When you're looking for a job, there are a ton of questions to consider how to answer. Its a kindness, really, because if they need to start looking at new candidates (or reevaluating previous candidates), the sooner they can get started, the better. So, no updates, uncertain timeline isnt really no news, its information type (c). FWIIW, I used to work in recruiting and my company got back to EVERY rejected applicant with a hand addressed card. People learn on the job, and a manager can guide the development of a new hire so that the new hire is up-to-date on all parts of the job. I was in corporate recruiting for decades, and wish recruiters would do a few things differently. And this is not a bad thing. The vast majority of the workforce isnt. At workplace were hamstrung by our many rules and policies, and the fact that HR controls the offer process, is required to be the point of contact for the candidates, but isnt involved in the actual interview/hiring decisions. They had previously been pretty responsive so it was surprising. You invested a significant amount of time into interviews. And like you, I dont think Ive dodged a bullet, although I might be less enthusiastic to apply there in the future. While I was job hopping a few years ago, I cant tell you how many times I was ghosted. Definitely a case where I wouldve been fine being ghosted! I just have to say The search is in progress! if they call, even though we chose our person weeks ago. I actually dont think that an update with no news is unhelpful to someone applying for the job. Friday came and went. 5) The required number of candidates haven't applied to the position. Whoops. Recruiters and hiring managers often conduct a number of interviews, and it's hard to recall every candidate's resume, application, phone discussion or in-person interview. Repostings sometimes state whether previous applicants will be considered along with new applicants. how do you handle being pregnant at work? Nope. Being ghosted by a potential employer is more of a PITA then having a few applicants pester you. They had a contract for a certain number of listings and instead of this being actual forwarding, this can just be a scheduled listing. Has anybody else simply lowered their expectations to the point where they dont care one way or another whether they hear back after an interview? Dont ghost good candidates if you think you want to keep them in mind for the future! My take is that I cant actually be 100% certain whether a job will be great or not before doing it, so if it doesnt work out, I have no idea if I missed out on something great, something meh or something outright unpleasant. You can drop out at any time, so long as youre polite about it. Youd be saving them time if you let them know as soon as you realize you want to pull out. Ghosting should not be thought of as normal or something that happens sometimes by employers. But if a potential employee ghosted them? (Not to mention logistical gymnastics if the candidate is currently employed.) Communications from the company stops. The only reason I wouldnt tell them to forget it now is that you dont know whos the roadblock or what might be going on. By 9AM the next day I had an email asking for a longer interview for the following day. Being new to the area and reliant on Mapquest (lol), I got lost on Interview Day. Its so much simpler to just decide that you didnt get the job and put it out of your head. During that time, you might notice that the job posting (for the job you're interviewing for) gets reposted. Lots of other people had the same idea and we waited in line for 2 hours, 2 people behind the total number of puppies available. Copyright 2007 - 2023 Ask A Manager. Sorry, I meant job searching. Im going through a situation where Ive been told I have an offer coming for the past three months. Sometimes the timing of a job offer ends up being really bad, and the job does get restructured away before the person starts. All I can do is refer them to HR [who are unresponsive.] There's not really any better way of putting it, so I'll just say this: Mike Boude She said she would let me know shortly. Candidates Vs. Now that I am older with more experience, I can go quite a long time before the doors open and I get hired into a good position. Im trying to remember the distinction between red and blue, and I think red was a must change typo whereas blue was a suggestion/query. It was great timing to read this! From experience, its because they will go down the line with 2nd, 3rd, and 4th choices before re-posting the job. Its unpleasant, but letting candidates know this is part of the job. I care a little bit if Ive come in for an interview and Ill have a small thought of hmm thats rude. But Im not an anxious mess while waiting to hear, Im not crushed if they dont get back to me by the day they said they would, etc. It is probably time to get cracking on other opportunities, so learn from the experience and focus your job search elsewhere. Agreed, although not showing up for an interviewing is much more comparable. I had two interviews with a company that I felt went pretty well, and still nothing. I received what a perceived as a very rude response about how I wasnt good enough for them, so they didnt want me. If you can start the job on Wednesday, that's great, but if not, at least, you won't have stopped looking for a job. . The very next day I received a postcard rejection in the mail. I once interviewed at a small sole-proprietor business. Looking back, I probably should have forwarded it on to the career center. Weekly, bi-weekly, once a month, whatever makes sense for the role. On the seventeenth of the next month, I had a phone screen and request for an interview on the 20th. Then 8 months later he suddenly was sending me jobs he wanted me to interview for again. Possibly a complete breakdown on the highway. Doing this helps hiring managers because it greatly limits the number of duplicate applications they receive. Don't be discouraged. Since I wasnt involved I dont know why they did this and what changed their minds and whether they engaged at all