Transcript Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra Episode 1: Trip 19 It started with a plane crash. He's got his head down on his desk, his head is buried in his arms. Arizona, Solomon Islands Campaign: I The Landing in the Solomons, Solomon Islands Campaign: II Savo Island & III Eastern Solomons, Solomon Islands Campaign: IV Battle of Cape Esperance, Solomon Islands Campaign VII Battle Tassafaronga, Solomon Islands Campaign IX Bombardments of Munda and Vila-Stanmore, Solomon Islands Campaign: X Operations in the New Georgia Area 21 June-5 August 1943, Solomon Islands Campaign: XI Kolombangara and Vella Lavella 6 August - 7 October 1943, Solomon Islands Campaign XII The Bougainville Landing and the Battle od Empress Augusta Bay, 27 October - 2 November 1943, Some Experiences Reported by the Crew of the USS Pueblo and American Prisoners of War from Vietnam, Some Memorandums Construction of Ships Frederick Tudor, Somers, essay on legal aspects of Somers Affair, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 1, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 2, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 3, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 4, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 5, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 6, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 7, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 8, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 9, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 10, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 11, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 12, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 13, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1898 Part 14, Spanish-American War; War Plans and Impact on U.S. Navy, Special Order 1865 April 17 Assemblage of Officers to Attend, Special Order 1865 April 17 Navy Department Closure, Special Order 1865 April 17 Officers to Attend Funeral, Special Order 1865 April 20 List of Officers to Accompany Remains, Special Order No. Alabama by U.S.S. Training dept has been directed to intensify training in lost plane CAUSE M-1 Poor Navigation procedure & stress with pilots necessity for carrying ANAYLISIS Z Poor Navigation out correct procedure when lost. RECOMMENDATIONS: added ENGINES emphasis is placed on importance of proper navigation GEN NATURE E-2 & lost plane procedure. WebFlight 610 departed MadridBarajas Airport at 08:47 CET and was scheduled to land at Bilbao Airport at 09:35. One of the compelling aspects of this story compared to others of ships or aircraft lost in the Bermuda Triangle is that the air stations along eastern Florida were either listening to or in communication with the flight commander Lieutenant Charles Carroll Taylor as the flight was getting lost. His presence on the flight and the strange circumstances surrounding the crash would end up revealing threats to American democracy itself. xnF=@o+-bs( 00:00:06,180 --> 00:00:10,560. Its engines certainly werent knocked out. By THE NEW YORK TIMES. CAUSE M-1 POOR NAVIGATION Training dept directed to intensify training in lost ANAYLISIS (Z) POOR NAVIGATION plane procedure & stress to pilots necessity TALLY for carrying out correct procedure when lost. Is that a fight? A violent, ultra-right authoritarian movement, weirdly infatuated with foreign dictatorships. 081352 AA 11 Lost Contact. In addition to these records, there are related records in other series that have not been digitized in the custody of the National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference. TALLY CLASSIFICATION OF ACCIDENT CAUSES D R A-B O AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT D R A-B OTHER 100% UNDETERMINED CARD NAVAIR 339C X X, DATE HOUR LOCATION PURPOSE SERIAL NUMBER 5-Dec-45 APPROX 1904 AT SEA NAVIGATION 61-45 PILOT NAME, RANK & SERVICE GROUP ASSIGNED CEILING VISIBILITY WIND FORCE DARKNESS NIGHT HRS NIGHT HRS BOSSI, J.T., ENS, USNR VTB-1 Unlim 8 W 8 UNIT AIRCRAFT ASSIGNED WEATHER @ ACCIDENT INSRUMENT INSTRUMENT TYPE CLEARANCE VTB-1, NAS FT. LAUDERDALE, FL HOURS HOURS CONTACT TOTAL HOURS TOTAL HRS THIS MODEL TOTAL HOURS LAST 3 MONTHS TOTAL THIS MODEL LAST 3 MONTHS TIME IN FLIGHT MANEUVER OR ALT OF MANEUVER ANGLE OF IMPACT, STOP DIST, EST SPEED 373.4 65.9 77.4 65.9 Approx. WebFlight 19 turned and began to make its way toward the second leg of its exercise, and things took a turn for the strange. Where is carbon. And Senator Lundeen, of course, he never delivered that speech. 129 (1903) Surplus Provisions, General Order No. In addition to these records, there are related records in other series that have, been digitized in the custody of the National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference. If directions had been heard and carried out, we are certain this flight would have returned to base safely. These accident reports include a form report describing the circumstances of the loss of the aircraft, who was aboard at the time, additional information related to the search efforts, and the general decision on who or what was to blame for the loss. CAPT, USMC VTB-1 UNLIMITED 8 W 8 UNIT AIRCRAFT ASSIGNED WEATHER @ ACCIDENT INSRUMENT INSTRUMENT TYPE CLEARANCE VTB-1, NAS FT LAUDERDALE HOURS HOURS CONTACT TOTAL HOURS TOTAL HRS THIS MODEL TOTAL HRS LAST 3 MONTHS HRS THIS MODEL LAST 3 MONTHS TIME IN FLIGHT MANEUVER OR ALT OF MANEUVER ANGLE OF IMPACT, STOP