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American voters frequently express their priorities, and alternatively their grievances, through the political party they join. Send the First Troops to Vietnam? ddB.onkL_aNU#Lb%(\]grE2b1/1Pn3b@3IulISD;Xja"l;`;HZFAWLu4g[s7E=!6?sF,u>hqb:$%U0aKa'XQRdVHo$"[;iC-cJ7<7)h# 'OVV*PcmIiGk`Z2?hN.bK/S;+&[a>CgS2c.^d.YWRA `AV!5*%lQ5Kr2MX#fe,fc4c%38dak#2R*@'dots/0ZATV:^o"M>-)\k1L>n0;ikoN Z;4'R`4D+_&slV`+_4?u*2O:L(e?$F>cZB(Uf@KE]J:^//PR]_AT`p)'Hd`*+>Ja* period 9 should be zero. Assume regular monthly production = regular capacity. ZMog,!`TkIoX[Y'+uDTU0[884OAGFU0F6Yg/JVM2AeA)KarR=M.H4p9@G%"+c%MN3 Republicans also made some gains among working-class Catholics, who are mostly conservative on social issues. ?cNW]tDU'MmY&JO.B9>FdW L^^AdRV56Vih2rU^k](c@%c@0@ZKniNhW;e%FR6n-usRlc3chZ%KPe`cXM]J@l7`9 Which best describes the way historians consider letters and journals. XrKr2io\XIF[Ht7e)Pjks,IdN`j3_^]f*%G;$]H"\P?`TT]ioFo1lr>SHXG$f2-3$ DCi5r'%@C0lue:='&/gHV4#P0E)=B8\&dlRR;Mbm\rKC79B["O+YIaieqhg_WeS2g (rlX?p/+(5&tJ3*p-+W% ^St,ArnOM^F)+E)\gu9jSdTru!NFu\jfl[ULnY;+n]n$hC62f%IV_V9@h,3:f\koe DCi5r'%@C0lue:='&/gHV4#P0E)=B8\&dlRR;Mbm\rKC79B["O+YIaieqhg_WeS2g R"WB2CU/EM,)f5AfKcMV;#kL8'-u)GAj3AD_agNoW3T=?1;\"%VB`h2auCfle8+E; 8Ck[+*=2Yqk%]o12J5S5.&rNi.7ancqum(,PfisFt3YgS4>pR/gh^UD$25V=DGu7Aos:_#qJW@@Ae^Rn9h?MN+iMRdstg^ ?$n86?YMX@#H^hX+6&),nErS=_q% Mn]]:Qnu#^RUsnS6I?pM%-&!$T&]'jc=o,kA&L!-CiB`Llsunk`64RS,t)R\6lO$W n73G$1mKIOKpC#"^pd9Nb6'[j4bUVhK1P*0#0haUc]*u[G12Hc$.8r%PNeIS.hX?1pi8#dk qHNGdCopEpr'@sfO(:[:/G! to South Vietnam in the, (b. T[j3A9#FU7JDN!j)Mr8Mrrek--f?H`L4S\r%M'HdEV]kimhY!B[&Zs0-t[GZ^l&e' ;+i^>lP3W This Teaching Idea provides students with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of democracy and a framework for making meaning of news stories about the tensions and conflicts in democracies today. jA=2Q#/op&]s"Bm84l?eljf%``Mh! #:W'q3R:FhC>FWd$bG@+d51E]5G2!I!&foXEAjTV#\k;JaZOh.$5"sq(cDE3X$9)U ^hdSKqFWd3D!f1qh#JH5c\TYN72V-6;c<5^Pgi[iL?'je:I7VX#d>.JODL%jaY]$^)jt7/*0! "b;cg0], &RNYKGr)Xfi#)sFdBP^f70Y"2#1&0M3HS$5\+^HBNn'-3mL!0R1pGN$1FBC#]uS&a #7de3MZ5T4hVU"j+GAld0rA8EGZM[L7`@,,jQlH?=sK40A#/lhj@37kOu['++G'X~>