after putting up the post (ie, looking at resumes and realizing there werent any good applications?). So you head home dreaming about the job you're pretty sure you just landed. I had a job, kept investing in my 401(k), and made out well when the market rebounded. This allows the ghosters to think People are being unreasonable rather than stand back and take a good look at themselves and their hiring practices. : The most obvious reason that will make a manager get a Job reposted after the interview would be that they havent found the candidate they consider strong enough for the job, even if they like you.It may be an EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) employer who is concerned that the pool of applicants is too narrow, so they want to encourage more people of diverse backgrounds to apply. They really couldve saved the stamp. My question is - will I need to re-interview? You can be a stunningly perfect candidate for the job, and then another candidate can come along who's even stronger. If the new posting has a higher salary range, for instance, reapplying may not prove to be fruitful. I interviewed with a prominent U.S. financial services organization in early 2007. The end. Its still ridiculous. Surprising. If you find a better job and it appears again, you can decide between two offers now! Im currently waiting to hear back from an interview, but Im also not at all emotionally invested in the process. Often, the very best product designs are the ones that solve the problems that consumers have, whether they're consciously aware of them or just sure that something is wrong.. The heavens would fall! In February of this year I applied for a position at a fairly big name company in my industry. Forgot to add, when I got the rejection response in the first story, I was en route to a shelter to check out some puppies after putting in a bunch of dog adoption applications in vain for a month. I got feedback (negative, but still) from a recruiter within 1-2 days of the interview 100% of the time. At the time, none of this trouble could be public knowledge so the organization could not give any inkling of it, lest it lead to worse trouble. I did, however, hear back from a company nearly a year after my initial interview with them as theyd been unable to fill the senior position (their salary was very low AND they werent allowing staff to WFH after reopening). Job seekers sometimes like to check and see if the job they just interviewed for is still listed. So you dont need to worry that you need to keep nudging them or find ways to stay on their radar. The company simply and annoyingly forgot to remove the job posting. Go in, do the best job you can. I had one recruiter ghost me after I went on multiple interviews for his client. If #1 had said no, they would have had to go to #2 and spend time negotiating. can I compare attending college to working a full-time job in my cover letter? It Could Be Company Culture You know that there are many ways to deduce company culture in an interview. At least he was truthful about no news being bad news. Took alot of willpower to just ignore them and not respond with a snotty remark about not being good enough then, but being good enough now. This, of course, leaves candidates frantically checking their missed calls and wondering if theyre still in consideration, or if no one bothered to tell them theyve been rejected. How can it be? Academia is notorious for losing great candidates because the process takes five-ever and a day. Never heard from them again. Without the necessary development, the new hire would not be successful. I made it all the way to the offer stage, and at $35K, I think it was, that was music to my ears. Well not everyone can be extremely marketable as you say. The reality is that far from every product designer is in tune with what the end user actually needs or wants. I mean even the receptionist could do something like this. After informing the person at the front desk that I was there for an interview I was told they werent of any interviews that day. I ended up accepting the second offer and sent an email declining the first offer. No phone call. I had the initial phone screen the following week, then the week after that a bunch of of Zoom interviews (this was all last year) and I got the offer four weeks to the DAY after Id been laid off, and 26 days after I applied. One of the most important things you can do during an interview process is to keep the momentum going. If I repost now, what do I expect my pool of applicants to look like? People take time out of the their for interviews. I had a similar experience recently. So they knowingly blew up his weekend. Hiring for my replacement took 6 months? If I hire now, how much do I have to develop the new hire immediately? No time is a ludicrous load of BS. Instead, though, I had a very stiff-feeling interview and was then isolated in a room with one red pencil and one blue pencilprovided by them, I couldnt use anything of my ownand told to copy edit one of their regulations. Heck, Im in software and the same thing happens to me! This button displays the currently selected search type. Next, stop telling candidates youll have a decision by the end of the week at the latest or any specific time frame if you dont own the decision. They had him give the presentation and THEN they ghosted him for two weeks. When a Job Is Reposted After Interviews After a hiring manager interviews candidates, sometimes jobs get reposted. A week goes by, I send off an email inquiring about the timeline. And, at my company we usually have 3 people as interviewers for each hire (usually the hiring manager, an hr person, and either the hiring manager's manager or a peer). Its fine to check in once when youre past the point when you would have expected to hear something. It was for a final interview with our provincial government and by the time I got the rejection notice via snail mail, I had to think which job it was since Id interviewed at several provincial departments lol. If that's the case, don't forget that you should always send a follow-up email after an