Feudalism began to decline in the eleventh century with the rise of capitalism, an economy based on investing money and earning profits from business ventures. Edward died in 1553 at the age of sixteen, probably from pneumonia (a disease of the lungs) and possibly tuberculosis (a bacterial infection of the lungs). He was instructed in religion by Richard Cox (c. 15001592), later the bishop of Ely. Many people supported Mary's restoration of the Catholic faith, believing that Edward's reign had gone too far in abolishing cherished ceremonies and beliefs. Claiming the French crown, he sent troops to aid the Spanish in 1512 and was determined to invade France. In the early 1400s the Renaissance was spreading across Europe. In 1630 the Netherlands seized some coastal towns in northern Brazil. But Essex botched the job miserably. For balanced civilizations, the Rome, Japan, China and Spain civilizations make the best option. Previously, Henry had opposed Luther and was rewarded by the pope with the title "Defender of the Faith." He had not secured all of the anchors, so some ships drifted in the water and left an opening for a squadron of English fire ships to move in and set the Armada ablaze. Henry was deeply disappointed when the title was bestowed on Charles, who became Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, in 1519. Genoa fell to his naval forces, led by admiral Andrea Doria (14661560). Soon he had many enthusiastic followers called Lutherans, who joined him in initiating the Protestant Reformation. Ferdinand became king of Aragon when his father, King John II (13971479; ruled 145879), died in 1479. France (Franks) The territory which today forms France had its earliest periods of human habitation in various Early Cultures.The modern nation state emerged from what had been the Celtic territory known to the Romans as as Gaul or Gallia. The meme disagrees with this statement and uses Israel as an example. Not even his genius, however, could win for Henry the crown of the Holy Roman Empire. Yet there was a darker side to the gallant French king. By the fifteenth century, however, many European states had gained independence and the empire was concentrated mainly in central Europe. The Italian Wars began in 1494, when Charles was asked by the Sforzas, the family that ruled the city-state of Milan, to join them and Swiss mercenaries in seizing Florence from the Medici family (see "Milan" in Chapter 2). In 1553 she restored the Latin Mass and the following year she recognized the jurisdiction of the pope in England. In 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella became leaders in the European Despite the objections of councilors like Thomas Howard II (14731554), the earl of Surrey, Henry went ahead with the invasion. Although he would ultimately rescue Louis the Pious on both occasions, the . Court masques (plays in which actors wear masks), some of them written by the dramatist Ben Jonson (15721637), were based on classical myths. First, he wanted to distribute taxes throughout the country and, second, he wanted to abolish privileges given to certain provinces. . Tons of silver from the mines of Potosi as well as Mexican and Peruvian gold and gems were streaming into Spanish ports aboard giant galleons (the large, heavy ships used by Spain). Ivan the Terrible. The German artist Hans Holbein was Henry's court painter, and the English scholar Thomas Elyot was one of his secretaries. Questions 1 - 5 are on a 15 second timer, questions 6 - 10 are. He marched his army through Mexico in 1519 to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitln (modern-day Mexico City). the emperor's wishes. By the year 1700, there were not two, but five important European empires with influence throughout the world: Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands. He enjoyed delivering lectures on history and politics. Although he lived in exile, he was considered the king. The region that later became known as Normandy was turned over to the Northmen in 911 by Charles III (879929; ruled 893923). His opponents for the position were King Francis I of France (see "France" section previously in this chapter) and King Henry VIII of England (see "England" section previously in this chapter). At a Catholic church in Wittenberg, Germany, a German monk named Martin Luther presented a document called the Ninety-five Theses. The second war of German unification was the 1866 Austro-Prussian War, which settled the question of "smaller" versus "greater" Germany. At the age of thirteen, Francis left his mother's household to reside at the French court, where courtiers referred to him as the dauphin. "Converted" Muslims who still practiced Islam were called Moriscos. James was married to Anne of Denmark. Thus, Olivares's usefulness had come to an end. Many Spanish ships broke up on the west coast of Ireland, and only half of the Armada eventually returned to Spain. For this reason the conflict is known as the War of the Roses. The treaty required France's King Charles VI (13681422; ruled 13801422), an Orlanist, to give his daughter, Catherine of Valois (14011437), in marriage to Henry. Under feudalism there were few cities, and most communities consisted of small towns and rural areas clustered around castles, which served as centers of government and social life (see "Castle as center of community" in Chapter 1). Nearly three months after the battle, Geoffrey Felton, secretary for Ireland, went walking on the coast of Sligo Bay. In 1585 she openly supported the