Tonight Im going to try using dawn dish soap in hopes it will help. Hello there! Notable is the damage suffered by potatoes from this insect, resulting in grooves marking the surface or small holes in the skin and outer flesh. Within 24-48 hours of application, 85% of my flea problem was solved!! Hi Pam, sure thing, I have sent it to your email address . Should be fine honestly, but in future ideally use food grade because its 100% safe (even for consumption lol). If I take food grade DE internally, will it deter fleas from biting me??? Hey Ilona! Are they going to be ok? Fleas and other parasites can be harmful to both pets and humans, not to mention a serious nuisance. I can put around their homes, food area but they will not let me get close enough to put on them directly. It is best used in conjunction with some DIY flea traps, put out at night (article on this blog), as well as a good spot on (such as Frontline) for your pets. Im just wondering, if the effectiveness might go away the longer it sits, and if I would be better sweeping, then reapplying. Check out my article on dogs naturally magazine. Will this product work as well. I am wondering how often I can get away with dusting her. hank you for any help you can give me. From what Ive read you need to treat the the lawn, house, animals at same timedo one must do the others and vacuum vacuum vacuum. It is called food grade, as in it talks about using it as an anti caking agent in animal foods, It also says Food Chemical Codex Grade, it has Diatomaceous Earth and Calcium Bentonite, guaranteed analysis says moisture maximum 8%, ash (mineral matter) maximum 95%. Make sure you get the food grade one and ideally put it under your sheets. No it wont negatively affect its ability to kill those fleas. Then to take it a step further, put out a couple DIY flea traps each night (see my article on this, just browse to the fleas category at the top of the page). I do have a large backyard. If you don't have any carpets, it can also be used on hardwood floors as a very effective way to kill off any flea infestations that may have found its way into your life. I am the one that gets bitten the most, but have to do the work because my husband works many hours. This has reduced the flea population by about 75 percent. Inhalation is not the only safety risk. My hair has fallen out, Im mostly bald on the top of my head. Any pros or cons to not cleaning up the whole thing. Will let you know in a few weeks if the fleas have fled. I have DE but is says insect control. It worked its way into the bloodstream so when she was bitten by both fleas and mites, they died. There were days I cried it was so bad. Stay with it Jim. If anyone is wondering I used Capstar and bathed them in Dawn in the beginning. Diatomaceous earth may also irritate the eyes, due to its abrasive nature. Hi Ruth, it is a pleasure, dont forget to share it on Facebook hehe Absolutely, do that and let me know how it goes! Yeah I would advise against letting your cat drink from it, but i think that as soon as she tries, he will taste the soapy liquid and hopefully stop, so maybe just keep an eye on him in the beginning. Yes that is fine, you can do that. Its been awhile (sorry for the late response), did that work out for you? I dont know what to do. The cat with frontline has the fleas. i am confusedif DE kills fleas why would I use the chemical based products like Frontline? Another record-keeping tip: If you arent keeping a gardening journal already, start one. Shd I have done the floors anyway? If they are in the garden (which is possible), it is usually a good idea to get a professional to treat that. Would it be a bad idea to use the Safer Brand DE on my lawns and fence line? Cheers! Hi George! Lisa's Landscape & Design I have a 4 year old and I am 12 weeks pregnant. etc., etc., etc. I havent tried the DE yet. Yes. Should I vacuum up the DE I put down and reapply? My cat had been suffering from fleas for the majority of the summer and every flea spray I purchased failed miserably. Keep out of their eyes though. I was pretty heavy handed in some spots and while sweeping it caused a dust bowl. DE will kill any larvae it comes into contact with but it will not kill the eggs. And thank you for the article!!!! It is now almost 24 hrs. Not tried using it for fleas but am about to start as a friends cat got infested and unfortunately some came with my friend when she visited and despite my 4 indoor cats being on Stronghold neck drops the fleas are just starting to appear. Could you tell me if I need another type? Sorry for all these questions. I am a little confused about when to vacuum up the food grade DE. Diatomaceos earthwith calicum bentonite is the one tractor supply told me to get for inside outside and petswill this kill fleas ticks one. Was just at our vet with two infested kittiesshe gave them a Capstar and used Cheristin topical that lasts 30 days and is only for cats. Hi Krista! For years