Using intermediaries often reduces costs of producing and bringing products to market due to economies of scope and scale. Which is NOT one of the four classes of goals? B. 5. Compensation is another key issue. A. off-invoice allowance C. sales training programs D. allow a marketer to offer a price reduction to consumers who are price sensitive without having to reduce the price for everyone, 48. Volume can be increased by an increase in market share or an increase in market size. which customers might like their product, and how to get the product into their hands. Decline: Many competitors & remaining firms serve the smaller customer base. Influencer: the IT person who knows Brand X is cheaper. Consumer-franchise or image building for a brand: Rebates are used only for consumer durables such as automobiles and appliances. This is an example of a: This form of communication allows all employees' opinions to be valued and democratizes the decision-making process within organizations. A week into implementing these marketing activities, Colins phone starts ringing, as retailers and distributors inquire about stocking the product at their stores. _______ segmentation utilizes appropriate data, allows access to customers, fits with corporate goals and is actionable. There are several pull marketing methods available today, including: Social media networks Word of mouth Media coverage Sales promotions and discounts Advertising C. $1.00 Marketers also study patterns of co-purchasing, such as when skis are purchased or rented with boots, snowsuits, lift tickets, hotel rooms, and cocoa. The oldest, most widely used, and most effective sales promotion tool is: B. C. Self-liquidating sampling D. to differentiate a brand through image enhancement. They pay retailer handling and processing costs of 10 per coupon redeemed. C. Premiums and sweepstakes \hline 227.00 & 19.00 & 44.01 & 48.89 & 4.70 \\ A. B. decline 45. E. Planning eliminates the need for effective leadership. Conjoint Analysis for testing attributes The percentage discount that the face value of checkout coupons represents B. trade discounts B. to maintain trade support for established brands. C. A free sport bottle with the purchase of a four-pack of Gatorade \hline \text { Estimated factory overhead cost for fiscal } & & \\ A(n) _______ is an important promotional tool because it can help an advertiser obtain more in-store merchandising of products. B. contest; sweepstakes Examples of value-added activities include all of the following except: Product design. D. promotional allowances, 93. B. sweepstakes; contests Marketing strategy is the link between corporate goals and operational tactics. Let's redefine our position: A company can redefine its position with a product by building new product sales, building product category, or building brand equity. Many attempts at one-to-one marketing have been cost ineffective. C. Nonusers of rebates are likely to perceive the redemption process as too complicated. Surveys for customer satisfaction, -Define marketing and marketing research problem. Retailers are not justified in charging slotting allowances since most new products are successful. Clydesdale Corporation has a cumulative temporary difference related to depreciation of $580,000 at December 31, 2017. A. event marketing Cluster analysis for segmentation The franchisor (the company) benefits include capital, efficiencies and economies of scale, committed people, reduced investment risk, and the ability to focus on core functions (product development). Sampling Causal: Experiments are used to study the effects of manipulated marketing mix variables on measures of sales and customer attitudes. B. provide the marketer with an immediate gauge as to how well the product will do in the marketplace When reductions from the regular price of a product are offered at the point-of-purchase through specially marked packages, a marketer is using a: D. The prime time evenings that attract the biggest percentage of the brand's target market, 38. Premiums are not subject to restrictions from industry and government agencies. The primary distinction between segmenting businesses and consumers is that the data sources tend to be different. The various types of samples are as follows: Marketers refer to a "dashboard" as an analogy for the many indicators of a performance that should be monitored, much like an instrument panel in an automobile. A. The following are illustrative examples of a push . A third method of redefining our position is by place (channels) which includes determining appropriate channels, multi-channels, lower cost channel interactions, and deciding whether to outsource functions to channel partners. A. 25. B. A. coupons There may be prose or poetry interpretation. 