Dutch rebels. Like her mother, Catherine of Aragon, Mary was pro-Spanish and Catholic. He gained his release in March 1526 by agreeing to relinquish all claims to Italy and by giving up the duchies of Burgundy, Flanders (now part of Belgium, France, and the Netherlands), and Artois (a region in northern France). Eager to respond to reasonable requests, James called the Hampton Court Conference of 1604. The feudal system had been used in France by the Normans from the time they first settled there in about 900AD. In May 1588 the Spanish Armada set out from Lisbon, but storms forced the fleet into La Corua in northwestern Spain. Nationality: France. In 1356 French forces were defeated at Poitiers. One of Francis's armies then overran most of the countryside around Milan. Cabot's exploration of Newfoundland, in 1497, yielded sparse information about the new continent's northern-most regions. Introduction. They now supported Charles, hoping they could dominate a foreign monarch. Nevertheless, Henry managed to recruit many able sea captains to go on his venture. Charles felt he now had the right to move into Naples. 30 seconds. According to the map, Italy in the early 19th century was. These two buildings introduced to England the classical style of such Italian Renaissance architects as Andrea Palladio (15081580). In 1530 Clement VII officially crowned Charles V as Holy Roman Emperor. He improperly anchored the fleet, thus leaving an opening for a squadron of English fire ships to set the Armada ablaze. The plot failed, however, and Essex was arrested. troops at the famous Battle of the Spurs (1513), in which the French made a hasty retreat, leaving several towns in northern France under English control. In an effort to prevent this outcome, Ferdinand brought Charles's younger brother, Ferdinand, from Flanders to Spain. After the French invasion of Italy in 1494, Ferdinand was able to intervene in the affairs of Naples and Milan. Under terms of the peace agreement, the Treaty of Brtigny (1360), the kingdom of France was divided and the southwest region was formally given to the king of England. He had the boy trained in Spanish customs and politics and even made out a will naming the young Ferdinand as his heir. Charles denounced Luther as a heretic who could never be returned to the church. Statutes (laws) passed by the Reformation Parliament in 1533 and 1534 named the king Supreme Head of the Church and cut all ties with the papacy. Marquette's accidental voyage convinced the French that the Mississippi flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, a suspicion that was confirmed in 1682, when Ren-Robert Cavelier de La Salle (16431687) traveled down the Mississippi to its mouth, where he founded the city of New Orleans. Charles's advisers bribed the German princes who served as electors, however, and in 1519 Charles took office as Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. As both the king of Spain and head of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles was now the most powerful ruler in Europe. She was sold to the English, who then turned her over to the Inquisition, an official church court appointed to punish heretics (those who violate church laws), at the French city of Rouen. Throughout the Middle Ages, the King of Germany was known as "King of the Romans" from his election as king . The Hundred Years' War was the outcome of disputes between the ruling families of England and France, the Plantagenets (pronounced plan-TAJ-eh-nets) in England and the Capetians (pronounced keh-PEE-shehns) in France. The conflict ended in 1571, when Philip's illegitimate half-brother, John of Austria (15451578), led a Catholic armada against the Turks in the great naval battle of Lepanto (Gulf of Corinth) in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Greece. The Muslim conquest was economically attractive to Jews, since it opened the markets of North Africa as well as of the entire Muslim world as far away as India. Although England was exhausted by the long conflict with France, the Tudor monarchs began a new dynasty after emerging victorious from the War of the Roses, a struggle between two families for the throne of England. The Genoan seafarer Christopher Columbus believed that the western route would actually be shorter. Moctezuma II, the Aztec ruler, gave gifts of gold and silver as peace offerings. Charlemagne's Rise to Power. It was waged by the successors of Francis and Charles. Charles's victory started a rivalry among the three young kings that was to last for the rest of their lives. Henry and Margaret fled to Scotland, where she continued her opposition to the house of York. Mary Tudor (15161558; ruled 155358) took the throne as Queen Mary I in 1553, after Jane Grey's nine-day reign. Becoming the king of Bavaria in 825, Louis the German gradually extended his power over all of Carolingian Germany. Frederick was married to James's daughter Elizabeth. Nevertheless, the emperor was still the most powerful political figure in the Christian world. Joan stood near Charles VII as he was crowned king at Rheims, France, in 1429. Kurds and the Formation of the State of Iraq 1917-1932 M. R. Izady. He expanded his territory by crossing the English Channel (a body of water between France and England) and launching the Norman conquest of England (106670). Once Rome declared victory over the insurgents in Gaul they focused on attacking the Franks. the Kingdom of Prussia was mostly in which modern country Germany. Francis openly challenged Charles