I love him and he still provides well. In order to get him to actually go, sign him up for a personal trainer or massage at . I know my obsession is getting into dangerous territory when I start getting mad. Im used to being in charge of things. Also have a foot fetish and love me some meaty BBW feet.BBW fans also seem to really love my wife and her feet. Really, I didn't realize there was s special membership for making comments. His legs and arms are still quite lean. Great job darling- a man should have what he needs! My beautiful wife was never a waif. I had to buy him size 40 pants (used to be a size 32), and I was so happy to watch him try them on. What you must avoid is confessing that you're losing your attraction to him. I tease him about it sometimes so that he knows I love him no matter the size. Put that extra fat on girl - he loves the blubber. Of course, I'm in heaven. My wife is very fat with big bum and belly and I love it . If she is not okay with that then drop her like a hot potato. I made sure to wear a slightly too small shirt so it kept sliding up over my belly a little and I had to keep pulling it down. After I went to the place of feeling like a helpless, worthless ten-year-old girl, I tapped into my strong inner woman. Fat people | My Husband makes comments about my weight. Maybe your boyfriend likes it as much as you do, so he is not particularly worried about it. We even talked to therapy and I explained my reasons. Dear Wendy: "My Boyfriend's Getting Fat". That's the real trick. Its fun to have great food and enjoy moments with delicious food! We dont talk about it, but I can tell shes on a mission to make her chubby hubby even fatter. She said, eew, that's disgusting! YOUR KILLING YOUR HUSBANDS!!! There is nothing you have to gain from telling your partner that theyve gained weight and that you arent as horny for them because of it. December 25, 2018. Obviously he loves you getting fatter! They seem to think how their husband's look is a reflection on them. In those 7 years, I've managed to get him 350 pounds or so and am still feeding him lots of calories. Well, if you dont mind how he physically looks or feels (although part of you sounds jealous because you have stayed in shape for him), then I would suggest telling him that he is still attractive and you dont mind his extra weight, but that you want him to start trying to be more active and healthy (not necessarily lose weight) and say you can work on it together. Hes up 30 pounds and Im up 22 pounds. The looks we get are priceless and I can tell they are based in jealousy. Get loads of people loving the pics I share of her. =( I feel so guilty for enjoying this. When we were dating, he was 170 pounds. On top of that, he has everything to lose from you saying it. Skinny fat, also known as sarcopenic obesity, is a condition that makes a person look skinny on the outside though they have the same medical issues as an obese person on the inside. I had finally reached my goal weight of 98 pounds. How big are you planning on going? He has a slight double chin now that I also think is sexy. If you did get fat, how do you think others would react? I too am a fat wife. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, MPhil Economics/Economic Research Cambridge 2023, Official UCL 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Thread. am going with it. We been dating 6 years and now its been almost year since her surgery. I call him fatty and tubby, and sometimes when I text him, I call him Fat Boy. How much weight has she put on? I like my girlfriend's weight gain. They are wonderful in every way! If my mum gives me cooked food at my age, why am I diagnosed with an eating disorder? I'm at 250 now, heaviest I've ever been. At the time I weighs somewhere around 265-275. I hope he still gains in the coming years. Totally this. Has anyone discussed it with their partner and how do you approach the conversation? I have been dating this guy for over 2 years now. You might say something like: Im very sad because I feel like we arent as connected or romantic as before, and I feel like Ive lost some of my attraction to you. She got diabetes of pregnancy right toward the end, but still kept pigging out. Is this something new she has been doing? He had his shirt off last night, and WOW, what a pot belly. My husband is getting fat. Wish us both luck! Make a podcast, YouTube or TikTok videos about our confessions and we'll promote your content, free! I like my husbands new size and weight and Im sure that your husband does, too, especially if hes already told you he wouldnt mind you gaining some weight. Now that Ive become a bit porkier, she seems to be subtly but fully on board with where things are going. I love her. Fatness isnt the only measure of health. Be well ladies. Hauling all that fat around and struggling with daily chores is a joy to watch. His waist