26. B. slotting fee The consumer may experience negative reinforcement when comparing competitive prices. C. A bonus jar of Hellmann's Mayonnaise, offering 1 L for the price of 750 mL. _____ has/have become very popular in recent years as marketers develop integrated marketing programs that create experiences for consumers in an effort to associate their brands with certain lifestyles and activities. With a _____, consumers compete for prizes and/or money on the basis of skills or ability, while with a _____, winners are determined purely by chance. D. Support advertising, 108. D. transference charging, 98. 3. It's about carving out a spot in the competitive landscape, putting your stake in the ground, and winning mindshare in the marketplace - being known for a certain "something.". B. C. To increase consumption of an established brand Maturity: Revenue peaks but profit margins erode due to high competition. 92. Consumers have become more sensitive and responsive to sales promotion for each of the following reasons EXCEPT: B. The heavy emphasis on trade promotion makes it difficult to: B. trade promotions 1 According to SS+K, which of the following is both about engaging the audience and discovering opportunities to connect with them? Dramatic performances are one kind of collaborative activities that can be used as a performance-based assessment. Geographic distinctions between customers have also been used to segment markets. Assembly activities. Understanding power structure and handling conflict are important to channel success. __________ strategies are incentives a manufacturer offers to its distribution partners such as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, and the like to sell products to the end-users. In order to encourage sales, Selling Company must make its product available to be sold in smaller batches. High customer involvement: For expensive purchases, brand, uniqueness and quality matter. D. Event sponsorships. \text { Estimated direct labor hours for year } & & 250,000 \\ B. vertical cooperative advertising The terms push and pull refer to whether the manufacturer targets consumers or channel partners with its marketing communications. Monies that must be paid to a retailer so they will take on a company's new product are known as: This can be viewed as a supply-based strategy that is focused on sales, distribution and promotion that directly leads to a sale. This company elects to market a single product to two or more segments. 1 See answer C. many purchase decisions are made in the store where many sales promotions are found. _____ occurs at venues such as concerts, cultural festivals, and at a brand's marketing activities. All of the following are reasonable objectives for trade-oriented sales promotions EXCEPT: Price: Will customers pay what you would like to charge? A. 113. A. Coupons offer price reductions to consumers who are price sensitive. The VP says that the person who first kicks off the purchase process is the blank________. Jeff ran a promotion offering a box of fifteen Pinnacle golf balls for the same regular price as twelve balls. By applying such a system you will be able to: Eliminate waste activities. Multidimensional scaling for perpetual mapping, targeting and positioning Initiator: an administrative assistant who notices a printer in the office frequently needs repairs. 2. B. D. There is no general number associated with coupon redemption. B. can be done with carefully planned sales promotion programs B. Cash cow: products in low growth markets but with high relative market share (milk) D. bonus pack, 65. A. bounce-back 15 C. Bonus packs, trade allowances, and slotting fees D. bonus pack, 66. B. a trade allowance. _____ is an exhibition or forum where manufacturers can display their products to current and prospective buyers. A discount or deal that is offered to a retailer or wholesaler to encourage them to stock, promote, or display a manufacturer's product is known as: Development of objectives (e.g., target a specific market segment, increase market share) or identification of strategic issue (e.g., increased competition, decrease in sales) D. same purchase, 60. D. In-pack coupons for any variety of Breton crackers. is often the most visible element of the channel and can impact image, positioning, and brand equity. A pull marketing strategy can be contrasted with a push marketing strategy, where marketing activities are employed along the supply chain. Which of the following promotion tools is less likely to be used when the goal of the marketer is to stimulate trial? \text{- \$ 500} & \text{\$ 202} & \text{- \$ X} & \text{\$ 196} & \text{\$ 350} & \text{\$ 451}\\ User: every staff member who sends a job to that printer. What is the cost per coupon redeemed to Uncle Ben's? A. introduction stage Which of the following sales promotion techniques would be most effective for generating excitement or interest in a brand? Dare makes Breton snack crackers, which compete with many other brands in the category. Which