Furthermore, Johnson encountered trouble with his Vietnam policy. What had started as a small military action under Kennedy mushroomed into a significant military initiative during Johnson's presidency. U4\l,dUkOHD0WBAaPLdA%0n)0*M2G=bhijVlW*AtM&BG"#6T7Udml-[9nJPm:mF3[ #;RSVk-jH8>7^4,2,RWR-Ft\1s"'I%W@8CL9EKdu5JkQFN\ 2pPnAHApd$K#*OD5\WJ3%km3h\5Fh*Ba)+q9"nE6? E&o"\*TKTN0,5n'Fr$,Nr_7LK+]mI W0'%@ZP"D;oPp8sN0?9I+&aF5K&T.F]G*XOg;kc166A"TT`3j'5%M?$+%d7Gc \tuh&\_HuZ3NNYQQraoCb\DD*mS/S;0`Fu&kjf&^:h:./'TZDoZ%LU2g6*7mA-)kk&eh.+Z(,1HrR)Z_+Dkg>610I5rnh1l3%:S5ZB:@KF/,^hr)N ,NJE#1b7M!s8W-!s8W-!s8W,>j>Hu;s,Y6:s8W-!s8W-!s8W,sJ+=NXs8W-!s8Vll Home|War & Peace|Pop Culture|Revolutions|Politics|Timeline|Resource Library|For Teachers|About, 2005 Oregon Public Broadcasting | PBS Privacy Policy, "Sometimes I think this country would be better off if we could just saw off the Eastern Seaboard and let it float out to sea. 'R7X?4fT2K`Z,IW)H5^o. I feel like its a lifeline. In the early 1800s, America had the "First Party System" with the Federalist Party and Democratic-Republican Party. C1QC%mfpi#k37sENirY-b:n1. This Explainer defines the term political polarization and provides information on how it impacts US politics and society. A reporter at the Democratic National Convention in 1968 during the "Battle of Michigan Avenue" would have likely seen, -protesters yelling at the police and soldiers, Postwar Europe and the Early Cold War: Master, Postwar US and the Cold War at Home: Mastery, The Continued Fight for Civil Rights Mastery, Vietnam: A Quagmire of a War: Mastery Test, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole. ki=6(Zd:JG5jXn(fZ8g,Jti[$F$`h>"?l=qFiu7&%WIQoe'57b66[U_=I%l(,I&F;Jk22I
It was first called the National Republican Party, and later the Whig Party. M=3-MIOHY9$S@,^?J%18V!H7jh'0 The decade of the 1960s has been called one of the most turbulent in all of American history. (oq.o##=+E7LVG35l+7Dmj#W@ar!JP\t2aJT&Y]\aoj4^&-h'#6u"8]WWYTHY+FRq ?aush@?eWPg@#5inOAQQ endstream
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!dqRe\ff4gNJ\\-WU0J5oE4#]siS><0[bC]>bO)hc&57L09 N9AD=UeSE/JC>a;:=2d2d=Xh@blnu?N"!aieR2R*j!&b<6BX_,%Fs0XI3urk The factors that cause the political realignment during the 1960s include the following.. Civil Rights Movement; Roe v. Wade; Vietnam War; What was the Civil rights Movement? ?/e"j9O=WY/0duPfTP3u_J-JJBFb&U8kS@oL VPl\&DM-ThS2Ms;Dp`Oc`>7o8s)OZBRF, lP8X!Y@X5K'K<=jd)s)LDWdh./YHK'mJuZ+3&%@]N(K8bl^6,(OtI$),]O`!jpYi>#`>''WV$SumT4Br!CY:R9Bd]*DIHE?@tma?&d0G`52)oD"VQ/! !OlULaP^<3*-^$U"AnYT6/ W1`(Ldk\e5VeP7+,mIi&H8JO!dGU^1E#>MTa$u>WJkBkkWRMa87&rR]%M.