Classification: Greater god of the sun, creativity and renewal . This new Amaunator inherited the goodness of Lathander, becoming a Lawful Good deity in the process. Although Lathander is among Realmspace's oldest deities, he nonetheless retains all the boundless optimism of youth. The next step from there is typically thinking about the good domains. Portfolio: The Sun, Spring, Dawn, Birth, Youth, Vitality, Creativity, Renewal Cracked gravestones and crumbling monuments are scattered across the cemetery grounds, whose center is occupied by a chapel dedicated to. [44], In 916 DR,[45] Lathander, enraged with the unchanging, tyrannical, undead-centric philosophy of the Cult of the Dragon, sent an avatar to Cormanthyr to personally do battle with Sammaster during a Harper raid. [20], All of Lathander's clergy respected art, liberty, nature, and culture; promoted betterment of oneself; and strove to bring hope to their followers and others. Weapon (Mace), Artifact (requires attunement by a Lawful Good character). The faithful of Lathander embrace the founding of new communities and the growth of civilization, as long as that civilization gives everyone the potential to succeed. Titles: Morninglord, The Yellow God, Keeper of the Eternal Sun Lathander is a calming presence in the Forgotten Realms. In the mythos of the Forgotten Realms, Lathander is prayed to often by any who worship the Faerunian pantheon as a whole. The rising sun is his symbol, and his colors are the rose, gold, and violet of the dawn. Even just interaction from a god brought on by the prayers of a player character can be enough reason to have some DM solutions ready to go. His foes were Cyric, Talos, and Shar. A god of hope and beginnings, Lathander's name was invoked at the start of new endeavors, whether sealing a new deal, or setting out on a new journey. The cathedral has tall stained-glass windows and a wide but short bridge leading to the main doors. He destroyed Sammaster but was wounded in the battle. They are physically stunning and might tend toward excess, but they definitely still care about spreading the message of creativity, life, and renewal. Sure, he could be a ridiculously powerful ally (or enemy), but deus ex machina always takes some agency away from the characters. At the heart of the realm is a small lake bordered by a meadow and a stand of tall trees. Worshipers Clerics of the life and light domains that worship Lathander exclusively will likely follow in that oaths footsteps. If this is the case, simply have the pair hiding safely in the Shrine of, Chapter 2: Elturel Has Fallen Once a holy city whose folk venerated, Gideon Lightward Gideon Lightward was a priest of, to send the group on a mission to destroy the Spires of the Morning, the temple of, . The faithful of Lathander embrace the founding of new communities and the growth of civilization, as long as that civilization gives everyone the potential to succeed. The flower was so perfect, the goddess thought it to be an apology from her misguided consort. As a result, he is very popular among the merchant classes, and the church has benefited accordingly. House of Nature[2]Elysium/ Eronia[3][4] However you decide to bring Lathander to prominence in your campaign, youll probably want to make him an actual character at some point. Morninglory[8][3][4] It would also deal excessive damage to all other evil beings. Some followers of Lathander insisted that he was in fact the reincarnation of Amaunator, the Netherese god of the sun, which was known as the Risen Sun heresy. Not only can no one figure out exactly what happened, no one knows exactly when it happened. Clerics of Lathander tend to be ebullient utopians, morning people in every sense of the phrase. There are plenty of divine domains out there. He is god not of the sun but of the dawn, which represents the start of a new day filled with potential. Lathander is the god of birth, renewal, healing, and the sunrise/dawn. He is a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, birth, athletics, spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth. Those who dispel them or who foster new life are often favored by him. He is god not of the sun but of the dawn, which represents the start of a new day filled with potential. Even then, they might still try to see the light within such a corrupted being. Morninglory, Lathander's realm, is tinted with the colours of dawn - rubies, crimsons, scarlets, yellows, and pinks. Obviously, we went into that a lot more in the PC section above. Roleplaying a worshipper of a fictional god becomes much more believable when we pray to them in a consistent way. Eldarian Al'maire, a Lathanderite. Back in AD&D, the avatar had 36 levels in fighter and 25 levels in cleric. The Morninglords command over creativity brings him into friendly contact with Oghma, Milil, and Gond, and his unflinching hatred of the undead has made him a fast ally of Kelemvor. Perfect yourself, and be fertile in mind and body. Lathanders name is invoked to seal alliances and christen new ventures or companies. You can do this by bringing in his actual avatar or by bringing in his more ethereal form. The couple watched as a crystal sphere engorged and then split apart, new stars lit inside them. This gave credence to the idea held by certain groups of Lathanders followers that the two were actually one and the same. People commonly offer a prayer to him before undertaking any journey or endeavor. Realmspace[5] In reality, the flower was a seed of Moander. People commonly offer a prayer to him before undertaking any journey or endeavor. Merrygold is a priest of, . Intelligence: Nigh-omniscient in anything reagrding birth, renewal and creativity, otherwise vastly superhuman . [49] It is unknown if they were actually separate beings by this time or if Lathander was simply granting spells to the followers of Amaunator.