and Henry for election to the vacant throne of the Holy Roman Empire. The group Young Italy advocated for. North and South America were later named for Vespucci. Along the route, the Portuguese started trading posts and supply stations, often by fighting off natives who tried to repel the intruders. The Portuguese viceroy placed in charge of Portuguese colonization, Alfonso de Albuquerque battered his way across the Indian Ocean. One of the first to seek the Northwest Passage was John Cabot, an Italian navigator financed by King Henry VII of England. While the Catalan revolt was going on, the Portuguese took advantage of the confusion and declared their independence from Spain. The Catholic sovereigns had specific goals: they wanted to bring the remainder of the Iberian Peninsula under their control, crush opposition groups, centralize the government, and unify the Spanish kingdoms. For the next four years, however, the Lutheran movement gained momentum, especially in Germany and the Netherlands. Sitting on horses in their gleaming armor, the Spaniards looked like gods to the Aztec. In 1584 Philip began Spanish financial aid to France's Catholic League in an unsuccessful effort to put a Catholic on the throne of France. Renaissance thought emphasized pursuit of the arts and sciences, the achievement of personal glory, and commercial expansion. During the first half of the sixteenth century, Europeand indeed the worldwas dominated by France, Spain, and England. Originally, the Hudson Bay, the Hudson River, and the river valley were settled by the Dutch, who controlled entrance to the river at the fortress town of New Amsterdam, on what is now Manhattan Island. power of the great feudal lords. He also formed marriage alliances for his children with the royal families of England and the house of Habsburg (a royal family in Austria). Ten years later, France declared bankruptcy (a lack of funds to pay bills). (See "The Inquisition" in Chapter 1.) The Waldensians were advocates of the views of Peter Waldo (also known as Pierre Valds; d. before 1218), an early French religious reformer who protested against corruption in the Catholic Church. William responded with a document that accused Philip of incest (having sexual relations with family members), adultery (having sexual relations outside marriage), and the murders of both Carlos and Elizabeth of Valois. The Spaniards' worst fears were realized when Charles's political advisers arrived in Spain. Although the fiercest fighting over African colonies would not occur until the eighteenth century, English and French expeditions managed to take control of various slaving stations along the coast of Africa. This left many members of Parliament feeling that they were being ignored. Protestantism now reached its highest point in English history. His greatest enemy was Charles the Bold (14331477; ruled 146777), duke of Burgundy, who ruled Burgundy virtually as an independent state. The soldiers were equally angrynot at the pope but at Charlesbecause they had not received their wages. Catherine de' Medici (1519-1589) was a Machiavellian politician, wife of Henry II of France, and later rege, A royal house whose members ruled many states of Europe, including France, Navarre, Naples, Sicily, and Spain, which still has a Bourbon member as it, John of Austria The other countries of Europe did not accept that all of the non-European world should be divided between Spain and Portugal. In 1585, Alessandro Farnese (15451592), the duke of Parma, surpassed the military skill of even the bloody Alba when he captured the great walled town of Antwerp (a city in present-day Belgium). Long years of fighting Habsburg wars in central Europe had depleted the Spanish treasury, despite gold and silver shipments from the New World. lasted one hundred years. In 1337 Edward claimed the right to the throne through his mother's lineignoring the Salic Lawand named himself king of France. They had a daughter, Mary, but the king wanted a son because he did not believe Mary would be accepted as his and defeating England in the Hundred Years' War. Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). When Richard of York was killed in 1460, his son, Edward (14421483), continued the campaign against the Lancasters. Alba's repression continued unchecked, but by 1573 Philip had seen enough. Encyclopedia.com. Philip was convinced, however, that God had chosen him for a special mission to defend the Catholic faith. Purchasing the works of Italian painters Michelangelo, Raphael, and Titian, Francis also invited some of the finest Italian artists of the day to come to France. The Moors surrendered Toledo to the Christians in 1085. Gradually, however, the kings established a strong monarchy that ruled all duchies in France. In 1536 Henry discovered that Anne had been unfaithful to him and he had her beheaded. In 1492 Queen Isabella, the monarch of Spain, commissioned Columbus to prove he could find the western route. 