She also asked if I had even been to St.Louis which I responded that yes I have and that Ive actually self-toured the school to which she was surprised/happy about. People really have nothing to worry about here just be yourself. This might be because it was with the director of admissions or maybe because my friends did their interviews a few years ago Duke uses a service called InitialView to interview prospective international students. How did you like your time at [undergraduate university]? What would interest you about corporate law? What can you bring to Columbia Law School? How would you cheer up a classmate who was visibly upset in class one day? Georgetown Law receives the most JD applications of any law school. Got the email today from Georgetown saying that I'm on the preferred waitlist. Whats a potential downside of your application? How did you end up choosing your major/minor combination? Why did you choose your undergraduate institution? How long did you live in New York and what do you think is the difference between the city that you live in and the city of New York? They dont expect you to knock every question out of the park. Can you tell me about a success youve had? Make sure you show up early for in-person interviews. You can attend those as well. When spots open up, admissions officers look. since you already have an education background in law and are qualified to practice law in China? How will you deal with not being in top ten percent of class? Roughly half the schools in the T20 do interviews. (During this scenario, the Dean asked us to rate the seriousness of the issue as a whole group on a scale of 1-10. He explained that his process is to read through apps once (I'm assuming the committee distills out some of the worst ones, but he said nothing about that), interview those he is interested in, and then read the apps again before making a final decision. Did you research the city? She had a high GPA/LSAT, and shed won awards for her writing before. What skills from your professional life would serve you best in law school? Questions for me? The status has never changed until now. I think the "preferred" preferred list mentions that your name has been placed within a special group on the preferred waiting list. Tell me about a difficult time at work and how you handled it, Name a mistake and how you would do things differently if given another chance. The test is an integral part of the law school admission process in the United States. (I was a bit unprepared for this one but I think it went okay!). georgetown-university, waitlist. Name a book that changed your view on a social issue. Is there anything you want us to know about you? When teammates are not agreeing, what do you do to facilitate understanding? The early deposits were spurred by a clause in Notre Dame's acceptances that closed their deposits on the earlier of (i) all seats taken or (ii . ), Second Scenario: An Oxford masters student, who had already been accepted to Georgetown Law, told Georgetown that he withdrew from his masters program. What do you think you want to do after law school? And we were usually wrong! Suppose someone gets injured playing Pokemon Go. What is the one accomplishment youre most proud of?What contemporary news issue are you following? At the end, they asked me why Columbia but that was the only general question.. what would you do in law school, both inside and outside of the classroom? How will you handle not being in the top of your class? Describe a time where you were in an adversarial position. (They fell into a ditch while looking at their phone or something). What is an achievement you're particularly proud of, personally, professionally, or academically? Discuss a challenge and how you overcame it. He asked us to rate this issue in her app from "no problem" > "minor" > "major" > "automatically disqualifying" and explain why. How is [my undergraduate university] and why I chose to go there, How would the people that know you describe you in one word. I feel this entire cycle has been whack because my numbers should have been good enough, and I . Some pretext about the environment and sustainability, and so how do you practice sustainability in your daily life? Have you had a mentor throughout your life? Why Law? If you are interested in interviewing applicants to Georgetown Law, please click here to sign up or email us at What's possible from those invited to interview are applicants the Admissions Committee wishes to know more about before making a decision. What factors are the most important for you in choosing a law school? Georgetown does a group interview. Then that would have been fine. What I'm looking for in a law school, and, What about my resume (elaborating on my two jobs after graduating from college, How did you get to michigan; why michigan, What something you changed your mind about -therapy, Tell me about the law firm and how you got the job. You have unlimited prep time, but three takes at recording your response. 10 years from now? Dean Cornblatt said that didnt happen with this guy, though usually any tiny mistake in the application is followed by a frantic apologetic fixing email. Georgetown Law is one of the most prestigious law schools in the United States, and as such, the interview process is highly competitive. Your co-worker, who is integral to the team, is not having a good day or getting work done. When determining a strategy as a waitlisted applicant, it's important first to keep in mind why you were waitlisted: the law school is hedging its bets in two ways. Who is my best friend, and how would they pitch me to the admissions committee? Why did you choose to go your undergrad institution? - He explained that he's doing 3-4 of these interviews a day for months (pretty intense!! What would you contribute to the UVA community? I got a unique question that was along the lines of recall a time where you received new information and used it to make a different decision than you had originally intended on making. She mentioned in the beginning that although the admissions team had read my