[speculation]. Luthic is the only orc deity concerned with healing, and the most powerful orc goddess. He is the god of spring, birth, and renewal, personifying conception, vitality, youth, and self-perfection. She sacrificed herself, splitting into the two deities Tymora and Beshaba. Religious Practices: As the god of life, Lathander abhors the undead and so his followers are charged with destroying any undead they find. The church has grown extremely wealthy over millennia. His preferred clothes were a set of colorful robes of reds, pinks, and yellows. Lathander is the god of the spring, birth, and renewal, a deity of conception, vitality, youth, renewal, and self-perfection. Behind the altar is a beautiful stained-glass window with a scene showing Lathander standing in glory (which must be an amazing site during sunrise). [13] Exuberant and friendly,[20][13] his interests laid in vibrant life (regarding both birth and nature),[20] and conversely urged the destruction of the corrupted mockeries of life that he saw the undead as. Lathander, as he is known, is a benevolent deity. His visage evoked an anthropomorphization of a sunrise. Oghma, Chauntea, and Lliira know of Lathanders plans, but so far, each has remained silent. Others took this heresy further, claiming that he would take up the mantle of the lawful neutral Amaunator again, and that the transformation from deity of the morning to sun god was imminent.[31]. I hope youve enjoyed this little lore dive today. At such places folk get married in dawn ceremonies, announce the start of civic projects, and even give birth when possible, to provide the baby good fortune. [27] His allies included Gond, Tymora, Tyr, Torm, Ilmater, Sune, Selne, Oghma, Kelemvor, and Mielikki. He can employ around 20 of these at the same time. In addition to the more than thirty gods listed for Forgotten Realms, the section notes that there are many more deities worshipped by small cults, as regional deities, and by more eclectic religious sects. While you hold this weapon, it sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. offers council to any who pray at the small stone altar to, offers counsel to any who pray at the small stone altar to, , cares for the shrine and offers council to any who pray at the small stone altar to, ","rollDamageType":"necrotic"} necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.Gideon Lightward was a priest of, You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. His radiant face darkened akin to sun eclipse when the god was angered or upset. - Sources->Sword Coast Adventurers Guide. In fact, frustrated with the chaos and evil that other gods were spreading throughout the planes, Lathander attempted to recreate the Faernian pantheon in his own image. related to a god and choose to worship that deity. Despite the failures of the distant past, Lathanders faith remains extremely popular and powerful today, especially among idealistic young nobles (though seldom their parents). Lathander is a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, birth, athletics, spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth. It was an attempt by Lathander to remake the entire pantheon of Faerun in his own image. [20] Though enthusiastically altruistic and only slightly vain, it was said by his critics that his aggressive do-gooder mentality often prevented him from taking more sensible courses of action. He is god not of the sun but of the dawn, which represents the start of a new day filled with potential. While his plan horribly failed, many of his followers believe that he does still intend to try again. Lathanders temples and shrines host a wide range of functions both municipal and personal. Lathanders friendly demeanor makes him almost as popular among other deities as he is among the mortals of Toril. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. These images are for individual DMs to use in personal campaigns, to provide visual cues and examples for their players. Lathander's cathedral is a tall ostentatious building surrounded by large statues spouting water into a shallow moat that surrounds the building. The faithful of Lathander embrace the founding of new communities and the growth of civilization, as long as that civilization gives everyone the potential to succeed. Lathander is a god of beginnings. Below are images related to the deity. Lathander is a god of beginnings. . Building Narrative Armies In Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness, My Lil' Everdell Is A Very Good Place To Start || How To Play, Gambit, Hellboy, Penn Jillette's New Bluffing Game & More! Lathander, god of birth and renewal ; Leira, goddess of illusion ; Lliira, goddess of joy ; Loviatar, goddess of pain ; Malar, god of . As such, the first month of the year, symbolic of the rebirth of plant life after the cold winter months, is named after Lathander. Those who dispel them or who foster new life are often favored by him. No doubt the Vigilant One would be chagrined to learn that Lathander has, since the Time of Troubles, been working on some of the incantations and machinations that brought about that catastrophe so long ago. On a successful save, the creature becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn. The resulting effect left several deities dead in the fallout, as well as several powerful outsiders. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Domains He is god not of the sun but of the dawn, which represents the start of a new day filled with potential. Hello and welcome friends to Legendlore, where I draw pictures of gods, monsters, and characters from D&D while giving a small but dense history about them! Tyche tucked the rose in her hair, from whence the flower corrupted and rotted her from the inside. [13], Though liked for his many positive qualities, Lathander also had a reputation for displaying the flaws common to the young, such as zealotry, vanity, and excess. God of Life Domains: creativity, renewal, birth, athletics, spring, vitality and youth. During his numerous visits to the Great Mother's Garden, Lathander appeared as a giant of a man, to match the size of his lover, Chauntea. They despise the undead, seeing them as both a corruption of the natural order and a disavowal of new beginnings, because undead cling to their old existence rather than moving on. Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor, Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (Cyclopedia of the Realms), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition (revised), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms, Domains in Eberron and the Forgotten Realms, Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford, "In the dawn, beauty reigns, and the way is clearer. Lathanderis the godof the spring, birth, and renewal, a deity of conception, vitality, youth, renewal, and self-perfection. This group seeks to spread the word of Lathander in a less-than-peaceful way, and while their main targets are worshippers of evil deities, they might end up thwarting any who oppose Lathander. People commonly offer a prayer to him before undertaking any journey or endeavor. When such construction is impossible, a complex series of mirrors channels the suns rays. Rules information Alignment: Neutral Good Symbol: Road traveling into a sunrise Weapon: A Hammer Holy Days: Midsummer, the equinoxes. Athletics, birth,[7] creativity, dawn,[6] renewal,[6][7] self-perfection, spring, vitality, youth Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French). Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Today, were going to be talking about a god that exemplifies all of these qualities, a god that any good cleric would be happy to devote themselves to. [13] He was a doggedly determined god[20] who encouraged proactive altruism and constant reevaluation of the old ways. They despise the undead, seeing them as both a corruption of the natural order and a disavowal of new beginnings, because undead cling to their old existence rather than moving on. [4], People commonly offer a prayer to Lathander before embarking on a new journey, entering a contract, or start a new political or romantic relationship. She calls Amaunator the Morninglord, a name that southerners use to describe, - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, one. Lathanders temples and shrines host a wide range of functions both municipal and personal. Basic information Prayer before embarking on a new journey. Lathander is the god of the spring, birth, and renewal, a deity of conception, vitality, youth, renewal, and self-perfection. Worshipping Lathander: The Morninglord as a PC Deity, Lathander as a Character: DMing the Bringer of the Dawn, Torm: the True and Loyal Fury - DnD 5e Deity Guide, Tyr: Lawful Good God of Law and Justice - 5e Deity Guide, Tempus: the Spirit of War Embodied - DnD 5e Deity Guide, Goristro in 5e: Stats & Tactics For These HUGE Fiends. Lathander is a god of beginnings. No mortals know the details of the Deliverance, but the prospect of the Morninglord taking a more active role in the affairs of Toril fills his already excitable worshipers with an almost unsettling glee. Lawful clerics often multiclass as paladins. [9] All followers were required to be of neutral to good alignment. He is wearing elegant clothes, a splendid crown, and dawn-colored robes. Contents 1 Overview 2 Description 3 Holy symbol 4 Favored weapon 5 Realm 6 Worship 7 In Spelljammer 8 Appendix 8.1 External Links 8.2 References 8.3 Connections Overview Lathander, god of birth and renewal NG Life, Light Road traveling into a sunrise Leira, goddess of illusion CN Trickery Point-down triangle containing a swirl of mist Lliira, goddess of joy CG Life Triangle of three six-pointed stars Loviatar, goddess of pain LE Death Nine-tailed barbed scourge Sunrise made of pink, red, and yellow gems, Athletics, birth, creativity, dawn, renewal, self-perfection, spring, vitality, youth. Portfolio Domain: Life. In many ways, the Dawn Cataclysm still has repercussions felt to this day. With the return of Bane, many progressive deities believe that direct action must be taken to destroy evil once and for all, and that no unintended consequences of Lathanders plans could be as threatening to the world as simply standing by and doing nothing. Place more importance in activities that help others than in strict adherence to rules, rituals, and the dictates of your seniors. Worshipers One organization that works well for this is the Order of the Aster or the Knights of the Aster. Realm As the god of beginnings, Lathander traditionally receives prayer from many inhabitants of Faern at the start of a journey or endeavor. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lathander is also the god called upon to bless birth and fertility related ceremonies. So it wouldnt be surprising if most temples of Lathander are extremely ornate. The other big loss was Lathanders own lover, Tyche, the original goddess of fortune who left Faerun to wander the many worlds. Something similar would work perfectly for an interaction with your PCs. Sleep spells and similar effects do not function within this realm, and those who rest here find themselves refreshed in half the usual time. 2023 Wizards. You should check them out. They despise the undead, seeing them as both a corruption of the natural order and a disavowal of new beginnings, because undead cling to their old existence rather than moving on. His symbols is a sun. Lathander is a god of beginnings. Ceremonies are joyful but dignified and feature singing, offerings, and ritual drinking of well water touched by the light of dawn. Lathander is a young, gold-skinned, athletic human man, with a calm smile and pleasant demeanor. [1][3][20][14][13][11][7][22], Some saw the Commander of Creativity as the neutral good aspect of Amaunator[23] but the two were considered separate deities again after the Second Sundering.[24]. His vanity and enthusiasm cause him to discount the consequences of his actions: He simply hopes for the best and attacks a problem head on, regardless of the ramifications. [8], Lathander, however, returned during the events of Second Sundering in 1486 DR, thanks to the effort of his Chosen and prophet Stedd Whitehorn. Has tall stained-glass windows and a stand of tall trees likely follow in that oaths footsteps back AD... Engorged and then split apart, new stars lit inside them and the same,. Faerun to wander the many worlds, many of his followers believe that he does still intend to try.. Of spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth with your PCs be if. A Lawful Good character ) ] it would also deal excessive damage all! 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