interview to thank your interviewer for their time within 24 hours of the interview. Before getting a Job reposted after the interview, hiring managers make sure they have to. (Once I realized that Word could now do mail merged emails as well as printed documents, it simplified so many annoying tasks for me. It could also be that an offer was extended to a qualified candidate who ended up passing on the position. Age is an important factor, more so than experience. Bonus 16. I think this is very true. I passed as did a few members of my network who are also searching. Here are a few of them: A 'weak' applicant pool: Not receiving sufficient qualified and experienced candidates from the first posting is one of the most common reasons for the reposting of the position. At least now we have cellphones. Ive heard from the grapevine this isnt the first time theyve hired liked this. That means if you interview on a Thursday, you would wait until the following Thursday to reach out. 17 Marcus Ronaldi Can I ask, seriously, does this lead to the best candidates? 17. From their standpoint, ghosting candidates was better than making excuses. They eventually based the position in another state to justify the low salary. Theyre just stringing me along and Im getting to the point where Im ready to say thanks but its time to move on. I supervise a manager who falsified an employee write-up but I dont think she should be fired, getting out of shared intern housing, why are so many executives condescending, and more, interviewer fake-rejected me to see if I would fight for the job. Any time. I learned later theyre just slow to hire in general. In that case, it makes perfect sense to reapply for the job. One of the best things Ive learned from AAM is assume you didnt get the job and move on mentally. However it took me reading that answer to numerous letters before it really sank in. But ghosting after interviews is rude. Before getting a Job reposted after the interview, hiring managers make sure they have to. Whens it ok to say thanks but no thanks to a company before a final offer is received? It should be thought of as an embarrassment. Then I was told the hiring manager no longer worked there (!!) An awful lot of employers simply dont bother to contact candidates until they have something definite to say, even when theyre well past the timeline they told you to expect. I have a good friend who likes to say no news, no news. In terms of job searching, you may consider that just because you havent heard any comments after the application or interview does not mean that they are not thinking of you positively. The most important thing to remember is that if they want to offer you a job, theyll be in touch. As a career coach with 20-plus years of experience in hiring and recruiting, here's my advice to candidates who have been ghosted after a job interview: Follow up (one last time) with a. If you were interviewed, the company will remember you so let some time lapse before reapplying for the jobat least four to six months. And some employers never get back to candidates at all, instead just full-on ghosting them even after multiple rounds of interviews. (Neither followed my advice, but both now see why I said this.). Shortly after I got home there was a call from the temp agency saying that I because I had finished the jog early I was being let go. Thank you for your blah-blah, however, we have decided to hire a different candidate. Um, yes, I kind of figured that eighteen months later. After every interview, no matter how well it goes, I always assume that I will never hear from the organization again. I feel the same way. When the recession was at its worst and the stock market diving lower by the day (and my 401(k) had become a 201(k)), every afternoons after work I would hear the financial news while driving home and think that I was lucky that I was not hired by the other place. The interview went really well and she told me I'd be a great fit and introduced me to another manager as well as a tour of the office. Keep in mind, however, the rules for reapplying do have some exceptions. You can assume your resume has been kept on file, and if you meet the qualifications, you may be considered. I hate this. Ive seen enough of this to try to brush it offits a reflection on them if they cant get it together and at least update me or send me a form email. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Sep 1, 2020 at 7:46 Lilienthal 60.2k 42 218 252 I had an appointment at that time, so I couldnt make it work, but I responded that I was available anytime on Friday or the next week. It often entails taking a day or half day off work. Job reposted on LinkedIn after interview. I once had someone call me about my resume/application for a job and was VERY interested to talk to me further about it but didnt have time right now (so why did she call? The interview went great. One time I really wanted to reply because the candidate was offered another position but wanted to know what we had decided before taking it, but I could tell them nothing [I checked with my boss and he said absolutely not,] and could only refer them to HR. Thats insane. Apparently I was much faster than they thought I would be and I had finished the four month job in three months. Good luck! And its incredibly rude to applicants. Rarely is there complete consensus. On the flipside, if the position is reposted and you haven't heard anything after two weeks, it's advisable to redouble your job searching efforts elsewhere. Before discounting the entire field and starting the hiring process over, hiring managers to make sure theyve thought of all the candidates to make sure there isnt one who can do the job. He told me this after every interview, because he didnt want me to call if I didnt hear back from him. 1) The post auto-renewed 2) This is an ongoing hiring need so it always runs. Well. But, with no information to go on, I wasnt going to hold out indefinitely when I had a very good offer in hand somewhere else. The hiring manager may not have seen you within the framework of the new job description and may have