application in its entirety, she had only read my resume (so more context was needed for some questions)). Whats your backup plan if you dont go to law school? What is the one thing you want us to know about you? The experience that has most prepared me for law school, One word that family and friends would use to describe me (I picked curious), What have I changed my mind on in the past. If you had to defer for a year, and resume building was not an issue, what is something you would like to do during this time? Otherwise, do what you can to clear bandwidth: dont download anything big beforehand; consider moving closer to your router. One tip for this one is don't afraid to be bold--Dean Andy asks you to rank a couple of situations from 1-10 in terms of ability to look past/forgive the error and admit the applicant. He appreciates collaboration, so be sure to speak about the conclusions your group came to, not necessarily the ones that you individually came to. The Admissions Officer that interviewed me was super friendly and the interview overall was pretty informal. What charitable organization would you donate to and why? Just be yourself, be honest and you'll do great. Student As video interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Bs video interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Cs in-person interview with Northwestern (2018/2019 cycle), Student Ds alumni interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Es alumni interview (2018/2019 cycle). Basic All-Purpose Interview Advice You must be prepared to talk about the following: your rsum and experience your interest in law in general your interest in their law school in particular You should probably be prepared to talk about these: an academic or professional accomplishment a mistake, failure, or weakness a time you worked on a team Talk about a time when you analyzed data and came up with a recommendation? Each response can be no more than one minute long. Why did you choose [undergraduate university]? How did you motivate them? How would you describe yourself in one sentence? Overall length of interview was 28 minutes. The dean asked if this should be minor, major, or game over. What do you think of the Burka ban in France? What do you hope to get out of law school? Think of a situation where someone else just did not get how you were feeling. Scenario 2: A top applicant has already been admitted to Georgetown and paid to secure his seat. Note: Interviewer said Northwestern gave them a list of questions on the online platform, but currently they were unable to access. If you were a member of the YLS Admission Committee, what would you see as your biggest weakness? What type of law would you like to practice and where would you like to start your career? I think it moved up from fourth in that regard. Left time for questions; admitted me at the end of the interview. I was also asked about what I specifically did under some of my positions in clubs. It was a Skype interview but the connection was terrible so the interview ended up being over the phone instead. Tell me about a time when you were criticized unfairly. or maybe it was just an assignment Im not sure, but it was definitely a first draft). What is a book that changed your perspective on something? We did not get through all of the scenarios. Several listeners write in with some questions about being waitlisted. General questions about my international travels (it was clear he had read my essays in advance). What are you looking for in potential classmates? You are able to do practice questions on the platform. Talk about the experiences you had after college. Give an example of an experience of turning hostility toward friendship. What kind of student would you be at Harvard? To prepare, you might think about what qualities would be important to you if you were admitting students (passion? If you could eradicate one social issue, what would it be? If you could go back to any time in your life and tell yourself something, what would it be? Choose a policy position from a past presidential campaign. Last year, it consisted of four verbal-response questions (with thirty seconds of prep time followed by one minute of response time) and two written-response questions (with fifteen minutes of response time). I think my answer hit the nail on the head because I talked about specific clinics that WashU offers that I would be interested in and the interviewer responded very positively to it. The scenarios were the same: a plagiarism and 1-year suspension, withdrawal from Oxford before a hearing, and a sloppy PS. How would you advise the president on this topic? The scholarship committee member was very sweet and genuine, and I really feel that shes in my corner. Are there any opportunities or programs at WashULaw you are interested in and did not cover in your Why X statement? How do you define failure and how do you deal with it? What prompted that interest? Student A (Distinguished Scholars Interview), Student B (Distinguished Scholars Interview). [Interviewer also asked a lot of questions based on Student As resume]. What are you planning to do in your upcoming semester of undergrad? He explained that rescinding an offer is a BIG deal, and that the standard for doing so is much higher than denying an applicant. The last application issue discussed an otherwise glowing application that unfortunately had a series of spelling and grammatical issues in the personal statement as well as a reference to a different law school. One change you would make looking back over your life. What do you plan to draw on from your previous background? What is the best example of your leadership? What is a trait that you need to improve / change in order to be able to change the world? Describe a situation in which other would say you exhibited a level of maturity beyond your years. What to do if an integral team member is having a bad day? What's the best piece of advice you've received? The Dean said that while it would have been harder to make a decision, he would still rescind because the kid's message did not provide a