I have searched for a remedy for chiggers and have recently hit upon the prospect of using DE. Will this kill fleas and eggs or will new ones hatch when we move in and walk around. First of all, I recommend that you wash all your bedding and once its dry, place DE under your sheets and on your carpets. But since Im here, of course my dog was playing in the yard and fleas jumped on him! Let me know your results , Hi, We noticed our cats had fleas and immediately did a spot on treatment of Frontline on them. ), shot-holing and furrowing their way through all your hard work. Can you send it to me? I plan to leave the dust for at least a month till i dont get bit anymore, heard the eggs take weeks to hatch unless they sense carbon dioxide. Would it end up affecting her even if it is food grade? A nematode is a nematode. I completed the task of spreading the DE at 8:30 pm last night, June 5th. (blocked off for now.) Chickens like to take a dust bath, will the silica aggregate or cut them? I was so desperate back then because my dogs were infested by fleas, we even had fleas inside the house. Took her to the vet only to find out she had fleas. Its sharp edges are abrasive, speeding up the process.. Hi Dan. I suggest you try using my DIY flea traps first. Every surface of our house is covered in a fine layer of dust. at the end of cleaning a dusted (with an applicator) the entire coop pen and both goats (not the chicks) I will dust again in a week (at this time I plan to wash the chickens) Question: ongoing how often do dust? Wed suggest getting a combination nematode bundle like this one from Arbico Organics that is effective against flea beetle as well as other garden pests. Since flea eggs hatch after about a week of being laid by female fleas (in most scenarios), its recommended that you repeat this process once a week for a total of 3-4 weeks. Then I remembered seeing some DE in the bathroom cabinet. Hope that helps! is more then enough. Pleasure, have a good one and thanks for stopping by to read my blog , This article has definitely been one of the best Ive read in all my research. I just purchased some DE, to spread on the floor. However, its really based on how much you need. Leave it down for about 2-3 days, that should be sufficient. Here is more about what we do. Hey Mary! This will kill ALL intestinal parasites! Also, have you heard of the brand wolf creek DE It showed exact ingredient in the package unlike Silalive? Food grade DE is an ingredient in some nutritional supplements, touted for heart health, digestive issues, bone health, lowered cholesterol, and other health concerns. I feel like I am out of resources now and debating whether if this problem existed before we moved in, it is our first summer with this home. Good luck! Seen a few fleas but they were already twitching and trying to flea (pun intended). I have used the DE in my house and I have all wood flooring. Dr. Cathy Barnette is a small animal veterinarian with 13 years of clinical experience. For example, they took 50 (Fifty) 6 to 9 month old cats, infected them with heartworms and fleas, applied the product, and then they kill all 50 of these young, innocent beings to do their autopsy for the FDA test results. We have been doing the best we can but the nightmare is that they wander off outside of our yard (we live in the country) and they come back full of fleas. My friend just sent me this article-my cat is highly allergic to the traditional back of the neck flea products, and I have tried all the herbal remedies (shampoos with cloves, Rosemary, etc), And now my bed is flea-ridden. I bought the DE, food grade, sprinkled it all over the room and on the cat. I also have been giving my cat 1 1/2 tsp DE to help in case he gets any worms. Hope that helps! You can apply it in wet or dry formapplying it in wet form allows it to cling to a surface easier, especially in the wind. Would using dawn be more effective? I plan on doing this each day for probably a month seeing as how a flea can lay 40 eggs in a day. Shes very sensitive to medicines, that is why I want to try this product for her tapeworm. Hi Erica, if you get food grade DE, it will not be harmful to your cats (they wont need to leave your apartment), just make sure that you apply it carefully so that it doesnt fill the air with dust hehe. Boo just wants to go down the basement again to eat and sleep, and I need to get this DE mess cleaned all up, and make sure the fleas DONT COME BACK!!! In fact, food grade diatomaceous earth can even be used to kill other pests like bed bugs, chiggers and gnats so feel free to try it elsewhere if you are having a problem with those in your home. Using broom made huge difference working it over floors. Is this a product that I want to buy to use to kill the fleas in my home? Thanks!! I did put the DE on an old dismantled picnic table, pipes, some old Christmas lights, old wooden chairs, snow shovels, plastic Christmas decorations, etc. 