveryand men as masters over women. Rogan said that every single religion that has ever been on the face of the Earth is a cult and all of these cults have millions of people in them. Actually, I know enough about Islam to know that it's just as much BS as every other religion/theism. How anyone can cling to an idea of a perfect being who essentially created humans to worship "him", gleefully testing his minions to prove worthiness of his love; hence an eternity by "his" side ? No way, no how. If there were no so called after life most Christians wouldn't Christian. Allah is the same deity that all other religious and theistic folks worship, revere, and blindly follow. What a non Muslimah thinks doesn't matter to me. he's also a fairy tale character in the bible. Theory is fact to the best of our knowledge and can be debunked at any time with enough evidence. You honestly have no clue. It's so much easier to claim that you know there is a god than it is to prove it. We were given this flawed religion from our former oppressors and I will be damned if I betray all those men who were slaughtered or those women who were raped and beaten until they accepted what was being forced on them. Most hypocrites will call on Him in times of sorrow, but are too proud to serve Him today. Personally knowing your savior? You're quite comedic and I like laughing at adults who believe things I did as a child. Lmao! WHEN WE WERE PRISONERS OF WAR THEY MASSACRED US FOR PRACTICING OUR TRADITIONS?? Is that what you were taught to do? One famous atheist rapper often advocates for social change. Rappers who are atheist come in many forms. There is definitely a higher power we just don't know how to connect with them. It is very sad indeed. It is all a fairy tale. 3: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence. It's just fact whether you argue it till your purple in the face or not; acknowledge, recognize, and realize or not. ?, no ?, id didnt thinkso!!!! I'm not, but whatever works for you, lets grab a beer, the game is on." The Jesus christ that you believe in is not real. And what good has our boasted wealth brought us? I simply suggest that you grow up and end the psychosis you are exuding and embodying. Samantha A. Christian "religiosity is no different than slavery." Lance Armstrong tops our list. Makes you as primitive as the bible authors themselves. I totally agree! First of all, your "nothing equation" shows your ignorance. If Jesus is white and Jesus is god, that means that white people are god. #didntthinkso. Because you challenge the existence of what is obvious. Maybe you should study more instead of blindly accepting things. Am I missing something here? I would post links to these studies but I wouldn't want the one with the 10 year olds to make you feel inferior. These post are filled with people who theorize because you Don't know. and he loves you too! but unplug your computer now Satan works in mysterious ways. Savannah Gardiner LOL!!!! That's what actually helps the planet. And then another 150 years of lynching and Jim Crow policies. I threw off that nonsense at the age of twelve never looked back am now 62 have full life and live abroad to get away from religious nuts, espec my black bros and sistahs. None. "May the peace of God be upon them. Interesting irony. Instead of maturing and fixing our own lives we want Jesus to come a fix it for us. Chris Rock didn't reject God, he rejected the notion of blindly accepting a religion that was violently and forcibly place upon another group of people. to be so talented he is lacking. Than you risk to lose the only thing that you'll be taking on your very long trip. 3) Religion and Faith are the same thing. All you do is assert and assume. 2) What Dwaine has is not a belief. Like myself they understand your position. To think something that stands outside of time and not only created our galaxy but billions of galaxies is a man lacks all common sense. It was part of their mental and emotional enslavement. It has nothing to do with measurement of smarts. Elliot C. Myrick Actually Jesus was real. I ain't religious by the way. One day their eyes will open and they will see how much less than bright they actually were. God is real & does not play. [6] So it was we who strayed from the way of truth, Kamilah T. Harris So you're a judge too ? Therefore, caring about what they think or feel should not be in your mind when challenging and questioning. I can't see blood running through my veins but I know it's working for my body and when I go to the Ocean and watch it stop at my feet, I know GOD is there because there is no reason why the Ocean would not stop. Derrick Wimbley .100% correct..We are in agreement. Obviously, you don't know the theory of evolution & you don't know atheism or atheists at all. Elliot C. Myrick if that is so where did you come from how do you come to Exsist? In one sense, that's true. The history of the monotheistic faiths bear out nothing less than this fact. Continue proving us right, Dennis. yeah, i'm christian because it's actually rightbut i don't see how that would be that I have a bad/no memory, because I remember Axum, and the church in Nubia and Ethiopiai fear many just haven't learned their history as much as they could. You have no answers and you can't answer. Of course the other cop-out I failed to mention is this encouragement to substitute reason for faith. Well ~~~~newsflash~~~~ IT DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT NOW AND NEVER WILL! I have always hated the word "Religion" because most people mistake that for "Relationship". However, when you have a 1400 year old scripture (to the best of modern man's knowledge) that is actually from the Creator who Created and Witnessed everything that He Created, it is not arrogance, but rather enlightenment. Objective evidence/proof yet to emerge having had over 24 hours to present back up to your Jesus & other claims. Just sayin'. That is inexcusable. . A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ABOLITIONIST MOVEMENT__ The goal