of the following is NOT true regarding slotting fees or allowances? Instead of trying to appeal to the entire marketplace, smart marketers and smart companies try to find out which customers will like their product and get the product into their hands. A. To encourage off-shelf displays in major grocery stores Product: Will customers want what your company is prepared to produce? Brand equity includes awareness, positive brand associations, brand preference, trial, repeat, brand loyalty and brand love. A. the payoff is smaller. Some activities can be both push and pull strategies. D. In-store coupons for $1.00 off Miracle Whip, 33. B. A. B. consumers purchase more on the basis of price, value, and convenience than brand. Question: QUESTION 1 Examples of functional requirements include the following, EXCEPT: A. descriptions of the tasks the system will have to perform - inputs, processing and outputs. In order to provide an incentive to a current user to purchase Breton instead of other cracker brands when the consumer next goes shopping, which of the following sales promotion tools would work best for Dare? Some push oriented activities include advertisements to partners, selective distribution, sales force incentives, price discounts, quantity discounts, financing typically directed at the intermediary, and allowances for marketing activities. Incentive marketing 90. B. 14. C. subsidized Retailers argue they are justified because there are costs associated with taking on a new product, such as entering the product into the computer and finding warehouse space. Secondary data to understand context B. Customers pull goods through the channel, while intermediaries push the goods to consumers from the manufacturer. What actions does the Fed take "when the economy is weak and unemployment is on the rise"? D. a coop allowance. Accountability marketing Strategic marketing activities could focus on current and/or future customers (markets) or current and/or future/new products. This can be a very costly sampling method, particularly for multiproduct companies. Which of the following statements does NOT describe an aspect or characteristic of sales promotion? The hope is that by offering intermediaries incentives, they will get behind the products and push them to the final consumer. A. push money. is about defining how you'll "differentiate" your offering and create value for your market. A(n) _____ is an offer of an item of merchandise or service either free or at a reduced price that is used to provide an extra to purchase. Examples include country, area of country, culture, climate, and urban vs. rural. The following costs were incurred during the companys first year of operations: During the year, the company produced 25,000 units and sold 20,000 units. This is an example of a(n) _____ coupon. D. Event marketing. C. Orange Crush. C. Everyday low pricing B. The first question is "How does our hotel rate?" A. slotting allowances B. nonfranchise-building promotion The role of the planning function in the management process is. D. handling costs. C. Product trial created through sales promotion techniques such as sampling or couponing is more likely to result in long-term use of the brand when accompanied by advertising. List of Excel Shortcuts -Technique Material movement. Let's make more money: A company can state sales objectives in terms of currency, market share, units, change from last year or quarter, region, and investments made toward current sales - the philosophy underlying return on investment (ROI), return of marketing (ROM) or return on quality initiatives (ROQ). D. the payoff is larger. 88. _____ is a practice used by retailers whereby they stock-up on a product at a low deal or off-invoice price and resell it to consumers at higher prices when a promotional period has ended. C. more effort is required. D. In-store coupons, 62. If a brand is strong on one attribute and average on another, it will still dominate a brand that was just average on all its attributes. The sales promotion tool that critics contend is most guilty of detracting from brand equity and at the same time being detrimental to a brand franchise is: $1.50 a person may not be retried for the same crime. It's important to note that positioning is always through the "lens" of the customer/consumers. The Product Life Cycle consists of the following four distinct stages: Introduction: An organization attempts to establish itself as a pioneer/market leader (especially if there are few competitors), & product development costs are high. C. rebates Sales promotion programs are targeted only at consumers. A. sweepstakes and contests D. sales promotion trap, 22. Trade sales promotions have a better track record than pull strategies. 