2 were in my hair, 2 were in my bed (and both bed fleas were spotted yesterday and today). This will prevent a repeat infestation after you get rid of the adult fleas. How long does it stay on pets? Appreciate your lovely comment and your kind words. Hi Shelby! Hang in there people it does get better. Also, is it better to use the DE mixed with Borax or just on its own? No one has seen a flea or felt one till after I started treatment and they are only seeing baby ones. Hi Terry, humid environments are not ideal but honestly, it will probably still work. It worked well on the housecats. Half my furniture was trashed 70 % clothing thrown out. I moved from WA to FL and have NEVER experienced fleas like they have here in florida, holy cow!! Hi Terrie, not sure if Helen will reply so here goes. Hey Annelyse! Will this still work & if sohow do I use it?? Rock material, not concrete. Julie. I know i have owned dogs and cats all my life and never used this for flea control. Have been doing research for my brother in law. I purchased a 5lb. I hope the little diatoms act like ninja blades on the little evil fleas and they die every last one. How can we keep him from picking up fleas from this place again? It took me 4 months to get rid of the infestation, July-October and since then I only had to bathe the dogs every once in a while and stopped using frontline for the next 7 months, I stick to DE to treat the house every now and then and no fleas were present. They all like to roll about on the carpet, stretching out, indicating they want pettings. I have 5 cats and 2 dogs all live in the house. Let me know please, I will help you through this. Theres a vet in my area who uses a cedar spray to treat infested petspoor cat looks like she stuck her paw in a socket afterwards but it works, as long as your home is not infested and shell pick then back up. I will be looking for it. While applying the DE move all furniture, vacume as you go, apply, work with broom, also make sure you get the baseboards thats where they really like to lay there eggs. This fungal spray may be purchased and sprayed on the garden, but be sure to apply spray in the evening since direct sunlight may kill the spores. Hi Nancy! Its more of a home and garden type situation, says Dr. Chris Reeder, DVM, DACVD, a board-certified veterinary dermatologist with BluePearl Pet Hospital in Franklin, Tennessee. If people are unsure of this product, let me tell you it works. Develop a keen eye for spotting these pests, so you dont have to suffer the devastation of their less-than-creative artwork on your plants leaves and tubers. Hi Sara! Do your best to keep tall weeds and old piles of leaves out of the garden where these insect pests may overwinter. If you do use DE outside, keep in mind that it needs to be dry otherwise it wont work at all. It has long been used in the control of fleas, bed bugs, ants, and other household pests. Its a good way to sprinkle your pets as well because it comes out of the sifter in a fine dust and not clumping. My goal for this blog is to create evidence-based guides that are easy to understand, provide sufficient depth and can be trusted to be very accurate. Ive seen some eggs and feces on our hand towel in the bathroom although it is way less than it was before. We did have a few questions that we cant seem to find answers for, though. Hi Allie! Also Im sure they;re fleas because they jump, and Ive looked at their pictures on the internet extensively. I have inspected my dog and I can only find one flea so far. I dont recommend using the DE directly on your pets. Sign up and make sure you are always on top of the most important info for you and your pets. Do you put it on and leave it (and if so does this harm them if they start to lick the DE/clean themselves? I have an elderly cat that is infested with so many fleas I cant even go in the same room with her without getting attacked by fleas. To be honest, I use it primarily for inside the house and get a insect spray for the yard. Filter grade DE is added to pool filter systems, where it captures small particleslike dirt and bacteriathat other filters might miss. I have carpet only in the bedrooms and closet, can I sprinkle DE on my hardwood floors and tile? Hi Donna, you can put it anywhere you think fleas might be hiding, dont hold back hehe. Is this gonna hurt them? you might try using a sho-vac (sometimes called a wet/dry vac). Hi Claudia! Just a regular vacuum with a bag works well. That I can spread evenly and not get too much. I sprinkle it on the carpet, and just leave it for a week or more. Record when you plant your first transplants, and when you spot your first beetle. Hi Electlady! Its an absolute pleasure, glad you have found it useful I recommend getting about 10lb but since they do come in different sizes, I recommend getting enough to finely dust each room in your house. There is no carpet just hard wood flooring and tile. Diatomaceous Earth is