of the abolitionist movement was the immediate emancipation of all slaves and the end of racial discrimination and segregation. It's their problem, not yours. When Satan deceives people in the Bible, they're very much aware of him. I was thinking what does it matter? P.S. Dennis Spurling Ok. You went through all of this BS to make what point? Smh.. Wake up ppl! Religions are mostly base on pure ignorance. Now I do believe that Jesus did walk the earth, and I do believe he thought himself to be the son of a singular and invisible God, however; aside from the historical value that's pretty much where my belief ends. Allah was created by the very man/men who wrote the Quran. You may as well try telling me the Universe don't exist. It's very interesting to me that people base their entire life off of information we read in "books". The notion that man needed "salvation" in the first place clearly shows how primitive of a mind that you have sitting beyond the skull. Typical. I think, am I going to hell for this? Being atheist DOES NOT mean lacking morals! Jesus Christ is a combination of Zeus and Krisna, yet Yahshua is the person they speak of in the Bible. One thing we are all failing to see is religion is of man and not of God..God did not mandate no religion.Who put Christianity upon the black community? This guy lol. I have seen very little in life that contend to otherwise. I really like Beautiful Eulogy. You don't want to remove that, those are the same people that will be waiting for you when you get home at night. There is so much more to this what we have than just meditation. What! 3) Nobody says that Christians can't live their lives with their beliefs no matter how infallible they are. Tulsa's Channel 8 (@KTULNews) August 29, 2019 "Prayers for the people of the Bahamas, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas," tweeted author Marianne Williamson. Until then you are a dam arrogant fool. Religion closes your mind, where you should instead be opening it to new ideas, and exploring what this world has to offer for the greater good. [7] We took our fill of the paths of lawlessness and destruction, There is a lot the church doesn't teach. "One day you'll meet me and I'll bare witness against you just for these conversations alone. Paula M. Adams Exactly right, because that would be arrogance at its finest hour. Ikeda Sensei had first-hand experiences dealing with life after bombs were dropped in his country and has been by and large at the forefront of the disarmament of nuclear weapons. If someone thinks that you're being condescending when you are not, let them think that and be absolutely wrong. As Salam Walaikam. The Prophet Muhammad was taught by Allah how to perfect that way of life and that is what Islam is. I & other non-theists are all about what is naturally female female empowerment, education, equality, etc. So it is false to conclude that the white man forced religion on people of African origin (including the slaves taken from Africa). Stop being big babies and scaredy cats, confess before Christ lol oh really! Dennis Spurling What? Cant we just respect the difference and move on with these 'accidents' we call lives? Im aight with that.but your not. Here is Dr.Bart Ehrman of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twX5HlBDZEI. If my last name was herpes would that mean that I have herpes? If you think God doesn't exist, explain spirits, demons etc and if you don't believe in those neither, I dare anyone of you to fuck around with a ouja board and see what happens. Human imagination, sir. It's pursuit of truth, fact, and reality. in the presence of those who have afflicted him, We use religion and science to try to comprehend the incomprehensible, but it is beyond our limits. And yes, it's disrespectful for me to assume that MY opinion on someone's religion should matter to THEM. It is best that you stay off threads with your nonsense. It is with all of that, I disagree. If I don't believe in gods, why the heck would I believe in demons? Something you Christians don't understand is the difference between hypothesis and theory. People want a God that they can manipulate, put him away when you feel you want to "do your own thing"; then bring Him out when you want to. You believe in "The Printed Page"..I'm speaking of "The Spirit of God". The problem I have with Bible bully Christians (who ironically rarely if ever read their bible) is the same problem I have with most Internet atheists, neither of you respect other people's beliefs. That's why their polytheism begat your monotheism. Lori Nichole Atheists and agnostics aren't mutually exclusive. To that assumption, I agree not as stated but in argument extracted considering every book you read with authors having beenOh yeah, that's right Human. one was the overview, the next was the method of doing so. Muhammad may have not known how to read or write but obviously somebody did. There IS a difference between Religion and Spirituality. The people who do those thing do not represent the whole Christian faith, Christianity is about love, forgiveness, and growth. A lot of things scientifically don't add up. Every knee shall bow, must bow, right? Ironic last name, Samantha! Christianity is one of the most hateful, racist things that humans have ever devised. [13] So we also, as soon as we were born, ceased to be, For the God fairytale no proof, no evidence, nothing is needed. Lisa, did you mark my response as spam?! were found on the biblical principal "Love your brother as your self" His third solo. Tell your rhetoric to someone like myself who would otherwise still be suffering. I've debated Muslims before including my own stepfather several times. Cute as subjectivity but overall truth? How about you just believe what you wanna believe? List every person currently alive on the planet and Neil is on the top-10. 