1 France And Germany Were Both Once Part Of What Kingdom? The Mongolian empire fell apart at the end of the fourteenth century, and the rulers of the Persian and Muslim kingdoms closest to Europe no longer gave outsiders access to their territory. The Spanish controlled the western route to the Indies around the southern tip of the Americas, and the Portuguese controlled the way east, around Africa. Charles received funding for both the trip and the bribe. In 1501 Amerigo Vespucci (14541512) sailed far down the coast of South America. Rise of Kingdoms is a staggeringly huge mobile game. In one year alone, Francis had spent 5.5 million livres (the French unit of currency at that time) on the war. During this time Jews not only produced great works of philosophy, poetry, liturgy (texts for worship services), theology (philosophy of religion), and literature, but they also served as the vital intellectual link between the Muslim Middle East and Christian Europe. France allied with the Protestants and against the Austrians and the Spanish. The Spanish drove the French out of Italy in 1495. Paris remained a stronghold of Catholicism, and on August 23 and 24, 1572, thousands of Protestants were slaughtered in the massacre of Saint Bartholomew's Day. legitimized the. While Charles was securing his empire in Western Europe, his military generalscalled the conquistadorswere winning tremendous lands and wealth in the Americas. Among them were Drake, John Hawkins (15321595), and Martin Frobisher (c. 15351594). Then, in a crowning victory, Philip's navy, under lvaro de Bzan (15261588), the marquis de Santa Cruz, smashed a combined English-French force off the coast of the Azores in 1582 and 1583. By this time pandemonium had broken out in England, and Elizabeth's advisers urged her to prepare for the impending attack. Many Moriscos paid considerable sums of money to Catholic Church officials so they could stay in the country. After a six-month battle, however, Edward's forces killed Neville and proclaimed victory. The Armada was doomed when a powerful storm, which the English called the "Great Protestant Wind," swept through the Channel. Francia. Diverse people lived within the territories. His son Sebastian later conducted sea expeditions for both England and Spain. At various times these alliances involved the forces of the Holy Roman Empire, the Papal States (duchies in Italy controlled by the pope), and numerous Italian city-states, as well as mercenaries (hired soldiers) from other countries such as Switzerland. The cities replaced fiefs as population centers. This victory inaugurated the most brilliant era in Portuguese history. Monarchs (kings and queen with supreme rule) in France, England, and Spain responded to the chaotic situation in Europe by consolidating their power. The other European powers now had land and a certain amount of income from their colonies, but they still did not have what they wanted: the spices, sugar, and precious metals owned by Spain and Portugal. Joanna retired to a castle in Tordesillas, where she mourned her deceased husband until her own death in 1555. The uprising began when Dutch Protestants staged violent riots and smashed statues of Catholic saints. Jews became highly influential in Spain from the tenth through the twelfth centuries, a period that is often called the "Golden Age" of Jewish history. The ones to avoid are the Arabia, Ottoman and Byzantine civilizations. William was a member of the Nassau family, who were based in the Netherlands, and he had acquired Orange through inheritance. Margaret was exiled to France, and Henry lived the rest of his life imprisoned in the Tower of London (a prison for members of the royalty and nobility). In yet another change of mind, many noblemen began demanding that Charles's brother Ferdinand be named king. Although Francis had able military advisers, he failed to score a victory. His excuse was that he was forced to sign the document at a time when he could not think clearly. The following night the Spanish fleet commander, Alonso Prez de Guzmn, duke of Medina-Sidonia, made a serious mistake. It was moderate in tonethat is, it did not reflect drastic changes from the Roman Catholic worship servicesbut a revision issued in 1552 was radically different. into numerous small regions, each controlled by a feudal lord. to hold diverse views about such matters as communion. locations. In 1512, when France went to war with Spain, the king gave the eighteen-year-old Francis command of an army. Assassinated in 1610 by a Catholic fanatic, Henry was followed by his young nine-year-old son Louis XIII (16011643; ruled 161043). In 771, Charlemagne became king of the Franks, a Germanic tribe in present-day Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the . Ferdinand and Isabella were able to centralize most of the government, although Aragon successfully resisted any changes that would increase royal authority. For more than a decade Henry and Catherine were happy together. Below the lords were vassals (knights), who held smaller amounts of land awarded to them by lords. Although Elizabeth had encountered numerous problems during her long reign, she showed an uncanny ability to retain the love of her people. The Spanish king, Ferdinand II of Aragon, had conquered and an nexed the small kingdom of Navarre, situated between France and Spain on the Bay of Biscay (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). Both Somerset and Warwick approved of further reform in the church. Elizabeth was highly educated. LORD SHIVAJI. Egypt, one of the most powerful and stylish civilizations in the world's history joins the fray in Rise of Kingdoms: THE EGYPTIANSPowerful, intelligent, strategic, and undoubtedly sophisticated, well known for their amazing craftsmanship ranging from the great pyramids and statues to innovative weapons and . In James could not prevent Parliament from voting funds for a campaign against Spain. Although Elizabeth had encountered numerous problems during her long reign, she an... 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