was 35-36, now 44 and his belly hangs over his belt a lot. Urgent help needed - student finance isnt enough, estranged, parmezanne's life and wellbeing blog 2023 . I weighed 250 pounds when I married. Just before I had my baby, I was 416. they weighs me then cuz they say i might need c section. Plus, people have divorced for far, far less. She's 381 now; her goal was 375, but when she was 365, she moved her goal to 400. There is plenty of them out there. Then bring bigger pants on the honeymoon so he can enjoy himself. I love my fat husband! Her OB was alarmed! Thanks for being a roll model . My lovely wife had been gaining weight over the years, then, at one point, when she was around 255 pounds (5'5") she decided, enough, time to go on a diet. What ideas does he have? He stepped on the scale the other day and he has gained 50 pounds!The problem is I feel guilty watching him fatten up and liking it. We are experimenting with feeding which I like. Because if she is the type to be constantly trying to be a good fatty by constantly attempting some dumbass diet or worse yet, weightloss surgery, then both you and she will be miserable for the rest of your lives. He keeps fit, works out and is following a program so he'll look great when we go to the . My husband is getting fat. Lucky man. It's just nice to get fat and have a wife that not only doesn't mind, but encourages it! The Pupillage Interview/Acceptance/Rejection Thread 2023 Watch, University of East Anglia (UEA) A100 2023 Entry. They seem to be accepted by their peers. The next time a "gift-giving holiday" rolls around, buy him a gym membership. I said I didn't want her to have it that she looked beautiful. Being around him is never fun. She never discouraged me from dieting before, but I never heard an encouraging word either. I keep complimenting her every chance I get, and give every new inch of her lots of attention. Nobody f****** asked you. She has no idea how turned on I get. Plus he carries most of his weight in his tummy and face. But when he does make these comments.. eating less food or something.. it upsets me. But once she had one, I think she was pleased with how I feel. I love to show my fat wife off to all the skinny b******. Liver is one of the key organs in the body which removes toxins and helps break down fats to make them digestible. Grammar and punctuation are obviously not your strong suit. Her next goal is 500 lbs. I can't say to her I told you so. Make your intentions and desires known up front before you commit. When we got married, my 5'5" wife was chubby at 175 lbs. Haha I assume the censored comment was "b-o-o-b-s." I don't know why but i think it's funny when guys get fat and they grow a pair, sorry LOL. My hubby seems to really enjoy my gain as well. Dear Sugars, I've been with my boyfriend for more than two years. If you cook, start making more caloric meals--lots of carbs and fat. My hubby is gettin chubby during quarantine and mama is surprised with how hot his baby bump is!! The latter. Without a healthy s e x life, he wouldnt have doubled his weight so quickly (3 years). I prefer it much more than the flat stomach he had years ago. She gave birth to our second at about 475lbs. In Covid I gained 51 pounds. One solid inch up several not-so-firm inches out. Finally a Fat Boyfriend. Include 2.4kg of protein per kg of his body weight in the diet for the same reason. What Im concerned about is his mental health. Howre you going to do it? All rights reserved. Make a podcast, YouTube or TikTok videos about our confessions and we'll promote your content, free! I like the way I look, but my present boyfriend is encouraging me to take off some weight. I feel free to indulge without need to justify anything, especially to strangers with dubious intentions. How much have you gained? She had dieted down from around 400 for her wedding day and after we were married she told me that she hated every minute of the diet and that not being able to eat her favorite fattening foods was like torture. I'll start off by saying that I am madly in love with my boyfriend. Maybe I can recognize that I could be a negative influence. So I just started to make larger and larger plates for him, and he started gaining weight, and most of it went to his belly. In that case, you probably like the way he is getting fat. I hope she gains another 100 putting her close to 380 pounds. How many women want to seriously fatten up their husbands? Its true, many husbands (even more than you would think) love watching their wifes get Fat and continue to get Fatter. Ironically enough, I met my boyfriend during the thinnest month of my life. Just ask him how big he would like you to be. Keep up the snacks and you might be there someday! A pregnant belly is so sexy. 5. I don't like feeling his bones. Unfortunately when my wife wants her favorite high fat, high carb foods, the kids want to eat that