84. Question mark or problem child: products in high growth markets but having low market share (products in development, new technologies, uncertain markets) C. build an Eastern Canadian brand identity and image Rebates and high value checkout coupons Sales promotion is an ineffective tool for building brand equity. D. The contest or sweepstakes often fails to contribute to the brand franchise. 97. C. Contests and sweepstakes New usage suggestions B. maturity stage b. reciprocity. Retailing is the most visible channel function and can take a variety of forms including brick and mortar, Internet, catalog, and personal selling. A pull marketing strategy, also called a pull promotional strategy, refers to a strategy in which a firm aims to increase the demand for its products and draw (pull) consumers to the product. \end{matrix} $55,000 What are the 4 P's? The preliminary engagement activities include all of the following except: A) Determine the audit engagement team requirements. Trade allowances are detracting from the image of the retailers who carry their brands. C. maturity For expensive purchases, blank_________, uniqueness and quality matter. A. Situation analysis (e.g., Internal factors such as Strengths & Weaknesses; External factors such as Opportunities &Threats analysis) Compute the amount Clydesdale should report as a deferred tax liability at December 31, 2017. MolsonCoors's heavy financial involvement with and support of freestyle skiing competitions, beach volleyball tournaments, and other sporting events is an example of: To integrate advertising and sales promotion programs successfully, different themes should be used for each. It doesn't ask customers what's important in a hotel. Guerrilla marketing stunt c. Audience leverage point d. Empathetic persuasion Question 2 A. This is an example of a: Recipe books showing alternative uses for Miracle Whip C. advertising subsidies They distributed 1,000,000 promotional packages, at a cost of $20,000 for design and production. \text { Actual factory overhead costs for March } & \$ 12,990,000 & \$ 10,090,000 \\ When calculating the costs of a couponing program, marketers should consider all of the following EXCEPT: D. trade promotions; consumer promotions, 12. A. it cannot be broken down into small sizes Firms can also increase profits by increasing revenue. C. Promotional discounting B. Coupons Forward buying Corporate vertical marketing systems, in which all channel members are owned by/contracted to one company, provides control of conflict. A. B. trade shows C. the copy and layout of the coupon A. In-store sampling A portion of the data is shown in the accompanying table. 77. Diverting A. The upstream partners that a company has to deal with are its suppliers; this is called the supply chain and dealing with those firms is called supply chain management. Another method of redefining our position is with promotion by spending ad dollars more wisely and determining the most appropriate media, most appropriate frequency, and most appropriate message. Marketers have to be certain that the attribute helps to determine customer needs and preferences and is not a simplistic stereotype. VALS (values and lifestyles) is a popular tool for segmenting using psychographic data. D. Many retailers require promotional deals such as discounts and allowances just to handle a new product. Education reform is one of the most hotly debated subjects on both state and national policy makers' list of socioeconomic topics. EstimatedfactoryoverheadcostforfiscalyearbeginningMarch1EstimateddirectlaborhoursforyearEstimatedmachinehoursforyearActualfactoryoverheadcostsforMarchActualdirectlaborhoursforMarchActualmachinehoursforMarchFactory1$12,900,000600,000$12,990,000610,000Factory2$10,200,000250,000$10,090,000245,000, 012345-$500$202-$X$196$350$451\begin{matrix} 6% 96. A. D. There is strong agreement that any type of sales promotion activity detracts from brand equity. Firms can increase profits by decreasing costs. Conjoint for new products Let's achieve broader social goals: Goals that go beyond marketing are human resource, finance, production and distribution manufacturing, and research and development. C. trade allowance Consumer sales promotions such as coupons, price-offs, premiums, and bonus packs may be needed periodically to maintain consumer loyalty, attract new users, and protect against competition. D. decline stage, 114. Type of channel conflicts include: The marketing objectives for the introduction are to generate trial and repeat purchase during the 3-month product launch. A. 0-$5001$2022-$X3$1964$3505$451, Brian's boss is explaining the concept of buying centers in B2B marketing. E. all of the above. Communication and trust are also critical to channel success. This company focuses on a single segment and has multiple offerings for the segment. Targeting: Attracting some of those customers makes better sense than going after others. C. Instant coupons C. to encourage the trade to display and support established brands. Bonus packs: Participants rate on the following items: water sports, meals included, available excursions, nice rooms and good quality for money. Which of the following is NOT an example of a point-of-purchase display? D. aggregated, 107. Eastern Canadian Sea Foods devotes most of its marketing budget to trade discounts in the form of off-invoice and promotional allowances so its canned tuna and salmon brands can remain price competitive with private label brands. is an effort to influence consumer perception of a brand or product relative to the perception of competing brands or products. C. maturity stage C. contest Payments offered by manufacturers to retailers for performing certain promotional or merchandising activities in support of their brands are called: Segmentation: Customers aren't all the same; they vary in their preferences, needs, and resources. Variabilityservice quality differs based on who performs the service unless standardization in service quality is offered through training. C. most coupons are redeemed on Thursdays 20. Two important issues in clustering are the ability to determine to what group to assign an observation (individual) and determining how many groups there should be. Crashed Ice is an event featuring a new sport, downhill ice-cross, which was established by: Sampling Which of the following statements does NOT correctly describe the relationship between building brand equity and sales promotion? Consumer buying is people buying something for themselves or their household. B. point-of-purchase display \end{array} b. Examples of leadership activities that support conceptual leadership include all of the following EXCEPT: Arts & Humanities Writing Creative Writing EARLY CHIL EC350. Distribution deals with realigning the discrepancies between quantities and selections. Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with the use of contests and sweepstakes? A. forward buying This can be contrasted with a pull strategy that aims to generate demand by promoting a brand to end-customers. A. Price-off deals -Try to answer questions with secondary data. Secondary data already exists (e.g., in the library, online); they're quick and cheap to obtain. C. Nonusers of rebates have been shown to perceive the rebate redemption process as too complicated. D. End-of-aisle display, 101. The customer then compares the brand on the next important attribute and so forth, until only one brand is left. takes a different approach. D. are always welcome by retailers since bonus packs increase their profit margins. A. Smirnoff Vodka. In a pull marketing strategy, the goal is to make a consumer actively seek a product and get retailers to stock the product in response to direct consumer demand. This method uses averages so one attribute can't make or break a brand. $1.10 B. direct mail \hline \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ D. marketers are offering consumers more promotions to attract and maintain customers. In a pull marketing strategy, a firm markets its product directly to consumers. B. ingredient-sponsored cooperative advertising Gray market conflict is unauthorized buying and selling among channel partners. A. encourage consumers to buy on the basis of price A package of Gillette Sensor razor blades contains a 75-cent-off coupon for Gillette Foamy shaving cream. Place: Where and how will customers purchase your market offering? Which of the following statements about the coordination of advertising and sales promotion efforts is true? Geographic include country and sales force coverage. Establish an effective distribution network. Sampling and rebates 85. 4. When New Balance sponsors a campaign advertising the availability of its running shoes at Foot Locker stores, this is an example of _____ advertising. An in/on package coupon that is redeemable for a future purchase of the same brand is known as a(n) _____ coupon. B. D. Event sampling, 46. Based on these findings, what form of promotion is most effective for Gillette's Right Guard brand? Measures for marketing strategy are critical during both assessment and planning. is used in portfolio analysis and classifies brands or products according to whether each has a strong or weak market share and a slow or growing market. The downstream partners that help a company reach consumers comprise the channel members; they provide the way to channel merchandise to the customer. B. Coupons are an effective way of generating trial of a new product. B. Tropicana suspended shipments of its products to a retail store that was taking advantage of promotional deals and then selling the product to other stores in another part of the country. 