wanted to start fresh with a new applicant pool since the job description is significantly different. Player version: 4 . assigning women extra work to help them, calling out when youre in the ER, and more. You may feel immediate concern, anger, or frustration (depending on where you are at in the hiring process) if you see this happen but try not to jump to conclusions. But its really, really common, so if you havent heard back for a long time after your interview, its always possible thats happening. A job that gets posted at the beginning of the year, for example, may get reposted later in the year. I dont care if I get no notice about a job where I didnt even get called for an interview. Yes!! The reposting could be the result of any number of things. I did a number of first round interviews, some of which resulted in resulted in second round interviews, and I eventually landed with one of the Big 4. I worked somewhere that sent out a form letter Your qualifications were not a match as the default auto-rejection from the ADP applicant/employee tracking system they used, when they closed out the job requisition. I recently applied for a job at an organization that I am really interested in working for. I dont mind getting the rejection emails or phone calls. People Ghosting is when you have had one or more interviews and then never hear back. At this point, that role wouldve been a step-down career-wise and salary-wise. Its always do as I say not as I do. For instance, a hiring manager may not have the time to schedule interviews right away. This has to be good news for your chances, right? Yep. It wasnt certain, though the interviewer was very cagy about comp, first saying she wasnt allowed to tell me anything about pay but then giving me a (very low) range anyway but then saying she wasnt sure what the final budget would be. I dont think it signifies anything at all about that workplace or its HR department; it just is what it is. but they had a new hiring manager who Id also interviewed with and then I waited more the whole process took about three months, I think? But at the major doubts stage they might make you an offer you cant refuse. Perhaps the person who took the job initially moved on, or it just didnt work out. They reconsider all of their candidates to make sure they dont need to interview anyone else or hire one of the interviewees. He said they would get back to me within a week. I applied, heard nothing, but since they publically post hires I know they didnt hire anyone either. All attempts to contact the recruiter, HR, or any other contacts sent by the recruiter resulted in silence. I couldnt have nepotismed any harder if I tried. candidates will have been chosen by more functional organizations? At first I was really intrigued by the opportunity, aced the interview, and got a verbal offer the next day. It was a good thing I was one of the lucky ones in 2020 NOT to lose my job (and yes, I am still employed there). Yes, I understood why they used the term ghosted, but there are people using it to describe being contacted one or two months later. The experience I described took place in 1983. All your decisions are rethought. ). I would really like to hear some HR people here justify this practice! Most of the publishing houses in the city were still asking for hard-copy resumes and sending formal rejections, like the old college application process, so *any* kind of positive response, let alone from an email, was like manna from heaven at that point. As an excuse to make it look as if they can't fill demand locally. No matter what the correct interpretation of the re-posted job may be, don't stop looking! My great jobs have come more easily. Its not hard to send an email. Id never had anything like this happen before, so to have two experiences in such quick succession was a little galling. In case you might not have guessed, this is a fed agency.but Im guessing a lot of larger organizations have a similar structure that make this more difficult than it needs to be for candidates. Different people will see the post, and thats exactly what the hiring manager needs. Dont make promises you cant keep. I got ghosted when not going through a recruiter 100% of the time. I got a great one recently when I applied for a job and learned during the interview that it was likely to require a 55% pay cut. 5 or 6 years later, after making manager, I had a recruiter from that company actively try to poach me. Hiring managers should keep you posted on delays, but they don't always follow through. I receive a Linkedin message from the would-be manager saying he saw I was currently employed but was I still interested in the job because they opened up another position. Why does an employer get Job reposted after the interview? I dont take it personally, and I dont think it means Ive dodged a bullet when an interviewer fails to call me back. Which is much more aggravating and extremely rare from the applicants side. I once had two interviews for a position at a local hospital. A nursing job interview is challenging whether you are a new nurse or have a long nursing career. If the new posting has a significantly different job description, it could be worth reapplying, especially if you fit better with the new job description than with the old one. Someone above says shes seen it from both sides because her company would post jobs and then never interview for them no one is being ghosted there because no one had contact with the company for the express purpose of getting hired and then had all communication cease. On the FIFTEENTH of that month (two months later, if were keeping track) I got a phone call saying they had approval to hire me. When you reapply, make sure you outline your efforts to become a stronger candidate. Youre polite about it this isnt the first offer actually dont think it means Ive dodged a bullet when interviewer! Ive dodged a bullet, although I might be less enthusiastic to apply in! Of applicants to look like would get back to me reposting could be company Culture in an interview the... 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