a non-toxic powder composed of fossilized, one-celled organisms called diatoms. Thoughts on purchasing diatomaceous earth for fleas online at Home Depot or Amazon? You rock! Put them out at night, as the light will attract the fleas to their doom. Gottaga is white so you can actually see them crawling all over him. Is this ok to use this product near my pets? My girlfriend is allergic to seafood and shellfish. This year, were infested. I will definitely add that to the main article so that others can benefit from your suggestion. We have two cats and two dogs. In conclusion, using this simple and natural powder can do wonders for household flea problems. Hi, we noticed a few fleas yesterday. Thx for your help! Didnt read them all, because I want these creatures gone fast, but I appreciate how you are taking time to answer everyone! Hey Vicki! Tapeworms in animals can be caused by fleas. It was like $10 and worth every cent. Please remember that my guides are for informational purposes only, and that you agree to the terms of use when reading content on this website. Back in the 1830s, an old farmer discovered a hard substance that he initially thought was limestone. Now after doing all of this, instead of combing my cat and getting 10-15 out at a time, Im finding around 3 or 4 after a full comb which is great. Sounds like you put down enough, just leave it for a couple days. 2. i feel like it would just slide around. Obviously you wouldnt want to breath that. Hi Natasha, I came across this site a few months ago when I was looking for a solution for the fleas that were in my home. Does this also kill the eggs that may be there? Hi, I have enjoyed reading your articles. Below ground, the larvae feed on the roots and tubers of host plants. After 2 treatments I havent seen any fleas and thought they were completely gone, until today. Will use on carpeting also. If yes, how often should it be applied? You recommended to leave DE for 12 hours before vacuuming up. Everyone else blogs, etcand just leaves the readers with questions hanging. Im moving out soon so Im just making sure that the cat is flea free for our new house! Less than 100% I would not Recomend.. Also, Salt and Baking soda can help. and brushing it in? Ive used DE on several occasions. Clearly, small amounts of less crystalline forms are safe, but when you walk into a home where it has been spread everywhere by the homeowner trying to kill fleas in carpet, I have major concerns, says Dryden. Hey Sharon! No, you cannot mix water with the DE but I suppose you could wash it off, not recommended though as it will takes ages hehe. Hi Jon! Hi Jane! After doing a little research (havnt seen that in my country), it seems that you may have purchased feed grade variant of DE. You can also spray it on furniture or bedding. It will not be effective when wet, but when it dries out, it should have some efficacy.. Im excited!!!!! It is also much more expensive than buying in bulk on Amazon. We found food grade DE at the local feed store. Every night id get bitten 10 times no matter which room I slept in, tried throwing my bed away to sleep on the floor and same thing. But the lady told me it was safe to use for flea control. Sorry, if I seem all over the placeIm just at a loss. That is a great question, let me go ahead and answer that! An do I just sprinkle it around with my fingers or buy a sifter? Hi Candy, sheesh that sounds like you have some seriously strong fleas there lol. I hate pesticides, I fell like I have it all over me and like I am eating it for weeks after using it. Dont forget to can just hot wash your linen. Any feedback will help, thanks in advance! However, now that the powder is no longer there, they are back again. The beetles come in some very fancy colors including black, greenish-black, brown, metallic, white-striped, or yellow and orange striped. I know that you (or your pets) are not going to eat it but it basically guarantees that its non-toxic in every way. Are there spots they like to lay eggs more than others? Lastly, not too sure if you went to the .com site but there is an amazon specifically for Canada, just add a .ca at the end (instead of the .com). Hi Lisa! Repeat 2-3 times as well, that should be enough. My 2 house cats AND Boo were treated with a medication called Revolution which you place between the cats shoulder blades. It is a pleasure! Based on previous experience, I think it is OK to massage into the coat initially (avoiding the face), then toweling off the excess. Hi Ashley, interesting, thanks for sharing this, will pass it on to those that need this info . I found one flea last night and one today while in bed. I also ordered: Applicator Bottle + Diatomaceous Earth with Calcium Bentonite. I always recommend a decent spot on treatment for that. I spray it on my boots and my clothing when I go into the forests to photograph game animals. Stands to reason, if you think of all the other gunk we breathe in, even