DIST, EST SPEED 344.9 62.2 69.2 62.2 Approx. At one point does try to visit the troops and is turned away by the military because he's seen as a, an almost unpatriotic figure. The documents were released in their entirety to the National Security Archive and were received directly from the NTSB. Even before his secretary arrives. NBC Radio Anchor: In Washington, the flags are at half staff today. Alabama, Captain Samuel Nicholson: A Monograph [pdf], Capture of CSS Florida by USS Wachusett - Report of Commander Napoleon Collins, Capture of CSS Florida by USS Wachusett - Report of Lieutenant Morris, Caribbean Tempest: The Dominican Republic Intervention of 1965, Carrier Deployments During the Vietnam Conflict, Casualties: US Navy & Marine Corps Personnel, Casualties: US Navy and Marine Corps Personnel Killed and Injured in Selected Accidents and Other Incidents Not Directly the Result of Enemy Action, Change of Command and Retirement Ceremony of the Commandant Naval District, Washington, DC, Charles Morris A Man of Letters and Numbers, Chester Nimitz and the Development of Fueling at Sea, Christmas 1932 U.S. Download the full NTSB report Transcript of the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) Legenda: CAM - Cockpit area microphone RDO - Radio transmission from accident aircraft Then on Monday, on Labor Day, he's got a big speech that he's planning to deliver. Why was he so upset before he got on board? 250 (1880) Establishment of the Office of Judge Advocate General of the Navy, General Order No. A special thanks to John Flannery for providing us with his incredible interviews with the eye-witnesses of the Trip 19 plane crash. 81 (1866) Requirements of Guardians for Boy to Enlist, General Order No. 48, USS Canberra CA70 War Damage Report No. Maddow: A newspaper called PM had published an expos describing a scheme in which sitting members of Congress were helping an agent of Hitler's government distribute German propaganda in quantity all over the United States. 541 (1920) Standard Nomemclature for Naval Vessels, General Order No. A/S rescure unit 4 alerted all stations and everything possible was done to get whis flight back safely. Plots to overthrow the United States government by force of arms. Here he is with producer Kelsey Desiderio: Kelsey Desiderio: So, obviously we don't know exactly where the plane came down, but do we have any rough idea, in terms of where we're standing, where did it happen? The tragic, mysterious crash of a commercial airliner in the summer of And Senator Lundeen knew it. 4, USS Pittsburgh, A Forgotten Enemy: PHS's [Public Health Service] Fight Against the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. 230 (1877) Special Shore Service and Duty, General Order No. A radio message was intercepted from the flight at around 1600 hours, recording a conversation likely between Taylor and the pilot of Naval Operational History 19802010, New Equation: Chinese Intervention into the Korean War, Nixon's Trident: Naval Power in Southeast Asia, 1968-1972 by John D. Sherwood, Northern Barrage and Other Mining Activities, Notes on Anti-submarine Defenses ONI Publication No. Now, there were only 25 people total on the plane three people from the Justice Department and the senator among them. Including: who else was on-board along with Senator Lundeen when the plane crashed. Great Flu Crisis at Mare Island Navy Yard. TBM-1C 46094 USED Fact finding board of investigation has been appointed DAMAGE DAMAGE DESCRIPTION & REMARKS by CNAADTRA to make a detailed report on, & if AIRCRAFT X A/C & ENGINE LOST AT SEA possible to determine the cause of loss of subj a/c. Maddow: One local farmer told a wire service that the human remains, quote: "were so badly mangled, I don't see how they could ever be recognized.". This is a transcript of a cockpit voice recorder from United Airlines Flight #93, one of four airlines hijacked on 11 September 2001. Because the Justice Department's own prosecutors would soon reveal, in court, voluminous evidence they had in fact collected about Senator Lundeen. When Senator Lundeen boarded that doomed Pennsylvania Central Airlines plane in August 1940, remember that his final destination was back home in Minnesota, where he was slated to deliver a speech on Labor Day weekend. Hunley, Sinking of USS Indianapolis - Press Releases & Related Sources, Memorandum to Press on Scheduled Testimony, Chapter II. That PBM-5 BuNo 59225, exploded at sea for reason PBM-5 59225 USED unknown in approximate position of 28 degrees, 59'- DAMAGE DAMAGE DESCRIPTION & REMARKS north, 80 degrees, 25' west, were conducted during AIRCRAFT X MISSING AT SEA period 5-10 DEC 1945, inclusive for possible ENGINE survivors of PBM-5 BuNo 59225. 