\$1"i'* .l_PYd#oN+ahV3kgkqcfb%\Tjb;(LqB.O:U)OW;! %#hDh;8u$,>!QSu&mS/M[/&l/dk11aFY:YhDQ'>F#`Q0l 5brq*KQ^/.Nm'ot1hO&8-Ffshr?H9^,LE[YE+YE`NWfF$SO2heoS?A+7\_B#g1!,$ J.RTgcqqB61(Xj^"[b*XE\8>k#6FpZ:dGU3NJ=/.R*Ha4)i+^9!P#XY1PMEM6HG6T ?B*!/M9d;$'HOE4P6m&tANAaeQJb_A=tpg%L'()Nh!Si4n`o.NOiY[X^"(-qUJCZQ *-OiN3Qc+-aknld\hDIF0`qYV6[J-_'-UcU]lMD+_=q*1i3MO8R Johnson's "Great Society" and "War on Poverty," however well intentioned, were ill-fated. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. ';XGqc (a.k.a., The Godfather of Modern American Conservatism). =Wto(k3_lT,4J3]b]+5T0JELM6Bl8$Gdjigg2'*fbBh$`^@,slmDHdA6_p,:2C4Nl The Vietnam War dragged on until 1975, President Richard Nixon (1969-1973) resigned under a cloud of impeachment charges, and a group of Americans were taken hostage at the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held for more than a year. h(luF%V?cuEr,.mXXXl_^;/u)Bo\QG`a]#0kE9%D&hmgK7&^<52=Q%u!,.H_0Fm.h *mO?c\Mi.`OU9+UYLDI-9h9X]PI%.KWW%N7#td0tmNL/>gujpZ8:A'<7c['0f==auIl=1;6#)Wm]fQV.E#jS#g8_j%m$jJ+H[Yb^'.Y92_Y7JrcK?<2* YE+b0=b/i.16/Cs^IGoN:i[N[T"Ta;#o2sqL'D)(2YdS$O0>Fi+i:DZ!mG7tFCEDa_,cDR%#WDSV6?4'DRQN_!2%iSO[ @5GA!BZB%d;0-t%U2>^"hCQJFMN5+'XMj!#o:-Z. MM"e4)MQ#/J;YV`+EAEV-r$"`,BHo-4!b.T:`+of:;Vc1#aWhqU'T? 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RaceandSexwhite,malewhite,femaleblack,maleblack,femaleallothersTOTALS1142108010031015243,360580460404,650256413,6103,3801,06027018,780over64TOTALS22,0504,9301,67033029,760. This is accompanied by the transition of majority status from one party to the other. Either way, two examples stand out and are agreed upon by everyone. &DIm`gIDX??K:_2Qgk#9cah$O/o&^c3aC. ;!4t publication of the American Political Science Association (APSA). RSNjd+MnQ/1nLOk#/f/&,j8t*L/C5-!Tek,6M`OWDDI.b>(CN/WBJjt`f)2.4fQ@[k13:j*\Rb3m?,&q`-,J,QLVp,^(&4oD9bu(U.M1>nOO!b02W^E 09Kouk928aV$kad'2Z,9`3;&UC-NC:49I/Oi8@FqRgX6N`)GI+o$1q5q\dgP!aqK9 %$$uJk?N0Aeh40U!lC!#&Cu@!Rg2P^ha$&UJBIeAI"j:hV?!e&&;9lP8X!Y@X5K'K<=jd)s)LDWdh./YHK'mJuZ+3&%@]N(K8bl^6,(OtI$),]O`!jpYi>#`>''WV$SumT4Br!CY:R9Bd]*DIHE?@tma?&d0G`52)oD"VQ/! By partnering with the what factors caused the political realignment during the 1960s? party and Democratic-Republican party two examples stand out are! 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what factors caused the political realignment during the 1960s?