as well and telling children that young that they cannot have what mommy is having or what their friends are having is kind of difficult. Another important role you have to play is to reduce his stress levels as much as possible, which you can do by taking him to recreational activities. Id rather have a fat husband than no husband at all. Clothing makers in the UK are actually pioneering the clothes for overweight children and it is slowly spreading to the US. He loves to look after me . If I gets fat enough to be imobile, thats OK as long as he can still f uck me. Thats OK. Love can carry you for a bit. and our With you at what weight will you or would you stop letting your husband keep getting fatter, is the a upper limit or just see where it goes? but I'm not sure I want to anymore. Funny how an average american woman life packs on the pounds ha. I'm afraid he'll think I've been up to something to no good this whole time, when it's mostly just me appreciating his body. Just something I never told anyone. Periodically, we also mention in some of the posts on this site to help serve you better. In this article, we have discussed this topic in detail. Ive tried, but shes just not comfortable talking about it. Also, put melted butter on everything including pizza (it tastes great!) chapter 1 - skinny. You are allowed to feel like it sucks. For more information, please see our Or was your success part of your reason for letting loose? Its very important to me that we take care of ourselves and this is part of that. You can also bring up how you feel you havent been having sex as much recently and wanting to change that. It's pretty clear he is sending the message of his likes by suggesting you gain more. Today after a long day of cleaning my boyfriend comes home after dirt biking (we live together) and says to go for dinner. I like my men very chubby, so I kept feeding him up. I've had real arguments with my friends about it. Next time you're hanging with a crowd of your peers, look around. He always has had a great appetite, and I like to see men get fat, so I keep him well fed and only cook really fattening dishes, which he loves. In simpler words, just because you look skinny and think that you have a healthy body does not mean you are fully healthy because of skinny fat. My boyfriend is like the complete physical opposite of me. I love him no matter what, his physique doesn't really matter for me or it does not affect how I fell for him. Im a single mother, and I weigh about 533 lbs at the moment. Have you been gaining any weight? There are trade offs he needs to understand. !Anita G. I gained 77 pounds in the pandemic, all of it belly, and all of it flab, like my wife says "You're almost like a woman now." Well more and more breaks now as he loses his breath pretty easy now. I may fatten him up by another 25 pounds just to make sure. Its been Thanksgiving almost every day since. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. He says only two hands are not enough when we make love. Slap him and leave. I love having a takeaway once or twice a week. The same could be asked of thin people and some of the toxic culture and expectations around always being extremely in shape. "Taking care of your hubby by fattening him up is the ultimate expression of love! Enjoy what you have! Hes always trying to get me touching his belly or squeezing it. I keep imagining if the situation were reversed. I would think she would want me to diet, but she is the one who keeps bringing home my favorite ice cream - Ben and Jerry's Cannoli, and pound cake, omg I could live on that! Seriously. I'll bet they ready have physical limitations that will affect their health down the line. I just love seeing someone have little control of some aspect of their lives. By this time she was around 370 and proceeded to gain another 100lbs despite the fact that her OBGYN put her on a pretty strict diet which she obviously not follow. After a while I realized she won't change and now am just enjoying the ride with her. he has a fetish for big girls . Am I a terrible, shallow person? Flash forward another 2 years and she got pregnant with our 2 child. Allowing a child to become super obese is parental negligence. My belly is noticeably bigger, my friends even notice. Because of the excess weight, I worry about her long term physical health but I probably worry about her emotional health even more. 2. Not only does it look horrible and holds you back in business, what about diabetes or heart attacks??? There is only one issue that has become increasingly difficult to deal with: he is rapidly gaining weight. All rights reserved. My wife started her married life at about 220 lbs. I mean it seems much more common than you would think. My (28F) girlfriend (29F) wanted me to gain weight early last year and I haven't been able to top since. His greatest pleasure seems to come from eating junk food, and lots of it. Shes probably added 30 pounds in the last 2 years. Yeah maybe. If it bothers you, you will always be mad atHim for encouraging you to pack on some pounds. I'm retired! We've been married for just about 5 years also, and I too have gained right around 100 pounds. But Danny, 46, is no longer the lean, dark, handsome type she fell for. Nice. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He used to run, but now he hardly exercises at all, he barely even walks the dog (it's his dog and now I do almost all of the walking). Please, always consult with a Licensed Professional or your Local Doctor for advice if you need to. I wouldnt say its a really noticeable gain so far unless Im in a swimsuit. If you feel unhappy or unhealthy when you gain weight, don't gain weight. I feed him well, he likes to snack and his fat belly and mushy chest are a turn on for me. All I can think of when he does that is this is how its going to be from now on. So I've embraced being fat and I love my husband a lot i don't want him to look elsewhere . Then she got pregnant with our first child and gained 90lbs. You are allowed to feel this way. My ever-fattening belly is a testimony of how well I clean my plate and often get additional helpings so the food is not wasted. Later she will humiliate me for the pig I have become while loving the control she has over my feeding weakness. But her subtle encouragement has spoken volumes. And sometimes he will sign off on a return text with "T" for Tubby. When I'm with my married friends they speak about their husbands looks and weight in such a negative way. It's good to get it off my chest, though. It could also happen if youve never done much strength training to produce muscle growth, you dont eat enough protein-enriched foods, or you have been in a calorie deficit for too long by burning more calories than you are taking in. Privacy Policy. My wifes been quietly adding bigger portions to my plate and offering dessert. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. No. Over the four years we've been married, she has completely ballooned, weighing 245 or so after year 1, then 260 year 2, 280-290 year 3, and so far this year, she's really piling on the pounds. Do I Need To Tell Him I Cheated? "SKRAWK! The helpless surrendering to eating and gaining just makes it all the better. That you physically dont appreciate it or that it represents or reminds you of him being lazy/unhealthy/unattractive? I agree! Shes coming off hip surgery so is a lot less active. He came back 20 pounds heavier. But she still seems to love it, too. Yea, thats so sweet. She battles enjoying the effect on me with self confidence, but if thats not an issue, let go. Its not my hubby getting fat, its me!! I met my hubby at gym. until I eat it all. No more worry over appearance and weight. Im the bloated one. Its normal to be less attracted to someone when they arent caring for themselves, when they arent taking initiative, when they have less of an external life going on than they did before. an there might be complicantions, and i sure did need a csection cuz that kid was huge-10 lb 14oz. He doesn't like the extra weight on him, but he seems to like when I grab his belly and moobs. than similar people who are thin. Am sure my husband would like to feed me but I don't think he knows how to approach the subject. Some men like a softer . I also have this fantasy about her being with a young, hard, fit man with a big p****, which I have shared with her and which is she game for - carefully, of course, it's just talk, now. Not sure if I want to keep gaining because its just so foreign to me to not be in good shape. To determine whether your husband may be skinny fat, you should get his body composition analyzed to find out the percentage of body fat first from a reliable source. That will make her feel confident and beautiful and want her to keep those extra pounds for her appreciative man! Here's the best solution: Make his weight-loss . Oh, the babys doing good, and I guess a bit chubby. A friend of mine who loves to eat and has had a belly most of his adult life recently told me that he was trying to lose weight. According to a new survey, he is. Well anyway my cooking and him being comfy, he has gained 80-90 pounds. 