93-16], Riverine Warfare: The US Navy's Operations on Inland Waters, Rocks and Shoals: Articles for the Government of the U.S. Navy, The Recruitment of African Americans in the US Navy 1839, The Role of COMINT in the Battle of Midway, The Role of the United States Navy in the Formation and Development of the Federal German Navy, 1945-1970, Royal Works USS Lexington [Crossing the Line 1936], Rules for the Regulation of the Navy - 1775, The Russian Navy Visits the United States, A Sampling of U.S. Young: There has been speculation that perhaps the flight was tampered with Lundeen: We are being urged on by insane hysteria. This was crusading, controversial columnist Drew Pearson. When he ran for re-election after his first term, they voted him out. Hart: They're both trying to figure out how much reporters have found out about what's going on. Hart: Ernest Lundeen is, I think, one of the more fascinating figures in this period. This is a story that will touch everyone who cares about the life they have. A reporter for the Winchester Evening Star in Virginia filed a story from the crash scene that day for the Associated Press. Maddow: Historian Nancy Beck Young has done extensive research on this fight in Congress, and in the streets. The proposed route of Flight 19s training exercise over the Bahamas promised scattered showers, a ceiling of just 2,500 feet, and moderate visibility. That investigation found that while there was bad weather there was thunder and lightning and some heavy rainfall in the area there was nothing so unusual about the storm that the plane shouldn't have been cleared to fly. If they could advance their career by playing footsy with Nazis, so be it. The report said, "It is possible that for some reason the pilot and copilot were prevented from effectively operating the controls.". GEN NATURE E-2 RECOMMENDATIONS: Added emphasis is being placed on SPEC TYPE ACC (6) LOST-FUEL EXHAUSTION importance of proper navigation & lost plane procedure. You can find much more about this series you can even see the copy of Senator Lundeen's Nazi speech that survived the plane crash at our website: Efforts were made to contact flight by radio & direct to fly course of 270 degrees or into sun. Barnabas Lincoln, Narrative of the March and Operations of the Army of the Indus, Narrative of the United States' Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, Navajo Code Talkers: World War II Fact Sheet. In this particular case, a decision was made, based on the evidence on hand, but deferred the final decision to the Board of Investigation to be held later. Father Charles E. Coughlin: Rest assured, well fight you and well win! Use your rights. They've never been found. There was a federal investigation by the Civil Aeronautics Board. At 1820, the last message from Flight 19 was received. In this recording, Taylor was heard saying, All planes close up tight well have to ditch unless landfall when the first plane drops below 10 gallons, we all go down together. An aerial view of a Navy PBM-5 Mariner. Maddow: In the hours and days that followed the crash of Trip 19, which killed Minnesota Senator Ernest Lundeen and 24 other people, there were a range of reactions across the country. Approx 1600, radio messages were DOULIN, G.F., AOM3C USNR MISSING A intercepted that led us to believe that this flight PARPART, W. H., ARM3C USNR MISSING A was lost in the vicinity of Bahama Is. Then he's due to change planes in Pittsburgh for connecting flights all the way back home to Minnesota. 4, 1863, Enlistment, Training, and Organization of Crews for Our New Ships, Establishment of the Department of the Navy, Expeditions, Diplomatic and Scientific Activity, and Operations Against Native Americans and Pirates, Exploring the Antarctic 1840 - The Wilkes Expedition, Eye-Witness Account of the Battle Between the U.S.S. [CinCPOA Bulletin 93-45, 1945], The Diary of Michael Shiner Relating to the History of the Washington Navy Yard 1813-1869, Digest Catalogue of Laws and Joint Resolutions: The Navy and the World War, Master Chief Boatswain's Mate Carl Maxie Brashear, USN (Ret. We seem to be bereft of reason. The records of the 7th Naval District (Florida) and the naval air stations that were involved in the incident are in the custody of the, of the 7th Naval District. There is some evidence that the Mariner may have exploded in mid-air because there were reports from vessels at sea near the Mariners patrol area saying they saw a fireball approximately around the time another ship lost RADAR contact with the plane. We couldnt. It was riveted in their mind. But John Flannery has lived in the area for almost 20 years. Maybe it was just bad weather. Consumers can buy, sell and service vehicles digitally or through our 188 coast to coast locations. Maddow: The plane that crashed was a new DC-3. A few years ago, he decided he would interview some of the last living eye-witnesses, people who were actually there that day in 1940 when the disaster happened. Violence against government targets. Flannery: I think that the coincidence defies the probabilities. These cards also list other members loss. In fact, they did deny it. He reported that he came across a charred partially-burned piece of paper lying on the ground about three miles from the scene of the crash. But it turns out it wasn't your average Ernest Lundeen stump speech. And it only makes the mystery of the plane's crash all the more confounding. He's a United States Senator from Minnesota. For the next three hours, naval air stations listened to the growing confusion and frustration of the commanding pilot as he tried to figure out how to either get back or land somewhere safe. The investigation found that there was no evidence of a fire on board the plane, no evidence of an explosion. Degrees or into sun 1918 Influenza Pandemic [ Public Health Service ] fight Against the 1918 Pandemic...: who else was on-board along with Senator Lundeen the Justice Department 's own prosecutors would reveal... That day for the Winchester Evening Star in Virginia filed a story from the Justice Department and the among! 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