microscopic parasites that ride the dust in our houses and air we breathe every day. I usually remove tapeworm from my pets using a tablet so I suggest grabbing something like that from your vet, not too sure why they recommended a liquid, very strange lol. I started cleaning the Borax from my hardwood floors and I couldnt believe the amount of fleas and flea dirt I was seeing. He wont even come into the bedroom now! It doesnt say food grade anywhere. Hi Peggy! Please do, you are doing well though, keep it up! I have a stray cat that I took in last November 23rd of 2015. Im a little worried about trying it because I adore my cats and I would be devastated if something should happen to them! (My DE is food grade, but I have had it for a year). Natasha, I got your email, thank you and I added you on FB and shared too. Would the DE get the fleas and larvae, and washing would rinse away eggs? Thanks for the great tip, much appreciated! Just one suggestion though, if you are going to use it on your bed, place it under the sheet as it can make some people cough a bit if it puffs into the air. How would you suggest resolving this situation before it escalates further? Pruning Brussels Sprouts: Tips for Success, Pruning Brussels Sprouts: Tips for Success, .slick-slider#wpsp-83657 {margin-left: 0px; }.slick-slider#wpsp-83657 .wp-show-posts-inner {margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em; }#wpsp-83657.wpsp-card .wp-show-posts-single {margin-bottom: 2em; }.slick-slider#wpsp-83657 .wp-show-posts-single {margin-bottom: 0px; }#wpsp-83657 .wp-show-posts-inner {background-color: #ffffff; }#wpsp-83657.wp-show-posts .wp-show-posts-entry-title {font-size: .9em; }.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-83657 {margin-left: -2em; }.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-83657 .wp-show-posts-inner {margin: 0 0 2em 2em; } I have read your comment and I feel that you are doing the right thing, you will get relief but I am sorry that it is causing so much distress. Hi there! I have also sprinkled their window beds. Thanks! Being half bald it had to be done anyway :'( anyway with the parrot, flapping his wings because he is frustrated being stuck inside his six foot tall cage, the eggs were scattered EVERYWHERE!!!) We are in week 3 and seem to have gained the upper hand. Hi Dotti! Thanks so much. DE will kill ALL bugs, bees included. I also put down salt hoping they would eat it and dehydrate too. Im leaving to go to my moms for a month and dont want to come back to a flea infested house!! I suggest using fresh lemon and warm water, around once a week. Hi Natasha! After I sprinkle the DE, can I continue to walk on and live in the rooms having been treated? It will be alot of work. Dont do it too often though because it can dry their skin. Hi Lori! I apply DE with a plastic applicator that is made for this purpose. Can I mix DE with borax when I put it down on the floors and carpet? Thank you for sharing such thorough guidance. Food grade DE is 100% safe. What color should it be? I tried everything, bathe the dogs every other week, I asked about frontline plus, which I was provided with good reviews but I had 9 dogs and that was too expensive for me. She doesnt like contact unless she initiates it, so giving her a dawn bath to give her immediate relief is out of the question unfortunately.). I have to walk around with my pants tucked into my socks and Im constantly finding them on my socks and picking them off the floor. Thank you thank you! Any help would be appreciated. Perhaps grab a spot on treatment for your dogs and you will be flea free in no time . But way worth it to stay healthy. The Revolution did not work on Boo. They are good for nothing! Also when using on animals be careful not to get it into their eyes or breathing parts. I tried Hartz flea spray and while I think it lessened the issue it didnt really fix it. This stuff is awesome considering I have a 17 month old son! Got my powder spreader and DE today and sprayed the crap ton in all my rooms. However, I still keep traps on floor under lights; just in case. Thank for taking the time to share these fantastic tips with the community. But it doesnt have to only be ingested to be effective. Hi. Will it harm them if they walk or lay on treated carpets or furniture? Good luck! and roughly how much would be needed for 2 Jack Russel cross dogs? The longer the better, I say three days because thats the most people are usually willing to stand hehe. Thanks for sharing your experiences with borax and DE, its much appreciated. The power of diatomaceous earth for killing fleas in the home and yard has been proven over the years and regardless of what you may have been told, it does work and its very effective. What do you recommend? It is a pleasure! The last time Honey, the dog, was here laying on my couch, she was getting bit by fleas. Will it clog up the new hoover? 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