1. D. The distribution of on-package samples can be broadened by attaching them to multiple brands or to products made by other companies. Effective Segmentation is actionable. An appliance manufacturer offers a $50 payment to salespeople who work at Culligan's Appliance if they sell one of the company's new refrigerators. One-to-one marketing is more expensive to implement but customer needs are better met. Focus groups for concept testing The contest or sweepstakes offer may overshadow the brand. D. car, 63. C. Sweepstakes Special pricing of 2 packages for $5 instead of the $2.89 regular price Which of the following statements about the use of premiums as a sales promotion tool is true? B. ad readership scores A. many coupons are redeemed just before the expiration date rather than in the period following the initial drop Moderate customer involvement: Some effort is expended prior to purchase to obtain good value. Sampling through the media This company serves multiple segments, marketing a different product to each segment. 74. Seven Popular Marketing Research Techniques, 1. 1. Its objective is to occupy a clear, unique, and advantageous position in the consumer's mind. Qualitative: interviews, focus groups, observations, ethnographies Perhaps the most successful in-package _____ in Canada in 2001 was a General Mills giveaway of six CD-ROM computer games. A. sweepstakes; contest Nonprobability sampleA sample drawn due to specific research considerations and/or the researcher's judgement (a shopping mall-intercept survey). Sampling and rebates C. an off-invoice allowance. Additionally, this open dialogue allows . \text { Estimated machine hours for year } & 600,000 & \\ The second question is "How important are these qualities to you?" Colin recently launched a new product the Fanner 3000. Tropicana developed a "Win the Perfect Vacation" sweepstakes to complement an advertising campaign theme promoting its grapefruit juice as the perfect beverage. D. rebate, 64. They will typically be somewhat price sensitive. They predict that the redemption rate will be 5%. C. refund offer A. joint sales promotions C. spiffs C. decline stage Sampling for a product such as expensive skin cream that is designed to reduce wrinkles over a long period of time might not be feasible because: Niche markets are not different from segments; they are usually just smaller. A. free premium The selling price of the companys product is $50 per unit. D. a spiff. _____ is advertising sponsored in common by a group of retailers or other organizations offering a product or service to the market. There are many variations to conjoint analysis (choice-based, traditional, adaptive, pair-wise trade-off, full profile), all conjoint studies are run to understand how consumers make trade-offs among attributes uncovering what combinations of attributes customers value most. Uncle Ben's Rice attached a $1-off coupon to the outside of their packaging. c. organizing neighborhood watch programs d. changing the delivery of police services c One hazard of citizen patrols is the possibility of a. volunteerism. The franchisee (local owner) benefits include well-known brand, market awareness, supplier relationships, training, and support. Quantitative: surveys, experiments, scanner data analysis D. is really not very important given the prolonged economic prosperity that Canadians have enjoyed. Marketing research relies on several types of samples; blank__________ is not related. BMAL-590 Week 1 Section 4 Marketing Research, BMAL-590 Week 1 Section 5 Marketing Strategy, Foundations of Global Dimensions of Business, BMAL-590 Week 2 Business Ethics/The Importanc, Estimatedfactoryoverheadcostforfiscal, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Daniel F Viele, David H Marshall, Wayne W McManus. This is an example of: A. D. instant, 59. C. Coupons are often used by consumers who already use the brand and would purchase it without a coupon. Critics argue that trade promotions generally result in higher brand equity. Companies are asking their promotion agencies to think strategically and develop programs that do more than increase short-term sales. Demographics are customer attributes that are easy to identify and commonly used. D. $0.75, 54. A. Consumer product companies are launching fewer new products each year. A. distracts consumers from the firm's main reason for existing D. has no impact on an organization's pioneering advertising, 69. D. A price reduction of $5 on a pair of Lee jeans. Secondary vs. Primary: Choose one answer. Actors in the distribution channel are manufacturing firms, distributors or wholesalers, retailers, consumers and any other supply chain partners. Governance costs are those costs associated with coordinating and controlling the members in the channel. 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Objectives for the same regular price as twelve balls segmenting businesses and consumers is that by intermediaries. An exhibition or forum where manufacturers can display their products to current and prospective buyers neighborhood watch d.!
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