1,500 calories in fatty fast food is much different than 1500 calories of lean protein and vegetables. Here is a picture of me when my wife fell in love with me: This is me and my wife now: Not every person is shallow. More often, it waxes and wanes. (Devil horns). My wife is the same way. no dibetes or nothin. I think they're crazy and completely insensitive. In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. I want to tell him, confess how I love his body, and I don't want him to starve himself. Dinner is actually in 10 minutes! Best of luck! Weve talked about seeing how I feel after another 20 pounds, so I might keep going. Only a few people have noticed so far. I'm guessing you already told her you like her to be curvier; keep enforcing that. I'm at 250 now and looking at 350. Sorry about the title, but that's exactly what is happening. Allowing your children to grow to such enormous weights is child abuse and you are a negligent parent. Here are 9 signs that you should keep swiping. There are many different types of pill and many other forms of contraceptive, and even the Practice Nurse will be willing to give you advice on what may be better for you. With that attitude, youre gonna get even porkier looking forward to an update. Iam very big girl now at all most 400 pounds and Ive been married for 6 years my husband adores me loves me am very happy and glad of the attention. I love food, especially chocolate. Wow. This should be obvious. Im over 300 pounds now and feel an affinity to any fatty I see. How much did you weigh when you got married? My boyfriend is getting fat and I like it. He is trying to make you fat on purpose because he wants to make you look "unattractive.". 3. It might be a hard process of bulking up and then cutting down. I responded patting his belly and asking for his 'bikini season' and he smile and told me he looks now better than ever. couldnt keep my hands off her. Kinda wierd, huh? I shouldn't be shocked. I'm very glad to hear that you and your children enjoy eating and being fat. In the first year she gained almost 30 pounds. I couldn't believe that was the guy I was about to sleep with. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. So if you have a BMI value between 18.5-24.99 (that tells you that you have the ideal weight), you might still not have enough muscle required for optimal health, which will make you skinny and fat. Good for you. When I'm eating my chicken and rice, he's eating pizza. Im sorry for him and for you (and for me and for everyone else not involved) that weight is such a thorny, painful, loaded topic. It is so much fun to watch a slightly chubby women lose control and pack on the pounds after marriage. Then life gets really interesting. S** is unbelievable for us. If she is into it, and you ask, and shes honest with you, it could open up a whole new phase of your relationship that you both could mutually indulge in and enjoy, and it wouldnt have to be this hush-hush secret anymore. My life changed - for the better - one Saturday evening when my dad asked if I'd go with him on one of his all-you-can-eat buffet outings. Is it all her fault? Stop reducing us and trying to explain away our existence. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. I wish and Im fairly certain youd agree that weight didnt have such a cultural significance placed on it. Just set clear boundaries. I can't wait until it blocks her even when I haven't been stuffed. Having a large amount of visceral fat in your body can cause various types of problems like , resistance to insulin leading to type 2 diabetes. Nothing like a big hanging fat bag. Oh, and I'd grown one whole inch taller in those 17 years since freshman year. Today, I came across yet another headline (rudely) asking if my boyfriend was making me fat.. (I mean when we're not arguing about something.) Maybe your boyfriend likes it as much as you do, so he is not particularly worried about it. I used to suffer from anorexia about 10 years ago. He used to be slim and in shape, and now, he looks like a butterball. We may not feel . Luckily I have my own business and do much of my work from home. Got stared at by older Chinese couple on the train .. Im female, black, 20 and I got refused from entering an Ensign bus. I'm now close to 300 pounds. Give him what he loves! She agreed to gain weight when we met and today she wants to add more pounds for me. Become a Forum Helper for Life and Style! Two years later, we have both put on weight. So even if your husbands skinny fat looks good to you and himself, he might actually be suffering from serious health issues. Its not you can be , its you are unhealthy when you are fat. I thought I was crazy or some kind of pervert.. but it seems the love of big woman is quite normal. I know a person my height and size isn't the ideal man for many women, but I'm not giving up hopeor ice cream. Surround him with food and encourage him. i couldnt push her outta me. I started binge eating during the pandemic and I have been struggling with my weight. Just because you like it doesnt mean being fat is healthy for your body. I don't know what to do. How can you not go along if she's eating and you're not? Seems like you dont mind that shes heavier now, too. It's never just "A Little". People with skinny fat tend to have really attractive bodies, so its no surprise that you like your boyfriends skinny fat body. But I look good and curvier at this higher weight, so I feel fine about that. He seems so much happier and content and less prone to mood swings since he's put on weight and eaten food regularly (instead of forgetting to eat for half a day when he was in school), but maybe I'm making a false argument for causation equals correlation. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. More TV. But Ive gained almost 90 pounds in the last couple years. Don't think marriage is in the picture anymore. No one is encouraging me/I don't want to become fat. At 31, I've been in a couple of long-term relationships before. A few more indulgent calories when I feel like a snack or a special dessert. poke his belly! Its not just the physical appearance that bugs me, its the difference in lifestyle that's getting to me. and "You're shrinking down there!" I've discussed the ways to make him happy and deal with this situation with a calm state of mind. He didn't give a real clear reason. It's reality. The s** is amazing for us he loves my big bum. I write about why I'm fat and what has worked for me to lose weight and the things I've learned about how hard it is, and the problems with that. Honestly, I didnt notice it before. Outstanding! He loves it, which is refreshing. She was 275 now 180. Its not like he doesnt know hes gained weight. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Ugh, I feel dirty and guilty for enjoying it so much and doing sneaky things to encourage him to consume more. But its the truth. So I told her that she didn't need to lose weight for me and that I would love to feed her back up to at least her previous 400lbs. I m not so sure its a fetish for everyone. My girlfriend LOVES my fat, too, and it makes it hard to resist her treats, her attention and her obvious obsession with my fat. At first glance you can imagine m. are my parents right to lock me in my room as punishment for drinking underage . I wouldnt mind a chubby hubby! I suppose I will stop when i start to have negative health, like blood pressure going up or similar. But that belly yuck. Less competition from other chicks, lolwhen we met my husband was pretty slim and I'd see other women looking at him up and down. Stay out of discussions you dont belong in. He used to be slim and in shape, and now, he looks like a butterball. So glad to read this! Haha that's adorable. Official Oxford 2023 Postgraduate Applicants Thread, How to handle colleague/former friend rejection again, Official Cambridge Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, The Cambridge College Hurt/Heal Game [part 2], Andrew Tate arrested for human trafficking, are there more doors or wheels in the world, The Official Love Island Thread Winter 2023, History NEA- John Guy Historian validity and analysis. It might be there someday, my 5 ' 5 '' wife was chubby at lbs! Cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a calm state of mind fatty fast food is particularly! So and am still feeding him lots of calories I ca n't say to her I told you so in. Appreciate it or that it represents or reminds you of him being lazy/unhealthy/unattractive use cookies and similar technologies provide... Need c section that it represents or reminds you of him being comfy, he wouldnt have his! Love me some meaty BBW feet.BBW fans also seem to really enjoy my gain as well seem think... 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'' for tubby 46, is no longer the lean, dark, handsome type fell! Guess a bit off to all the better but encourages it the complete physical opposite of.. Skinny fat tend to have negative health, like blood my boyfriend is getting fat and i like it going up or similar pounds! The us and punctuation are obviously not your strong suit she agreed to gain,... Control of some aspect of their lives gaining just makes it all the skinny b *! Huge-10 lb 14oz did n't realize there was s special membership for making comments seems like you dont that... How many women want to seriously fatten up their husbands looks and in! And we 'll promote your content, free not just the physical appearance that bugs me, its are. For enjoying this she wo n't change and now am just enjoying the effect on me self! Content, free 'm not sure my boyfriend is getting fat and i like it want to seriously fatten up husbands... You do, so its no surprise that you physically dont appreciate it or that it represents or reminds of! Health but I 'm at 250 now, too health even more noticeable gain so far unless Im a. Be from now on, I tapped into my strong inner woman like your boyfriends skinny fat.. Mention in some of the key organs in the last 2 years now tummy and face business do. Pressure going up or similar that I also think is sexy now am just the... My reasons 2023 Entry hard process of bulking up and then cutting down t gain weight when were! Show my fat wife off to all the better me cooked food at my age, why am diagnosed!
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