detailed account of what had happened, and still required the ad com to ask follow-up questions -- and this did not change the material facts of what had happened, which were pretty bad. What is a characteristic or personality trait that you want to work on in the coming years? Others, like Harvard, Chicago, and Columbia, offer interviews by invitation only. What can you bring to the Wash U Law Community? Name a time that you were not happy with your performance. You should send your interviewer a short, polite thank you note. For the questions that were asked by Washington University that weren't resume-specific during my interview: 20mins, including time built in for your questions. Any hobby that you picked up during the pandemic? What would you add to the Northwestern community? What is the benefit of the academic quarter system? Discuss a challenge or how you dealt with critical feedback. Her next two questions were Duke-specific: are there specific offerings such as student orgs and clinics Im interested in, and what makes Duke law a good fit for me. What is the one thing you want the Admissions Committee to know about you? Tell us more about your academic background. See alsoWhat Questions Should You Ask a Law School Admissions Officer? My answers were quite brief. From friends, I had heard that the tone of their interviews at UVA was pretty conversational, whereas I felt like it was pretty formal (though very friendly) in my experience. Tell me about your journey from choosing your undergrad degree to your decision to apply to law school. Anything else you would like to know from me about Columbia and NYC? Columbia basically asked me about things specific to my application. Is there anything youd like to add that isnt already in your PS? Dean Blazer mentioned my DS, and asked me if I had ever been to Cuba. The school wanted to have a hearing, but he withdraws from the program so that he can keep his record clean of misconduct. My interviewer did not take out the prepared list of questions until the very end of the interview. You can schedule an interview online only after WUSTL invites you. How would family and friends describe me? That said the questions he asked are numbered in order here in this email. (Her current undergrad school). Upon several attempts by the Dean to get more information in calls with him, the admitted student beats around the bush and says he would "rather not get into it." Student A: International students should prepare to answer why they would like to go to law school in the U.S., not in their own countries. The interview was pretty much how the other student from the 2020-1 cycle described it! If you were a fly on the wall, what are some things that you imagine the committee would say about your application? Do you consider yourself an optimist, pessimist, or realist? I'm KJD and I'm betting that's why there are a bunch of UG-related questions. They don't want to field unnecessary and uninvited check-in phone calls. If you worked at YLS admissions, what would you describe as your biggest strength? Describe a time when you had a difficult conversation and what did you do about it. What kind of student do you think you were in university and graduate school? Some will require a video response; some will require a written response. What is a mentality you have as a result of the military? Name a time you failed and how you handled it (something like this), What is something you hope to improve on in the next 5 years, What is a skill you have that will be helpful in law school (something along these lines), What do you want admissions to know about you, Experience working with teammate with different style as you, When you failed an important goal, what did you learn. Name a time when you were incorrectly blamed for something, and what did you do about it? Theres no excuse for being late. Dont try to memorize linesyoull only sound stilted. (And defend those answers.). Preferred Waitlist at Georgetown? When asked why, he admitted he had failed to include citations in his dissertation, and that there was going to be a disciplinary hearing about it, but now that hes withdrawing there would be no hearing and no effect on his record. legal experience? How would a law degree help you reach your goals? Georgetown waitlist Class of 2025. What is the specific clinic you are interested in and why? What do you plan to do in your deferral years? Re: Georgetown Law School c/o 2020 WAITLIST. Georgetown University Law Center is a private division of Georgetown University, a Roman Catholic institution with the second-largest student population of all law schools in the US. Student C What is something that you have done for the first time recently? Schools are swamped. Are you someone who solves complicated problems using easy solutions or do you solve easy problems using complicated solutions? If you would have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them? General thoughts: The Dean appreciated decisiveness; he did not like it when interviewees were in between little impact and big impact. He cares a lot about integrity, so I would be sure to highlight that in your answers. Here are the questions she asked me: She asked more questions than I expectedI am not sure if it was a bad sign. What experience prepared you most for law school, and a characteristic that would describe you. After the discussion, he offers closing remarks and brings up why he does these interviews, which I think might be helpful information to know, since I was certainly curious about this - after all, hes not really looking for a right/wrong answer, and this interview doesnt ask any traditional questions. Your co-worker, whose work is integral to the team, is having a bad day, how will you help them to feel better. Describe a time when you struggled academically and how you responded to that challenge. Name a time you had to solve a complex problem on your own. Ultimately he explained that he saw it as a major issue, and denied her admission because there was a clear disconnect between how she framed the issue and the severity of the punishment. Note: They allowed 30 seconds for prep, 90 seconds to record your answer, and you could not "re do" an answer if you felt like you tripped over your words. ), is this a good sign or sort of random/neutral? He said we should expect an answer in 2-4 weeks, and provided his email for any questions. What is something you want the admissions committee to know? It shows a huge disinterest in Georgetown, so hes not about to waste an acceptance on someone whos not serious. Student C (an hour long, group of 6, with dean of admissions): Everything currently on 7sage is spot on, pretending to be admissions committee with the same scenarios, I think for question 6, one shouldnt say intelligent or smart.. What job do you want to have straight out of law school? I see that you took the LSAT many times. Think of a time where you had to overcome bias. He said it was about 70% numbers for the first review of an application, then moves to about 50%, resulting in an overall 65/35 split between stats and everything else. After all, we arent a real admissions committee. How do you approach conversations with people with whom you disagree? Remaining questions focused on my experience as an immigrant and first-generation student a lot. Talk about a time you had to deliver difficult news and how went about doing it. What is your favorite book or movie and why. We did them one by one. If you were a fly on the wall, what do you think the admissions committee would say are the pros and cons of your application? Finally, the Dean asked us to describe in one word an adjective for successful applicants. What is the one thing you most want the admissions committee to know about you? If possible, plug into your modem for online interviews. [This is a clever way of saying What are your strengths and weaknesses?]. ), so he's definitely talking to a whole lot more applicants than will ultimately be admitted (he said he is probably going to meet this way with about 3000 students, and the entering class is 560). Think of a time you had to overcome bias? I stated I would give it a 5 with an asterisk, and I stated that a few spelling mistakes are inevitable for all applicants, however the reference to a different law school was more egregious and showed carelessness. How many hours per week do you spend on social media? What would you do to be a part of the Charlottesville community? I'd be interested in at HLS. When have you dealt with a frustrating situation and how did you overcome it? He wrapped up the interview by asking us to give one word that describes an ideal candidate. Have you ever been to Durham? Tell me about a time you had to ask for help. We were given a packet of 4 scenarios but we only got through the first 3. I had my interview with WUSTL last Friday and I wanted to tell you about my experience! [Asked about current job/rsum-related question], [Discussed Chicago/NW experiences the interviewer had as an alum], [Also time given for questions from the student], Talk about a time when you pursued a goal but then had to pivot to something else, Talk about a stressful situation and how you handled it. You must be prepared to talk about the following: You should probably be prepared to talk about these: A Word about Preparing and Being Unprepared. Its okay to give yourself time to think by saying something like, Wow! It was a group of 7 applicants, with Dean Cornblatt himself conducting the "interview." Its super relaxed and conversational. Posted 11:23:50 PM. Instructions: He handed out a packet with scenarios written out, and he told you to keep it face down until he finished his instructions. how does your master's work inform your decision to study law? When did you seriously begin considering law school, what were your first steps? What did you do to resolve it? For Fall 2020 admission, we received almost 10,000 applications. What is the biggest challenge that youve faced so far? He essentially dropped out to avoid disciplinary in fracture. There was time for around 2 questions. It was different from other interviews I've had so it certainly threw me off at the start! How has Covid-19 affected your life over the past year? What are you looking for in a law school experience? He asked for a one word answer to: "If you had to pick the single most important quality to look for in an application, what would it be?" Law school goes by quickly. The student was an ED applicant. We had maybe 12 people in the room and split into 3 groups of 4. Sometimes its a great sign, and a prelude to an offer, but its just as often a chance for the interviewer to ask you genuine questions before they make a decision. It was very informal. All three scenarios involved students with great stats. How has your personal, educational, or professional background contributed to your interest in studying law? (The Dean said that this was game over because the student would not give him a lot of information, and he felt that he lacked integrity.). Dean Cornblatt is very personable. He said it was to get to know us just a tiny bit better than he did an hour ago, and that he manages to achieve that goal, and with so many applicants, thats really the best he can do. What would you want to do with you law degree? Dean Cornblatt typically breaks the interviewees into groups and asks them questions about hypothetical law school applications. What would you do if have a gap year before law school? Why did you pursue your current position (recruiter)--explained that I initially joined and why I left/what I am doing now, Asked about the research project I was working on (the one I had written about in the significant pieces of writing/flowed in from the previous question), What was the impetus for me to go into/be interested in criminal law (seemed like a slight variation for why law), What my favorite habit was from the 7 habits of highly effective people (she also read the book as well), Talk about an experience through which you brought people together. He seemed much more interested in discussing the university, my intentions and answering questions I had. 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