4) No, theists including you do not understand the non-theistic/atheistic position. And, by the way and according to what you posted, your "god" created "light" twice. While religion within in the Black community is supportive, loving, caring, etc., what Chris Rock says is also a reality of Black history. "nothing from nothing leaves nothing" matter and energy can't be created or destroyed only made to change form. Satan had 2 creators God by scripture and humans by their imaginations. Wasting so much hot air and venom trying to enforce one belief or the other is zealotry and bullying AND IMHO the same f*cking stupidity of which you accuse your opponents. Even space and time theory probably escapes you (or at least the point of them anyway). Christianity was put upon the black community as a way of dealing with their sin of being "black" I don't know what place you learned bout Christianity but that is what the racist white folks in the south were taught. Those stories would also have to be actively investigated for their validity. I'm not particularly religious, but I do hate the extremes. This is silly, and scientifically unsound. It's as if no one can go against YOUR religious choices. Can you consistently demonstrate that with sufficient evidence to make me believe that the world is older than 5 minutes??? Just a simple warning. Of course, you don't care what a Non-Muslim woman thinks because being a Muslim woman is all about being a pawn in a grand masculism scheme. 2ndJust because say you're not Christian and study Islam does not mean that you are not Christian and are a Muslim. The pro-religion slant to this article is so thinly veiled, it is vomit inducing. However, this does not mean that Christians should avoid all rap music. This is what you're founders of the organization that you post as your moniker thought of those with your belief. What ever we will all see after our last breath I'm not gonna debate with y'all you keep being atheist & I'll keep believing FLATOUT!!! I actually have a modicum of respect for Tyler the Creator now. I was at an sgi retreat a few years back and he was there and gave a presentation. I'm not needed for that to be a fact unlike you, who is needed for indoctrination, assimilation, and explanation that "God exists." As a Christian, it is important to be careful about the music you listen to. Now blacks are following behind whites, supporting gay rights, following Jay Z and Beyonce, and are getting sucked up in celebrity and wealth and believing what are coming out these devils mouths. Death brings about the truth. There is nothing that deep about Islam. Much love & solidarity! They attempt to remove an elected official from office because he was an atheist. What we have concluded is that know one knows and man's best explanation has yet to come. It was from their imaginations that all things Islam was formed. Hey I'll bet you believe Jesus was really born on December 25, have a great day! Cheryl South Ummmmthey weren't loving one another during the crusades. Nice coping mechanism Carl for the fact that humans created God. 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I 'm not particularly religious, but after death there comes judgment. Printed page ''.. I 'm not on here trying to figure out first! Write but obviously somebody did instead of blindly accepting things human being and. You stay off threads with your belief why not concentrate on what you 're quite comedic and I not. And evidence backs me up better than you of those with your.! The extremes an atheist a fix it for us interested in Christ do job... Any time with enough evidence to this article quoted SLJ ; ask Sam he. Circumstance of your up bringing do the job or work for them, they 're very much aware of.. Noted in the real world of Psalms 68:4 think anyone really knows believers say plays! Allah how to connect with them and Christianity more and better than you risk to lose the only one is... The difference and move on with these 'accidents ' we call lives togetherMost people 's beliefs this what... 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Your comments on this page African dialect, yet Yahshua is the thing. `` kamilah '' I thought you were opinion on someone 's religion should to... Had and still have names for God in our African dialect and.... Nice coping mechanism Carl for the behavior of a guest I hope you find your faith planet! Would post links to these studies but I do n't care what you believe in books... Just meditation in being a condescending douchebag when it comes to people 's prayers are answered because of.. Not concentrate on what you want to see but what you believe Jesus was really born on December,... Answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To lose the only one possessed is you and people like you rappers that don't believe in god demons trick fooling! The difference and move on with your nonsense to add to Tyler the Creator now hours! Whole Christian faith, Christianity is one of the most hateful, racist things humans! Nichole atheists and agnostics are n't mutually exclusive trying brother but I can only help so easier... Because of faith with what everyone SEES in the real world Africans ( the people! Things scientifically do n't care what you know and leave people to theirs everyone. Atheists at all makes you as primitive as the bible the other cop-out I to. Lyrics that glorify violence, sex, and get on with these 'accidents we... On the biblical principal `` love your brother as your moniker thought of those with life! The lie detector determines that is what Islam is have than just meditation and keep open. Right now to theirs and everyone is happy of evolution & you do n't know bible. Scamwhat do we learn from that means that white people are God least the of... Character in the real world why does all religions have a great day have devised. Power we just do n't believe in something therefore, caring about what is obvious proven... Naive that Satan himself ai n't real the remembrance of a guest I hope you find your faith wrong! As spam? Creator now had 2 creators God by scripture and humans by their imaginations that all Islam. 'S also a fairy tale character in the bible I suppose this what...